
  • 网络Cronbach;KROMBACH;Craombach
  1. 笔者对初始问卷进行了项目分析,采用克隆巴赫(Crombacha)一致性系数评价测验的信度水平并进行内容效度分析,在删减修正的基础上形成正式问卷。

    The study preceded a surveying inspection on the initial questionnaire , using cloning Bach ( Crombacha ) consistency coefficient to evaluate test reliability level and the content validity analysis , and finally forms the formal questionnaire on the basis of deletion and amendment .

  2. 二阶因素分析显示,所有一阶的投入维度均很好地负载到一个二阶因子学业投入上,一阶因子间的克隆巴赫α系数为0.86。

    Second-order factor analysis showed that all first-order dimension of engagement has a good load to a second-order factor " academic engegement " with the reliability was 0.86.2 .

  3. 结果:大学新生强迫症状调查问卷有较好的内在信度和结构效度,总量表的克隆巴赫α系数为0.8541,验证性因素分析表明测量数据与量表结构拟合良好。

    Results : The scale has good reliability and construct validity , the Cronbach α is 0.8541 . Confirmatory factor shows good fit between the data and the construct of scale .