
  • 网络Clone animals;cloning animal;cloned animal;Clonal animal;clone
  1. 广义的人工生命包括转基因动物和克隆动物,因此动物转基因技术和动物的克隆技术是人工生命的技术基础。

    Because generalized artificial life includes transgenic animals and clone animals , transgenic and clone techniques are the technical basic of generalized artificial life .

  2. 简要论述了转基因动物的概念、制作方法及应用领域,回顾了转基因动物技术的发展及现状,分析了转基因动物与克隆动物的区别。

    In this paper , the authors briefly discussed transgenic animals ' concept , ways of production , its application field , and analyzed the differences between transgenic animals and clone animals .

  3. 英国的一个小组率先克隆动物成功。

    A team from the UK were the first to successfully clone an animal .

  4. 目前还没有人知道是否能够利用iPS细胞通过核移植的方法获得克隆动物。

    However , it remains unknown whether iPSCs could be used for generating cloned animals through nuclear transfer method .

  5. 通过对DNA甲基化模式的研究发现,克隆动物中存在着异常的DNA甲基化状态,而这些异常的DNA甲基化模式可能就是导致克隆胚早期死亡以及克隆动物发育畸形的主要原因。

    Through researching the pattern of DNA methylation , we found that there were many abnormal DNA methylation patterns in cloning , which might be the primary reasons for inducing early death of cloned embryos and developmental abnormalities in cloning .

  6. 在本实验中我们成功得到了小鼠iPS细胞作为核供体的克隆动物,并且利用iPS细胞作为核供体通过核移植技术获得克隆小鼠的效率和利用正常ES细胞的效率是相同的。

    Here , we show the successful production of viable cloned mice from inducible iPSCs through nuclear transfer approach in the experiment , and the efficiency is similar to using ESCs derived via normal fertilization .

  7. 山羊胚胎干细胞(ESCs)和胚胎生殖细胞(EGCs)是生产转基因动物、克隆动物,制备乳腺生物反应器等的理想候选细胞,然而至今仍没有成功建系的报道。

    Goat ESCs and embryonic germ cells ( EGCs ), which may be perfect cells for producing transgenic , coloned animal and making bioreactor , Nevertheless , these has not been any successful report in relation to any of the establishment of the serious .

  8. 许多人认为克隆动物是不道德的。

    Many people think that it is wrong to make animals .

  9. 还有什么克隆动物,除了羊,大型的动物,

    And what about animals ? Not sheep . Big animals .

  10. 欧盟暂停克隆动物用于食品生产。

    EU exec proposes ban on animal cloning for food .

  11. 绵羊多利是世界上第一只克隆动物。

    Dolly the sheep was the first cloned animal in the world .

  12. 微卫星技术在体细胞克隆动物研究中的应用

    Application of Microsatellites in the Study of Somatic Cell-Cloned Animals

  13. 克隆动物出现畸形和异常的几率相当高。

    Other cloned animals had been found to have high rates of abnormalities .

  14. 克隆动物研究的四十年

    Studies on Animal Cloning in Forty Years

  15. 为评估从克隆动物身上获取的食物的安全性,该局10月份拟出了两种测试办法。

    In evaluating food from cloned animals , the agency outlined two approaches in October .

  16. 克隆动物的研究进展

    Progress in the research of cloning animals

  17. 转基因克隆动物研究

    Study on Transgenic and Cloned Animals

  18. 威斯苏森克隆动物的经验使他对克隆人的种种说法十分恼火。

    Westhusin 's experience with cloning animals leaves him vexed by all this talk of human cloning .

  19. 第二种更缜密的办法可能包括对克隆动物的肉、奶制品的测试。

    The second and more rigorous approach could involve tests on the meat and milk of clones .

  20. 政府称来自克隆动物的肉类制品和奶制品与来自自然生产的动物的一样安全。

    The government says meat and milk from cloned animals is just as safe as normally bred animals .

  21. 这项技术带来了世界上首只克隆动物——青蛙,进而又出现了首只克隆哺乳动物——绵羊多莉。

    It led to the first cloned animal-a frog-and to the first cloned mammal , Dolly the sheep .

  22. 随着多种克隆动物的相继诞生,人们越来越关注哺乳动物核移植技术的发展。

    With the birth of many kinds of cloned mammals , nuclear transfer technology was focused all over the world .

  23. 你克隆动物和人类,是教会提醒我们思考这样做的道德后果。

    You clone living creatures , but it is the church reminding us to consider the moral implications of our actions .

  24. 与正常受精相比,克隆动物体内线粒体的去向因物种不同而呈现较大差异。

    Compared with the normal fertilization , the fate of mitochondria of the cloned animals showed large differences from different species .

  25. 异常的表观重编程可以导致异常的基因表达,从而引起克隆动物的诸多异常表型。

    Faulty epigenetic reprogramming in cloned embryo leads to irregularities in gene expression that might result in the abnormal phenotypes in cloning .

  26. 现在迫切需要动物研究来测试克隆动物的生命期限,确定它们死亡的原因。

    Research with animals is urgently required to measure the lifespan and determine the cause of death of animals produced by cloning .

  27. 有关克隆动物的健康状况及生命周期仍存在不确定性;绵羊多莉2003年就曾因癌症及关节炎过早死去。

    Uncertainties about the health and life span of cloned animals persist ; Dolly died prematurely in2003 after developing cancer and arthritis .

  28. 此外,由于我们无法搞懂的原因,克隆动物通常会自行流产,或者具有天生缺陷。

    Besides , for reasons that aren 't yet well understood , cloned animals often abort spontaneously or are born with defects ;

  29. 食品药物管理局称,大部分的克隆动物制品都不是来自克隆动物本身,而是来自克隆动物通过性繁殖的后代。

    The FDA says most food from cloning is expected to come not from clones themselves but from their * ually reproduce offspring .

  30. 并发畸形与早产儿显著地影响死亡率。克隆动物出现畸形和异常的几率相当高。

    Associated anomalies and prematurity significantly influence the mortality rate . Other cloned animals had been found to have high rates of abnormalities .