
  1. 结论:1.应用分子生物学方法可以成功地克隆大鼠GAP-43基因并构建以腺相关

    Conclusion 1.Successful construction of the recombinant adeno - associated virus

  2. 鼠CD40配体cDNA克隆及鼠CD40配体基因治疗鼠肝细胞癌的初步研究

    Cloning of Murine CD40 Ligand cDNA and Preliminary Study of Murine CD40 Ligand Gene Therapy of Mouse Hepatocellular Carcinoma

  3. 目的:克隆大鼠肝脏再生增强因子(ALR)cDNA,并对其序列进行分析。

    Objective : To clone the rat augmentor of liver regeneration ( ALR ) cDNA and analyse its structure .

  4. 目的:克隆大鼠GAP-43基因,构建其真核表达载体,并观察其在哺乳动物细胞COS-7中的表达。

    Objective : To clone rat GAP-43 gene and express it in mammalian cells .

  5. 目的:利用分子生物学技术克隆大鼠睫状神经生长因子(CNTF)基因片段,构建腺相关病毒表达载体,为探讨CNTF对大鼠视网膜神经节细胞的影响奠定基础。

    Objective To construct the recombinant adeno-associated virus ( rAAV ) vector of CNTF gene .

  6. 目的克隆大鼠肾胆绿素还原酶(BVR)的cDNA序列后在大肠杆菌中表达、纯化并进行鉴定。

    Objective To clone , express and identify the biliverdin reductase ( BVR ) cDNA in rat kidney .

  7. 目的克隆大鼠CNTF基因并制备地高辛标记的CNTF探针。

    Objective To develop the gene cloning of CNTF from rat brain and label its probe using digoxin .

  8. 目的:从大鼠磨牙胚组织中克隆大鼠磨牙牙根发育相关基因mrp1,构建原核融合表达载体,利用大肠杆菌表达其C端肽。

    AIM : To clone rat molar root patterning gene 1 ( mrp1 ) and construct prokaryotic expression vector . METHODS : The lower molar tissue of rat on the third postnatal day were removed and mRNA was obtained .

  9. 目的克隆大鼠AQP4基因并构建其融合蛋白表达载体,以便载体在体内进行AQP4基因干预。

    Objective To clone AQP4 gene and construct its expression vector in order to study the function of AQP4 in cerebral water metabolism in the rat by genetic intervention .

  10. 目的:克隆大鼠脑组织中神经生长因子基因。

    Objective : To develop the gene cloning of NGF from rat brain .

  11. 用生物信息学方法克隆大鼠核不均一核蛋白A2/B1基因

    Molecular Cloning of Rat Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoproteins A2 / B1 Gene by Bioinformatics Technique

  12. 目的:克隆大鼠神经营养因子4全长基因,构建真核细胞表达质粒。

    AIM : To clone rat neurotrophin-4 ( NT-4 ) total gene and construct expression plasmid for prokaryotic cells .

  13. 目的:分离并克隆大鼠吗啡依赖相关基因。

    Objective : To isolate and clone morphine dependent genes of SD rat . Methods : SD rats were used for the morphine dependent model .

  14. 目的克隆大鼠脊髓原代神经元细胞损伤、修复相关基因,从分子水平探讨中枢神经系统损伤修复的机制。

    Objective To clone injury-regeneration-related genes after primary neurons of spinal cord were injured in rat , and to elucidate the molecular mechanism of injury and regeneration in CNS .

  15. 为了建立胰腺组织特异性Cre转基因小鼠,我们通过PCR克隆了大鼠胰岛素基因启动子,并用它指导Cre基因在胰岛细胞中的特异性表达。

    The rat insulin promoter was cloned target the expression of Cre in pancreatic tissue .

  16. 小鼠endostatin基因的克隆与C6鼠脑胶质瘤的治疗

    Cloning of mouse endostatin gene for treatment of C6 brain glioma in rats

  17. 生物信息学分析表明,来源于人的结肠、肾和胃的几个表达序列标签(EST)克隆和大鼠的这一蛋白质序列匹配。

    Bioinformatics analysis showed that several human EST clones from pooled colon , kidney or stomach matched the rat protein sequence .

  18. 结论:成功地克隆了大鼠IL鄄10基因的全长cDNA,并构建了重组载体pMD鄄18T鄄IL鄄10。

    Conclusions : The full-length cDNA of rat IL-10 gene was successfully cloned and the recombinant vector pMD-18T-IL-10 was constructed .

  19. 乙肝病毒HBx基因克隆及其转基因鼠表达载体构建

    Clone of Hepatitis B Virus HBx and Construction of Mouse Liver-specific Expression Vectors

  20. 利用纯化的GST-Ii融合蛋白作为抗原分别免疫家兔和小鼠制备兔抗鸡Ii多克隆抗体和鼠抗鸡Ii多克隆抗体。

    Using the purified GST-Ii fusion protein as antigen , polyclonal antiserum specific to chicken Ii was raised from rabbits and mice .

  21. 结论:正确地克隆了大鼠GDNF基因全序列,为进一步获得重组活性的GDNF蛋白奠定基础。

    Conclusions : We have cloned the total sequence of rat GDNF correctly and laid the foundation for further obtaining GDNF protein of recombination activity .

  22. 方法:RT-PCR法克隆人和鼠源性RANTES基因和TβRⅡ胞外区编码序列,采用AD-easyXLAdenovirusVectorSystem试剂盒分别构建表达上述基因的腺病毒载体。

    Methods : Cloned the human and mouse origin RANTES gene and soluble extracellular domain of T B RII by RT-PCR method and constructed the adenovirus vector using the AD-easy XL Adenovirus Vector System .

  23. 目的克隆出大鼠结缔组织生长因子(connectivetissuegrowthfactor,CTGF)的部分cDNA序列,并观察在实验性肝纤维化大鼠肝脏中CTGFmRNA的表达改变。

    Objective To clone the partial cDNA sequence of rat connective tissue growth factor ( CTGF ) and investigate the mRNA expression of CTGF and transforming growth factor β _1 ( TGF β _1 ) in rat experimental liver fibrosis .

  24. 用该株免疫小鼠,20d后用141株攻击,可延长平均死亡时间。结论:caf基因的克隆子在鼠伤寒沙门氏菌G30中能够有效表达,且对小鼠显示出保护效果。

    These clones with caf operon could express efficiently in S. typhimurium , The clone immunized mice , the mice challenged with virulent 141 strain after 20 days .

  25. 应用抑制性消减杂交克隆震颤大鼠差异表达基因

    Cloning the Genes Differentially Expressed in Tremor Rat by Suppression Subtractive Hybridization

  26. 佐匹克隆对大鼠杏仁核点燃的作用

    Effects of zopiclone on the amygdala kindling in rats

  27. 结论:正确的克隆了大鼠神经营养因子4基因全序列。

    CONCLUSION : The total sequence of NT-4 has correctly cloned in rats .

  28. 4.4免疫荧光技术鉴定转基因阳性克隆株(鼠抗my。抗体)。

    4.2 Identifying positive cell clones by fluorescence ( anti - myc antibody of mouse ) .

  29. 抗体的研究已有100多年的历史,其制备技术经历了血清多克隆抗体、鼠源单克隆抗体和基因工程抗体三个时期。

    The study of antibody had been carried out more than 100 years ago . The technique of antibody preparation has gone through three periods including polyclonal antibody , monoclonal antibody from mouse and genetic engineering antibody .

  30. 为开展β-防御素基因表达调控分子机制及其转基因防治粘膜感染的研究,作者克隆了大鼠β-防御素rBD-1cDNA。

    This is a study aimed at the molecular mechanisms of β defensins gene expression and it 's gene transfer experiments for preventing mucosal infection . A rat rBD 1 cDNA was cloned . The total RNA was isolated from rat kidney .