
  • 网络tokyo university of agriculture
  1. 日本东京农业大学关于造园学的研究机构

    Landscape Institution of Tokyo Agriculture University , Japan

  2. 最近一些研究表明寿命长短取决于基因差异。2009年,东京农业大学的一项研究发现一种特殊基因只能在男性体内而不能在女性体内激活,这就解释了为什么女性的平均寿命比男性长。

    In recent years several studies have pointed to the fact that life expectancy can largely be dependent upon various genes.In 2009 , a study at the Tokyo University of Agriculture found that a specific gene that was activated in men but not women , which backed up the fact why women on an average have a greater lifespan .