
  • 网络Donghai Bridge;east sea bridge
  1. 土木工程套装软件plane在东海大桥建设中的应用

    Application of CE Packaged Software plane to Construction of Donghai Bridge

  2. GPS与重力测量在东海大桥高程控制测量中的应用

    Application of GPS & Gravity Measurement in DongHai Bridge Altitude Control Surveying

  3. 东海大桥GPS天线阵列变形监测方案设计

    Scheme deformation monitoring using GPS antenna array design of for donghai large bridge

  4. RTKGPS定位技术在东海大桥外海工程中的应用

    RTK GPS Positioning Technique Applied to Offshore Engineering Works in Donghai Bridge

  5. 东海大桥V标辅助墩钢浮箱的计算分析

    Calculation Analysis of Steel Float Coffer for the Construction of Auxiliary Piers in V Section of Donghai Bridge

  6. 根据东海大桥的具体情况,给出两个东海大桥GPS天线阵列变形监测的设计方案。

    Then , according to the specific circumstance , it presents two designs for GPS antenna array deformation monitoring of the using Donghai large bridge .

  7. 东海大桥8×50m顶推箱梁施工技术

    Construction Techniques for 8 × 50 m Incrementally Launched Box Girders of Donghai Bridge

  8. 东海大桥海上60m跨连续梁桥的施工技术

    Construction Technology of Sea 60-m Span Continuous Beam Bridge for Donghai Bridge

  9. 东海大桥PHC试桩垂直动静试验及水平荷载试验

    Vertical Static and Dynamic Load Tests and Horizontal Load Tests for PHC Trial Piles of East China Sea Bridge

  10. 东海大桥70m箱梁预应力施工技术

    Prestressing Technology of 70 m Span Box Girders of East Sea Bridge

  11. 东海大桥非通航孔70m箱梁模板设计与施工

    Design and construction of form for 70m box girder of Donghai Bridge

  12. 结合重力测量,介绍利用GPS技术进行东海大桥跨海工程控制网的布设技术方案。

    With reference to the gravity survey , this paper describes the schemes of control network layout used with global positioning system ( GPS ) technique for Donghai Bridge project over sea .

  13. 东海大桥70m预应力混凝土箱梁模板研制

    Research and Development of Formwork for 70m PC Box Beam of Donghai Bridge

  14. 东海大桥70m预制箱梁蒸汽养护技术

    Steam Curing Techniques for 70-m Span Precast Concrete Box Girders of Donghai Bridge

  15. 针对东海大桥桥面铺装设计要求,对“东海牌”SBS改性沥青掺配湖沥青,配置高性能复合改性沥青。

    Combined with the bridge surfacing design of Donghai Bridge , the paper studied and produced high-powered compound modified asphalt through mixing lake asphalt into SBS modified asphalt .

  16. 东海大桥60m混凝土箱梁整体式液压模板研究与应用

    The Research and Application of the Whole Hydraulic Pressure Template in Sixty-meter Concrete Box Beam of Donghai Bridge

  17. 东海大桥70m跨预制墩身及预制箱梁安装施工测量方法

    Construction Survey Methods for Erection of Precast Concrete Pier Shafts and Box Girders of 70-m Spans of Donghai Bridge

  18. 东海大桥70m非通航孔箱梁采用整体预制、架设技术。

    The 70-m span concrete box girders for the non-navigable spans of Donghai Bridge are precast and erected in integrity .

  19. 东海大桥主跨420m钢-混凝土箱形结合梁斜拉桥新技术

    New Techniques of Steel-Concrete Composite Box Girder of 420-M Cable-Stayed Main Span of East China Sea Bridge

  20. 东海大桥是中国第一座真正意义上的外海跨海大桥,海上60m非通航孔段桥梁采用6跨60m预应力混凝土连续梁的结构形式。

    Donghai Bridge is the first really significant outland-sea crossing-sea bridge in China . 60-m non-navigation span bridge on sea uses the structural type of 6-span 60-m pre-stressed concrete continuous beam .

  21. 文中计算了上海东海大桥100MW海上风电示范项目工程风机基础的承台及8根斜桩上的波浪力。

    The wave loads on the slab and eight inclined piles of the wind power demonstration project near the Donghai Bridge was computed by the method .

  22. 最高设计通航流量为56700m3/s。东海大桥通航孔中、高墩(12-30m)的施工

    The maximum navigable river flow is 56700m3 / s. Construction of Medium and High-Rise Piers ( Height 12-32 m ) of Navigable Spans of Donghai Bridge

  23. 针对东海大桥非通航孔70m跨低墩基础,从设计波浪要素的确定、选取计算方法、波浪物模试验等方面对波浪力进行了研究和验证。

    With reference to the low-lying pier foundations of 70-m spans of Donghai Bridge at the non-navigable channel , the wave forces on the Bridge foundations are studied and verified through designed wave factor determination , calculation method selection and wave physical model tests .

  24. 东海大桥是我国在海上建造的真正意义上的第一座跨海大桥,总长约31.5km,桥面宽度36.5m。

    Donghai Bridge is literally the first over-the-sea bridge ever built offshore in China , the total length of which is 31.5 km and width is 36.5m . Fewer experiences are available in engineering and constructing such bridge in China by now .

  25. 东海大桥预制箱梁海上架设施工

    On Construction over Sea of Prefabricated Box Girder of Donghai Bridge

  26. 介绍了东海大桥的健康监测系统。

    The structure health monitoring system for Donghai Bridge is presented .

  27. 东海大桥钢管桩耐久性研究

    Study on the Durability of Steel Pipe Pile of Donghai Bridge

  28. 东海大桥高性能海工混凝土抗裂性控制技术研究

    Research on Crack Resistance of High Performance Concrete in Donghai Bridge

  29. 东海大桥紧急救援站设置方案研究

    Study of Establishment Scheme of Emergent Rescue Station for Donghai Bridge

  30. 东海大桥箱梁悬臂施工方案

    Cantilevered Construction Scheme for Box Girders of Donghai Sea Crossing Project