- pile shoe;alligator jaw

Influence of Pile Shoe Pulling Out on Fundation of Bucket Foundation Platform
Application and Analysis of PHC Concrete Pipe - Pile Combined with Extra Long Steel Pile Shoe
In this paper , the structural safety of spud tanks and legs of the jack-up platform under the storm environment are studied in consideration of the pile-soil interaction using the ANSYS FEA software .
Experiment and application of the cast-in-site pedestal pile without pile - shoe
The Application of the Temped and Enlarged Pile Without Pile Shoe in Complex Geology Condition
Structural Analysis and Optimization for a Pile-boots Stucture of Constructing Platform in a Crossing sea Bridge
The results show that the pile shoe greatly enhance the structural strength of jack-up platform .
Re sea rch on Pile - boots of Construction Platform of NingBo Across - Sea Bridge
The Main Qualitative Problems and Its Countermeasure of Compacted Expanded Piles Without Shoes in Meizhou District
Analysis of Calculating Method of the Plug - in Depth of Pile - Based Drilling Platform With Shoes
Simulation of influence of biggish pile shoe pulling out on foundation of bucket foundation platform with finite element program
On condition of burial depth is low , the unit suction force is linear correlation with burial depth .
Design and Construction of Tamping and Expanding Piles without Piling Boots Used in the Alluvial Denudation Area of the Gan River
The foundation of a Zhuhai project has been located in granite debris soil region where a big bearing capacity is existing .
Abstract The reason and mechanic mechanism of sliding of jack up unit during re siting and the failure mode of foundation are systematically analyzed .
After drilling , the jackup drilling rig with biggish pile shoes will produce a certain influence on foundation of bucket foundation platform during pile extracting .
Great amount problems appeared in the application of compacted expanded pile without shoes in meizhou county in recent years , its causes are analyzed and countermeasures are proposed .
When the platforms which have pile shoes are pitched and pulled out of the research area , the substratum will be disturbed and damaged , and then shoe pits are formed .
To compare the bearing capacities of the traditional spudcan and the bucket spudcan , the effects oft spudcan types on the rigidity of pile legs and the entire bearing capacity is analyzed in detail .
In order to solve the problem of the extant method used in calculating the plug - in depth of pile , a new method which takes the shape of the pile shoes into account is presented .
It is shown as models tests results that only the negative pore pressure is the decisive factor , yet the influence of adhesive force can be ignored because the stress of soils remains pressure in the process of numerical computation .
The design and construction experience of compacted base-enlarged pile without shoes first time being used in Northeast China are introduced in this paper . According to the result of single pile loading test and two-year operation of structures , it shows that such a technique is applicable .
Using the Det Norske veritas specification ( DNV ) and the American society of naval architects and marine engineers specification ( SNAME ) separately calculate the bearing capacity and penetration depth of pile shoe fundament in three different geological datum , and then analyzing its stability . 3 .
Considering the characteristics of the fiber Bragg grating sensors and the pile legs and boots actual structure , designing the appropriate Fiber Bragg Grating sensors has application in the monitoring program .
It has design the device to connect sensors , and then has completed the sensor placement , installation and positioning . Finally , it has established the pile legs and boots structure monitoring system .
Moreover , the different acreage of pile section and pile shoes is another influence factor .
When external load is imposed on the offshore platform , pile legs will pass the load to the pile shoe , if the load is extreme big , it probably lead to sliding instability of pile shoe , and bring huge economic losses .
Application of Compaction Lime Brick Rubbish Pile by Columnar Impact Rammer for Strengthening Subgrade The Application of Compacted Base-enlarged Pile Without Shoes in Soft Soils in Shenyang Airplane Company
Structural Analysis of Jack-up Platform Spud Tank Based on the Pile-Soil Interaction ; Influence of Sole Weight on Stability of Pile Foundation with Pile-Column Type Higher-Bridge Pier