
  1. C组:在瓷桩上直接堆塑光固化复合树脂核。

    Group C : forming composite resin core onto the post .

  2. 在氧化铝-氧化锆纳米复合渗透陶瓷桩上直接烧结形成纳米复合渗透陶瓷核的结合方式对陶瓷桩的断裂强度无影响(P>0.05)。

    The strength of the post dose not be influenced during the combination of the core with the post by direct sintering . ( P > 0.05 )

  3. 使用“e电车”需按下停车桩上的按钮,然后用手机扫描二维码。

    To use the bikes , one has to press a button at the station and then scan a QR code with a mobile phone .

  4. 扩底桩上拔荷载-位移曲线的Richards模型拟合研究

    Application of Richards model in the fitting of uplift load versus uplift displacement curve of belled pile

  5. 首先,将FBG传感器与电测传感器在抗滑桩上进行标定,得出两者的关系大致为1.143×10-6/nm;

    Firstly , the FBG sensors is calibrated with the common electricity sensors in stabilizing pile , and the relation formula about them is gained , which is about 1.143 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ) / nm .

  6. 文中计算了上海东海大桥100MW海上风电示范项目工程风机基础的承台及8根斜桩上的波浪力。

    The wave loads on the slab and eight inclined piles of the wind power demonstration project near the Donghai Bridge was computed by the method .

  7. 他把马系到桩上,走进屋里去。

    He hung up his horse and walked into the house .

  8. 水文工作者在码头桩上用数字标明水深。

    The hydrologist figured the water depth along a wharf piling .

  9. 群桩上不规则波流力试验研究

    Experimental Investigation of Irregular Wave and Current Loads on Group Piles

  10. 我们把马拴在桩上,走进了客栈。

    I hung up my horse and walked into the inn .

  11. 把马栓在桩上。进来喝一蛊。

    Hang up your horse and come in for a drink .

  12. 厚实的屋基固定在桩上。

    Massive sills were secured on the heads of the piles .

  13. 具有一定间距护坡桩上土压力计算方法研究

    Study on computing method of earth pressure on slope pile with separation

  14. 他们将他绑在火刑桩上,将他烧死。

    They bound him to a stake and burned him to death .

  15. 单桩上拔静载试验循环加卸载方法分析研究

    Analysis of Cycling Load-unloading Method on Uplift Test of Pile

  16. 联合保护在码头钢桩上的应用技术探讨

    Question on Application of combined protection on bars of a pier piling

  17. 逆作法施工中桩上支承柱的调垂技术研究

    Technical Study on Verticality Adjustment for Column on Pile Using Top-Down Construction Method

  18. 内钳必须安装钳尾绳并固定在钳尾桩上。

    The breakout tong should be snubbed , preferably to an anchor post .

  19. 绕在桩上的绳的张力

    The Tension of a Rope Wrapped Around a Stake

  20. 不规则波流作用下斜桩上受力系数的确定方法

    Determination of Force Coefficients of Inclined Cylinder in Irregular Wave and Current Field

  21. 桩基承台角桩上剪切型破坏问题研究

    Investigation on Shear-Type Failure of Pile-Caps at Corners

  22. 许多男男女女都曾经被绞死在那支桩上。

    Many men and women had hung by the neck from that wooden arm .

  23. 建于桩上的房屋(尤指建于湖滨者);这种建筑多见于史前的村落中。

    Built on piles in or near a lake ; specifically in prehistoric villages .

  24. 三层结构防腐层在码头钢管桩上的应用

    The application of three-layer corrosion prevention coating on steel pipe piles in a dock

  25. 低应变动测技术在桂林某桥梁钻孔灌注桩上的应用

    Application of Low Strain Stir Measure Technique on a Bridge Bored Pile of Guilin

  26. 他的小船用链条拴在岸边的一根地桩上。

    His boat was fastened by a chain to a stake in the ground .

  27. 当土拱上作用的滑坡推力有一部分传递到下面的土体上,此时作用于抗滑桩上推力只是滑坡推力没有向下传递的一部分。

    When partly landslide thrust transfer to slope body , anti-slide piles take on partly .

  28. 系缆桩上拖缆绑牢。

    Fasten towing line on towing bitts .

  29. 直立方桩上涌潮压力动态测试及分析研究

    Dynamic measurement and study of the bore pressure on a vertical square cylinder in Qian-tang River

  30. 然后,分析了滑坡作用于预应力锚索抗滑桩上的作用荷载。

    Then the author analyses the load at the prestressed cable anti-slide pile acted by the landslide .