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Finally , by using ANSYS software the response from the wave loading can be analyzed .
Spectral Study on Wave Loadings of random waves with the third Stokes type
The calculate result proves that the ANSYS program is an effective calculation tool for wave load and power analysis .
3-D Computational Method of Wave Loads on FPSO Tankers and Semi-submersible Platforms
The Strength Analysis of Overall Ship under Wave Loads with NASTRAN
3-D Hydro-elastic Analysis Method of Ship Motion and Wave Loads on FPSO Tanker
Mooring System and Wave Forces of Spar Platform
The Influence of Water Depth on Motion Response and Wave Induced Loads of a Large FPSO
Reliability Analysis of Offshore Platform CII under Random Wave Loadings
The wave loading spectrum of the third order Stokes type random waves on circular cylinders is studied on this paper by means of nonlinear spectral analysis .
A very lager FPSO was calculated and the results show that the vibration effect has a different effect on various wave-induced loads .
This dissertation is based on practical consideration , and the widely used time domain Rankine panel method is utilized to solve the motion and wave loads of floating body with forward speed .
Based on the study of numerous relative research materials , I use of Morison Equation to systemically analyze the calculation method of wave force on the offshore wind turbine .
Model tests of S-175 container ship on wave loads and comparisons between experiments and calculations of linear strip theory
The principle of dynamic response analysis is expatiated ; the method of dynamic response calculation is studied ; and the auto-load approach of time-dimension wave load is realized by using the finite element analysis software MSC / Patran and its PCL language . 2 .
The ultimate strength reliability analysis of hull girder was carried out according to the still water bending moment and wave-induced bending moment of an FPSO ( Floating Production , Storage and Offloading unit ) which has no automatic propulsion , under towing condition .
The acquisition of ship motion and wave loading is based on the linear response of ship in harmonic wave and calculated by ship with no speed running beam sea , which is believed the most dangerous loading condition for SWATH ship according to the ship model testing results .
In the present paper , a 3-module model experiment with scale 1100 is described , and the effects of water depth on wave-induced loads response of a very large FPSO are studied . The experimental result shows that the water depth has a substantial effect on wave-induced loads .
The whole experiments to obtain the FPSO motions and sea loads were carried out in the Hydrodynamics Laboratory of University of Glasgow with a 1 / 80 scale model of Schiehallion FPSO in both fully loaded and ballast conditions .
The first order wave load acting on the tanker is calculated using linear diffraction theory based on the 2-D Helmholtz equation , and the near field approach of Pinkster is used to evaluate the second order drift force .
An experimental study on Wave Loadings on a mat of platform
The response of finite thickness sand - bed to wave loading
Nonlinear Method for the Computation of Ship Motions and Wave Loads
Hydroelastic analysis of nonlinear wave - induced loads of ship hull
Fatigue Damage of Ship Structure under the Non-linear Wave Loading
The wave load on the tower is evaluated using Morison equation .
Wave Load and Dynamic Analysis on Truss-type Offshore Structure Considering Fluid-structure Interaction
Study on the Free Surface Effects of Random Wave Forces
The effects of water depth on the ship motions and sea loads
Wave load calculation and structural strength assessment for deepwater semi-submersible