
  • 网络low tide
  1. 其水温空间分布,高潮区最高,中潮区次之,低潮区最低;

    For the spatial distribution of water temperature , it is the highest in the high tide area , the next in the mid tide area and the lowest in the low tide area .

  2. 种类的垂直分布是中潮区大于低潮区大于高潮区,各类群生物在潮间带呈现随机镶嵌分布,无明显的分带现象。

    The vertical distribution has shown that the number of species in middle tide region > low tide region > high tide region . Various groups of living things in intertidal zone present a random mosaic distribution , without any evident zonation .

  3. 垂直变化,H′、J及d值为低潮区>中潮区>高潮区,D值为高潮区>中潮区>低潮区;

    The values of vertical changes of H ′, J and d are the low-tide area > the mid-tide area > the high-tide area , and D is in reverse .

  4. 生物量以中潮区>低潮区>高潮区;

    Both biomass and density were lowest in the high tidal zone .

  5. 在潮间带中低潮区建筑矮小的土堤坝,插杆用网围成100亩对虾养殖池,进行生产性试验,取得了良好的效果。

    The prawn culture in netted pond is conducted on the middle and low tide zone with the net sticked in the low dam .

  6. 除了鸡屿中湖区和低潮区外,其他潮间带海洋线虫与底栖挠足类丰度比率多在16.3以下,表明厦大海边和大屿潮间带未受明显污染。

    The abundance ratio between nematode and benthic copepoda was no more than 16 . 3 near middle and low areas on Jiyu mudflat , which showed that intertidal zones off Xiamen University and Dayu Island were not polluted obviously .

  7. 低潮出现在高潮区以外九十度的地方,因为海水从这些地区流向高潮区。

    Low tides occur at point ninety degrees away because water is flowing away from these areas towards the areas of high tides .