
  1. 当前,低碳减排已经成为国际社会的共同行动纲领,我国也提出了到2020年单位GDP的CO2排放量较2005年的排放量下降40%-45%的减缓目标。

    At present , the carbon emission reduction has been accepted as the common creed by the whole international society . China also established a goal that carbon emission per GDP of 2020 must be decreased by 40 % to 45 % compared with that of 2005 .

  2. 如今,全球性的积极倡导低碳减排,节约资源。

    At present , carbon emission reduction and resources saving are encouraged all over the world .

  3. 在实践活动中,与低碳减排相关的投融资活动,多是利用市场交易机制来分散投资风险、获取投资收益。

    These activities dispersive risk and obtain gains through the market of carbon trading in practice .

  4. 本文主要对保定市交通运输业的碳排放量进行计量,并对其碳排放特征和影响因素进行分析,探索保定市交通运输业的低碳减排路径。

    And characteristics and influencing factors of carbon emission were analyzed to explore the low-carbon emission reduction path .

  5. 镁合金铸件帮助整车轻量化,实现低碳减排目标,保护环境。

    Magnesium castings light weight mass helps reduce automobile weight and achieve lower carbon emission therefore protecting the environment .

  6. 所以缓解温室效应,提倡低碳减排和提高能效,打造低碳城市是武汉市刻不容缓的任务之一。

    So ease the greenhouse effect , carbon emissions and promote energy efficiency . creating a low carbon city is one of the urgent task in Wuhan City .

  7. 有效地引导乡村与社会各界共同承担低碳减排的社会责任,正逐渐成为我国当前热切关注的热点问题。

    The villagers jointly bear the social responsibility of the low-carbon and emission reduction , which is gradually becoming the hot topics in China with all sectors of society .

  8. 第四部分是对环境会计理论的深入运用,主要从模型对电解铝企业低碳减排的贡献和特定企业具体适用该模型两个角度进行了探讨。

    The fourth part is the further application of the theory of environmental accounting , which is mainly illustrated from two aspects namely contribution and specific application to the carbon reduction of electrolytic aluminum enterprise .

  9. 与其它主要排放行业相比,建筑行业是最具潜力削减温室气体排放的行业,建筑行业实施低碳减排,推广低碳建筑的建设,也已经成为国内外共同的努力方向。

    Compared with other major emitting sectors , the construction industry is the most potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions , construction industry to implement carbon emission reduction and promotion of low carbon building construction , home and abroad , has become a common direction .

  10. 两国都应该以身作则它们或已宣布单边低成本碳减排政策,或正在讨论之中:美国的“限量及交易”(cap-and-trade)法案和中国的降低碳排放强度举措。

    Both countries should lead by example , with unilateral low-cost carbon-abatement policies already announced or under consideration : cap and trade in the US , measures to reduce carbon intensity in China .

  11. 气候变化哥本哈根大会后,低碳、减排引起了世界人民的关注。

    After the Copenhagen climate conference ," low-carbon , emission reduction " had attracted world attention .

  12. 在2009年12月的哥本哈根气候会议上,我国做出了低碳、减排的庄严承诺。

    In the Copenhagen climate conference December 2009 , China has made the solemn commitment to the low carbon and emission reduction .

  13. 随着全球气候的不断升温,发展低碳经济以及减排以二氧化碳为代表的温室气体越来越受到国际社会的重视。

    The international community has paid more attention to reduce greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and develop low carbon economy as climate warming .

  14. 其中第一条路径是解决发电行业低碳、节能减排的根本,因此对此路径做了重点研究。

    The first path was mainly analyzed because it is the fundation to solve the problem of the lower carbon , energy conservation and emission reduction development of the power generation industry .

  15. 不利条件有:缺乏品牌意识;缺乏有效的品牌战略和核心竞争力;国内原材料和能源价格上涨;国家低碳和节能减排政策的实施。

    The weak points include the lack of brand awareness , effective branding strategy and core competence , rising prices of the domestic raw materials and energy , low-carbon economic pressure on national energy emission reduction policies .

  16. 众所周知,随着社会经济的发展,人们对能源的消耗、对环境的污染问题日益凸显,绿色、低碳、节能减排越来越受到人们的关注。

    With the development of the society and the economy , the problem of energy consumption and pollution of the environment has become increasingly prominent . So green , low-carbon and energy saving have attracted more and more attention from people .

  17. 可是低碳经济中有关减排责任分担的争论阻碍了国际合作的推进。

    But the debate about emission-sharing obstructs the international cooperation .

  18. 碳排放交易制度为人类提供了一种低成本高效率的碳减排促进机制,因而在世界范围内兴起。

    Carbon emission trading system has succeeded in helping mankind to promote carbon reduction with providing a cost-effective mechanism , and thus has been implemented all over the word .

  19. 在此形势下,低碳经济、节能减排等词汇油然而生,国家也越来越重视对环境的保护,对此方面的研究也越来越多。

    This situation results in a low-carbon economy , energy conservation and other words . The country is also increasing emphasis on the protection of the environment , more and more research on this aspect .

  20. 近年来,全球气候变暖引发的环境问题日趋严重,发展低碳经济、节能减排已成为全球共识。

    In recent years , the environmental problems caused by global climate warming catch the attention of the world , the development of Low Carbon Economy , energy saving and emission reduction has become a global consensus .

  21. 污水源热泵作为一种利用可再生能源的建筑节能应用技术,在大力倡导低碳经济、节能减排的今天,愈来愈受到人们的关注。

    Today , with vigorous advocacy of " Low Carbon Economy ", " Energy Saving and Emission Reduction ", the sewage-source heat pump , a construction energy conservation application technology of utilizing renewable energy resources , is becoming more and more concern .

  22. 东北必须敢于面对压力和挑战,努力实现低碳生产和低碳消费,节能减排,让东北振兴在低碳高增长中再现辉煌。

    The northeast should dare to face the challenge and pressure , endeavor to accomplish low-carbon Consumption and Production , Energy Conservation and carbon emission reduction , and make the northeast become resplendence again by high growth and low-carbon .

  23. 在发展低碳经济的道路上,建筑的节能和低碳注定成为节能减排工作的重中之重。

    In the development of low carbon economy , the construction of " energy saving " and " low carbon " destined to become the top priority of energy saving work .

  24. 本文以机械制造企业为研究对象,分析了机械制造企业低碳生产的现状,总结了机械制造企业能源消耗量大,低碳减排潜力大等特点。

    This paper based on the machinery manufacturing as the research object and analyzed its current situation of low-carbon production . Then , it was found that the energy consumption of machinery manufacturing enterprises and the potential in reducing carbon emission was huge .

  25. 低碳校园管理系统致力于提高认知度和改变行为,从而实现高效低成本碳减排的目标。

    The low carbon campus management system mainly aims to achieve the carbon reduction target cost-effectively through personal awareness raising and behavioral change .

  26. 保定市是国家首批列为低碳城市的试点之个,交通运输作为保定市低碳建设的试点行业,也推行了一系列的低碳减排措施。

    City Baoding is one of the first national pilot as a low-carbon city .