
  • 网络tissue storage;tissue storge
  1. 组织贮存水(主要是边材贮存水)在水分运转中也起到了重要的调节作用。

    Storage water ( mostly sapwood storage water ), in particular , operates an important regulation function in water transport .

  2. 到目前为止,科技城里一大批实用而非高新的产业尚在酝酿:干洗业、艺术品收藏以及低温冷藏组织贮存。

    So far , a lot of the business TechTown has incubated has not been particularly high-tech : dry-cleaning businesses and art restoration , as well as a cryogenic tissue-storage facility .

  3. 组织工程肌腱低温贮存的初步研究

    Preliminary study of cryopreservation of tissue engineered tendon

  4. 叶片是前期组织氮素的重要贮存器官和籽粒灌浆中氮素的主要供给源。

    The leaf was the major storage organ for nitrogen and the source of nitrogen for grain filling .

  5. 脂肪组织不仅作为能量贮存组织,而且是一个能分泌多种细胞因子的内分泌器官。

    Fat organ is not only considered as energy tissue ; but also a endocrine organ which excretes many cytokines .

  6. 猪肌肉组织中能量的贮存、释放、转移和利用是决定肌肉生长发育和猪肉品质的重要因素。

    The energy storage , release , transfer and utilization are the key factors in determining skeletal muscle development and pork quality .

  7. ~3H-TP在蚕体各组织器官中的贮存与分布表现为:五龄初期(添食后2小时)以中肠和血液最多,共达85%左右;

    The storage and distribution of 3H-TP and its possible degraded products were found as follows : in the early fifth instar or at 2 hours after feeding , the bulk was in the mid-gut and haemolymph , totalled about 85 % of the ingested dosage ;