
  1. 在新农合的筹资成本中,人员经费占据相当大的比重,基本上占到了50%以上。

    The personnel funds hold quite great proportion of the fund raising cost , basically accounted for above 50 % .

  2. 结果在社区卫生服务机构的支出结构中,药品所占比重最高,人员经费支出其次。

    Results Among these institutions , the expenses of drug occupied the highest ratio , the outlay of stuff was the second .

  3. 高校经费使用效益不高主要表现在:人员经费占用率过高;

    Inefficient uses of funds in schools of higher learning are mainly as follows : high personnel 's occupying rates of funds ;

  4. 积累与分配比例应为业务收支结余(不含人员经费和修购基金)的4∶6,潍坊市的做法为这一“黄金分割”提供了实证。

    The accumulation and the allocation proportion should be4:6 , Weifang city takes an action as " the golden section " with the empirical approach .

  5. 目的测算我国省市县疾病预防控制中心的人员经费配置和日常工作维持费配置需要。

    ObjectiveTo calculate the fund to ensure the implementation of public function of province-level , city-level and county-level center of disease prevention and control in China .

  6. 税收征收成本是税收征管活动中付出的人员经费、公用经费、基建费用和其它费用等的总称。

    Tax collection cost is a general term which is paid by tax collection activities , staffing and funding , public funds , infrastructure costs and other costs .

  7. 我们建议允许国家自然科学基金在其资助中,把更大的份额用于人员经费,包括所有不同层次的活跃研究者,首先是对研究生的支持。

    We recommend that the NSFC be allowed to provide a greater share of its support toward the personnel costs of active researchers at all levels , beginning with the support of graduate students .

  8. 二是人员经费支出占事业性经费比重对公办高职院校运行效率基本没有影响,而该比重对民办高职院校却有明显的影响。

    Another conclusion is that the ratio of personal outlay in the undertaking outlay does not influence the running efficiency of state-owned high vocational colleges , but does that of private high vocational colleges .

  9. 三是农村卫生监督人员经费和办公经费难以落实,部分卫生监督机构靠有偿服务开展工作,影响农村卫生监督执法的权威性。

    Thirdly , Funding for rural health supervisors and office expenses is difficult to implement , some paid services by health inspection agencies work affecting rural health inspection and law enforcement authority . 3 .

  10. 对毕业生就业工作要切实加强领导,做到思想认识到位,政策措施到位,工作责任到位,人员经费到位,不断提高毕业生就业指导水平,提高毕业生就业率和就业质量。

    We should strengthen the leadership to improve their thinking cognition , ensure polices and measures , working responsibility and staffs and funds to promote the guiding level of graduates employment and employment rate and quality .

  11. 而对其他资金的使用则是以保工资、保运转,即保证人员经费和公用经费为第一目标,所有的财政收入要首先确保人员工资和机构运转的需要。

    As to other fiscal fund , they will be firstly used to make sure of salaries and governmental operation . That is , assuring the government employees ' salaries and public fund is the preference purpose .

  12. 中医劳务价值补偿来源不足,中医类服务项目、挂号、诊察等结余仅能补偿中医人员经费的15.7%-40.2%;

    The compensation of the service value of traditional Chinese medicine doctors is inadequate . The profit of traditional Chinese medicine service , registration , and examine and diagnose can only compensate 15.7 % - 40.2 % human resource expenditure .

  13. 然而,传统的科研项目管理致力于对项目总体流程以及人员经费资源等的管理,不能满足科研项目在科研过程中的对知识管理的要求。

    But , traditional scientific research project management devotes to project overall management , such as procedure , personnel , funds and resource , etc. , cannot meet requirements for knowledge management in scientific research process of the scientific research project .

  14. 豌豆植株茎中的IAA浓度梯度及其成因回国留学人员启动经费资助

    Gradient and Its Causes of Formation of IAA Concentration in Pea Plants

  15. 统计调查所需人员和经费及其来源。

    The personnel and funds needed for statistical investigations and the sources thereof .

  16. 德国失业人员培训经费模式

    Finance of Training for the Unemployed in Germany

  17. 设备、人员、经费是环境监测事业发展、信息系统建设的首要条件。

    Environmental monitoring equipment , personnel , funding institutions , essential for the construction of information system development .

  18. 为各机组开机调度、大修时间、人员、经费安排、备件购置等提供决策支持。

    It can be used to plan pump sets duty time , overhaul time , human and outlay arrangement , spare parts purchase , and so on .

  19. 第二章分析了重庆地方法院的组织、人员、经费、案件情况。

    And legal practice of Chongqing during provisional capital period was the most prosperous stage in the history of P.R.C.The second chapter introduces the organization , staff , case , expenditure situation of the local court in Chongqing .

  20. 本文以重庆高校社科科研管理为研究对象,着重从社科科研管理中的人员、经费、课题和成果管理入手进行研究。

    This thesis aims at the management of scientific studies in social science in Chongqing higher education bodies , concentrating on the probing of the personnel , funds , questions for study and the management of scientific fruits .

  21. 科技创新产权的演变过程包括四个环节,即人员与经费的投入,科技创新成果的产出,以成果到技术市场等地换取货币收入,然后再进行简单再生产与扩大再生产。

    The evaluation of STIP includes the input of manpower and expenses , output of scientific and technological innovation achievements ( STIA ), transference of this outcome into currency in technical market , and then simple reproduction and expanded reproduction .

  22. 提高审计机构、人员及经费的独立性是降低财政预算执行审计风险的根本之所在,为此,必须针对现实问题进行一系列改革;

    Enhancing the independence of auditing organization , personnel and outlay are the basis to lower the risk in the public finance budget executive audit , so we must carry on a series of reforms to solve the actual problems in agent .

  23. 目前在农村实行的税费改革是农村政策的重大调整。农村计划生育工作在税费改革中遇到了机构、人员、经费等诸多问题。

    The Rural fee to tax reform is one of the important adjustments in rural policies , in which the rural FP work has come cross new issues concerning the structure , personnel and fund as showed by the author 's investigation in Xuancheng Anhui Province .

  24. 目的了解2004年全国慢性病社区综合防治示范点机构、人员、经费和保障机制、开展主要工作等基本情况,明确今后的工作方向。

    Objective To know the current basic situation , including the frameworks , personnel , funds and main works , of national community-based demonstration sites for prevention and control of non-communicable chronic diseases ( NCD ), and to make certain the direction for the future work .

  25. 传统的国防科研项目管理大多集中在对项目流程、人员及经费资源方面的管理,却忽略了项目本身所创造的知识资源对其后续研究或其它相关科研工作的帮助及指导作用。

    Traditional defense research project management focuses mostly on the management of project process , or on the control of human and fund resources . But they have missed the value of knowledge created by the project itself that can influence on the follow-up research and the related .

  26. 缺乏专门人员和专项经费;

    No special staff and expense is allocated for it ;

  27. 研发人员投入和经费投入之间也存在一定影响。

    R & D personnel input and funds investment also have certain effect .

  28. 河南省乡镇卫生院人员编制、经费收支现状研究

    Study on Personnel 's Establishment and Financial Status of Township Health Centres in Henan Province

  29. 药检人员考核和经费管理模式探讨

    A Mode Approaching into Checking and Management to Personnel and Funds in Institute for Drug Control

  30. 参与机构指责这些不一致的短缺,人员编制和经费,据报告。

    The agencies involved blamed these discrepancies on shortages in staffing and funding , according to the report .