
liánɡ lónɡ
  • diplodocus
  1. 梁龙是食草恐龙。

    Di plodocus was a herbivorous dinosaur .

  2. 这是一副雌性梁龙骨架,名为“米斯蒂”,长约55英尺,高约19英尺。

    Skeleton of the female dinosaur Misty is roughly 55 feet long and 19 feet high .

  3. 一位买家以约65万美元的成交金额拍得一副恐龙骨架,这名买家并未公布身份,据英国的拍卖行介绍,这是副梁龙骨架,是最长的动物。

    And the winner of the dinosaur auction is the approximately $ 650000 bid from a buyer from an unnamed institution , that 's how much the skeleton of the dinosaur known as Diplodocus , longest due to auction in England .

  4. “谁吃恐龙”很明显,其中一个答案是:“其它恐龙”每个史前怪兽爱好者的脑海里浮现出的是像霸王龙、翼龙这样的兽脚类掠食者,电脑制作的它们与梁龙、剑龙的打斗也成为俗套。

    ONE answer to the question , " What ate dinosaurs ? " is , obviously , " Other dinosaurs . " The ropod predators like Tyrannosaurus and Allosaurus loom large in the imagination of every lover of prehistoric monsters , and their animatronic fights with the likes of Diplodocus and Stegosaurus are the stuff of clich é .