
Liánɡ Sīchénɡ
  • second son of Liang Qichao;architect and authority on the history of Chinese architecture
  1. 梁思成、林徽因与北京城市规划

    The famous couple of Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin with Beijing urbanism

  2. 梁思成、林徽音与国徽设计

    Liang Sicheng , Lin Huiyin in Design of National Emblem

  3. 梁思成的中国近代建筑研究初探

    Liang Sicheng 's Research on Chinese Modern Architecture History

  4. 梁思成先生与中国的历史遗产保护事业

    Liang Sicheng and Heritage Conservation of China

  5. 梁思成可谓是以西方科学方法研究中国古代建筑的先驱。

    Liang was the first person to study ancient Chinese architecture using Western scientific methods .

  6. 梁思成与中国营造学社

    Liang Sicheng and China Building Society

  7. 回望建筑大师梁思成先生

    Architecture Master , Mr. Liang Sicheng

  8. 梁思成指出,将政府行政中心建在内城面临两大困难。

    Liang said there were two difficulties in locating a governmental centre in the old city .

  9. 而费慰梅几乎将她生命的最后阶段全部献给了她和正清毕生亲密的朋友:梁思成林徽因。

    Even so , Wilma Fairbank seems to have dedicated the final stage of her life to her dear friends .

  10. 寻根·创新:重走梁思成古建之路&四川行专家发言摘要

    Rooting and creation : experts ' speech abstract for " repeating Liang Sicheng 's Way of ancient building " - Journey in Sichuan

  11. 通过旨在纪念梁思成先生的梁亭的设计,阐述了对于中国传统建筑造型的研究和思考。

    Through the briefing of his design The Digital Liang Pavilion , the writer expounds his research and thinking of the form of Chinese classical architecture .

  12. 构图与要素学院派来源与梁思成文法词汇表述及中国现代建筑

    Composition and Element : the Beaux-Arts origin and Liang Sicheng 's " grammar and vocabularies " study of Chinese architecture and its influence on modern Chinese architecture

  13. 然而日益严峻的交通问题已经制约了北京的发展,因此不少人开始重新审视梁思成理论的价值。

    But as traffic problems become more serious and prevent Beijing 's development , many people are beginning to rethink the value of Liang Sicheng 's ideas .

  14. 本文通过对中国现代建筑理论的奠基人梁思成先生一生的建筑理论和实践建树的广泛学习与考证,着重研究梁思成先生的建筑创作思想。

    Liang 's architectural design ideology through an extensive study of his theory and practice . Mr. Liang Ssu-ch'eng is the founder of the Chinese modern architectural theory .

  15. 梁思成建筑精神及其现代启示:纪念梁思成诞辰105周年系列活动的思考

    Liang Sicheng 's architectural spirit and its revelation to modern time : thoughts on the activities for the " 105th Anniversary of the Birth of Liang Sicheng "

  16. 由于其古建筑存量大、种类多,曾被我国著名的建筑学家梁思成称为中国古代建筑的宝库。

    Because of the large number of its historic buildings and types , Liang sicheng who was a Chinese famous architect called it was " Chinese ancient architecture treasure house " .

  17. 我们在中国(或者世界上任何地方)最亲密的朋友是梁思成和他的妻子林徽因,两位把东西方文化传统相结合的人。

    Our closest friends in China ( or elsewhere , for that matter ) were Liang Ssu-ch'eng and his wife Lin Whei-yin , two people who combined the Chinese and the Anglo-Saxon cultural traditions .

  18. 非常出色的现代中国建筑师梁思成曾评论说,圆明园会聚山丘湖泊,结合殿堂、亭台楼阁和其他建筑结构的设计精华。

    As the great modern Chinese architect Liang Sicheng summarizes , the Yuanming Yuan was essentially a design of hillocks and lakes with buildings , courts , chambers , pavilions , arbors , and other structures in between .

  19. 作为中国近代建筑教育的先驱者和实践者,东北大学建筑系凝聚了梁思成、林徽因、童寯、陈植等一大批著名的建筑教育学家的心血。

    It accumulated the painstaking effort of large number of famous architectural educationalist , the pioneer and practician for modern Chinese architectural education , as Liang Sicheng , Lin Huiyin , Tong Jun , and Chen Zhi , etc.

  20. 通过对中国营造学社发展历史以及对梁思成进行古建筑调查研究实践的考察与研究,论述了梁思成在学社工作期间所取得的学术成就及其对学社发展所做出的卓越贡献。

    Based on the study of the development history of China Building Society and the practical investigation and research of ancient Chinese buildings by Liang Si-cheng , his academic achievements while working in the society and his outstanding contribution to it are introduced .