
  • 网络Liangzi Lake
  1. 湖北梁子湖区膨润土钠化和锂化改性试验研究

    Experimental Study of Na-and Li-Modified Bentonite in Hubei Liangzi Lake Area

  2. 梁子湖近代沉积物重金属含量研究初探

    Research on Heavy Metal Content of Recent-year Sediments in Liangzi Lake

  3. 将断面法与地理信息系统(GIS)和全球定位系统(GPS)相结合,通过广泛的野外调查,研究了湖北省梁子湖水生植物物种多样性和群落多样性。

    The species and community diversity of aquatic plants in Lake Liangzi of Hubei Province , China were studied by use of Transect Method , Geographical Information System ( GIS ) Technique and Global Position System ( GPS ) Technique .

  4. 梁子湖氮、氮营养的负荷分别是493.2t和122.2t。

    The loading of nitrogen and phosphorus was 493.2t and 122.2t respectively .

  5. 梁子湖湿地土壤养分的空间异质性

    Spatial variability of soil nutrients in wetland of Liangzi Lake

  6. 梁子湖三种鲌肉质分析

    Analysis on meat quality of three culter in Liangzi Lake

  7. 梁子湖鲤鱼的生物学

    On the biology of the common carp , cyprinus carpio of liang-tse Lake

  8. 研究表明,梁子湖在其形成演化过程中存在两种典型的湖泊沉积环境。

    The research shows that it has been experienced two different aggradational environments .

  9. 梁子湖湿地保护区林地生态系统服务功能价值评估

    Evaluation on functions of forest ecosystem and its economic value in Liangzi Lake wetland

  10. 梁子湖6种凶猛鱼摄食器官形态学的比较

    Comparison on the Morphology of Feeding Apparatus of Six Piscivorous Fishes in Liangzi Lake

  11. 梁子湖优势沉水植物冬季种子库的初步研究

    A preliminary study of winter Seed Bank of dominant submerged macrophytes in Lake Liangzi

  12. 梁子湖沉积物有机地球化学记录对环境变迁的反映

    Response of the Organic Geochemical Records of Sediments from Liangzi Lake to Environmental Change

  13. 梁子湖流域土地利用变化对流域水环境的影响

    The Impact on Water Environment Due to Land Use Change of Liangzi Lake Watershed

  14. 梁子湖湿地农田碳氮循环的模拟研究

    Simulating Study on Carbon , Nitrogen Cycling in Paddy Field in the Liangzi Lake Wetland

  15. 梁子湖表层水氮的季节变化与沉积物氮释放初步研究

    Seasonal Dynamics of Nitrogen in Water and Release of Nitrogen from Sediment in Liangzi Lake

  16. 梁子湖自然保护区土地利用/土地覆盖动态变化研究

    Research on the Dynamic Change of Land Use and Land Cover of Liangzi Lake Natural Reserve

  17. 梁子湖湿地土壤水植物系统碳氮磷转化研究

    Study on Transformation of Carbon , Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Soil-water-plant System in Wetland of Liangzi Lake

  18. 蚌壳珍珠层的特殊生长形态和成因探讨&以湖北鄂州梁子湖淡水三角帆蚌为例

    Special Growth Morphology and Genesis of Nacreous Layer of Hyriopsis Cumingi from E ' zhou , Hubei Province

  19. 最后,作者在梁子湖风景区控规编制过程中,对风景区控规的控制要素及其体系的研究成果进行了应用和验证。

    Finally , the author have been applied and verified the Liangzi lake scenic spot of the regulatory planning process .

  20. 位于武汉城市圈腹地的梁子湖位列全国十大淡水湖,是湖北省第二大淡水湖,贮水量位居全省湖泊之首。

    Located in the central region of Wuhan City Circle , Liangzi Lake is the second largest freshwater lake in Hubei province and national top ten in China .

  21. 第五章为研究区概况,介绍梁子湖流域的自然条件、社会经济状况,分析了梁子湖流域的土地利用现状和面临的环境问题。

    The fifth chapter is the overview of the study region , introduction of natural conditions and social economic status of Liangzi Lake watershed , and the land use of Liangzi Lake watershed and environmental issues .

  22. 根据梁子湖水生植物的种类组成和结构全湖分为12个水生植物群落。

    The average biomass of submersed plants of whole lake is 4.75 kg · m-2 According to species composition and constitution , the vegetation of Liangzi lake can be classified into 12 aquatic vegetation types of communities .

  23. 《涉江》中鄂渚是湖名,即今之湖北东部梁子湖,古称樊湖。

    In the book " Crossing the River ", E zhu is the name of a lake , referring to the Liangzi Lake in the eastern part of Hubei Province . The lake used to be called Huan Lake in ancient times .