
  • 网络Quanzhou Bay
  1. 研究了苯酚在泉州湾滩涂沉积物上的吸附行为,尤其是pH值和温度对吸附作用的影响,探讨了其吸附机理,同时绘制了吸附等温线。

    The adsorption characteristics of phenol on the tidal flat sediments in Quanzhou Bay , Fujian province were studied .

  2. Hg(Ⅱ)在泉州湾滩涂沉积物上的吸附

    Sorption of Hg (ⅱ) on the Tidal Flat Sediments of Quanzhou Bay

  3. 泉州湾滩涂沉积物对Cu(II)的吸附实验

    Sorption properties of cu ( ii ) on the tidal flat sediments in Quanzhou gulf , Fujian

  4. 研究Cr(Ⅵ)在泉州湾滩涂沉积物上吸附行为,以及其吸附机理。

    The present work deals with the sorption behavior of Cr (ⅵ) on the tidal flat sediment of Quanzhou Bay , and on this basis , inquires into its sorption mechanism .

  5. 泉州湾柱状样中Zn的含量最高,其次是Cu和Pb,Cd含量最低,三种元素之间有良好的正相关性。

    In Quanzhou bay cylindrical samples , the content of Zn is the highest , followed by the Cu and Pb , and Cd is the lowest . A good relativity exists among the three elements .

  6. 实验结果表明,常温下Hg(Ⅱ)在泉州湾滩涂沉积物上的吸附平衡时间约需3h,吸附作用随pH的升高而增强,受温度的影响变化不大。

    The results show that the sorption equilibration time of Hg (ⅱ) on the tidal flat sediments of Quanzhou Bay is about 3 hours , and the sorption capacity increased with pH while altered little with temperature .

  7. 用GC-ECD内标法测定了泉州湾沉积物柱样中有机氯农药的含量。

    The concentrations of organochlorine pesticides in the sediment core of Quanzhou Bay were determined by GC-ECD with the internal standard method .

  8. 本文建立了一种适应POM模型特点的干湿点数值处理方法,将其镶嵌于二维POM模型中用以模拟泉州湾的潮汐潮流,两个站点上的模拟结果与实测数据吻合较好。

    A wetting and drying scheme fit to POM is designed and incorporated into the two dimensional model to simulate tides and tidal currents , and the modeled results agree well with the data observed on two moored ship stations .

  9. 泉州湾河口湿地保护现状及发展对策

    Current Protective Situations and Development Countermeasures of Quanzhou Bay Estuarine Wetland

  10. 泉州湾及邻近海湾潮间带底质若干项数据的计算机分析

    Computer analysis of some bottom data around Quanzhou Bay , Fujian

  11. 浅析泉州湾河口湿地保护管理的问题及对策

    Problems and countermeasure of the protection and management of Quanzhou wetland

  12. 泉州湾大型底栖生物群落生态

    The ecology of macrobenthos community in Quanzhou Bay , Fujian Province

  13. 泉州湾湿地资源的可持续开发与对策研究

    Sustainable development and countermeasures study of wetland resource in Quanzhou Bay

  14. 泉州湾潮间带表层沉积物中酸可提取相重金属

    Distribution of acid-leachable heavy metals in intertidal sediments from Quanzhou Bay

  15. 泉州湾红树林湿地人工生态恢复的研究

    Study on the Artificial Ecological Restoration of Mangrove Wetlands in Quanzhou Bay

  16. 泉州湾赤潮藻类优势种演替影响因子探讨

    The influence factors on dominant red-tide algal species succession in Quanzhou Bay

  17. 泉州湾河口湿地土壤脲酶和磷酸酶活性研究

    Soil Urease and Phosphatase Activities at Quanzhou Bay Estuarine Wetland

  18. 泉州湾河口湿地几种植物叶绿素荧光特性

    Chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of several plant species in Quanzhou Bay estuarine wetland

  19. 泉州湾围海工程对海洋环境的影响

    Impact of reclamation activities on marine environment in Quanzhou Bay

  20. 泉州湾跨海通道工程桥隧组合方案介绍

    Introduction to Bridge-Tunnel Combination Solution for Quanzhou Bay Cross Sea Passage Project

  21. 泉州湾河口湿地鸟类的种类组成与分布

    Species composition and distribution of birds in estuary wetland of Quanzhou Bay

  22. 泉州湾近岸海域水质状况调查与评价

    Survey and appraisal of seawater quality in Quanzhou Bay

  23. 福建省泉州湾大气降尘中的重金属元素的沉降特征

    Precipitation Characteristics of Heavy Metal in Dustfall to Quanzhou Bay of Fujian Province

  24. 泉州湾虾、贝类重金属含量的检测与评价

    Assessment of Heavy Metals in Cultured Shellfishes in Coastal Areas of Quanzhou Bay

  25. 福建泉州湾贝类养殖容量评估

    Evaluation on culture capacity of shellfish in Quanzhou Bay

  26. 泉州湾海洋生态环境质量评价

    Quality Evaluation of Ocean Ecological Environment of Quanzhou Bay

  27. 泉州湾表层沉积物对多环芳烃潜在降解活性的研究

    The Potential Biodegradation Activity of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Surface Sediments of Quanzhou Bay

  28. 泉州湾湿地土壤水解酶特征及其与土壤有效氮磷的关系

    Soil Hydrolase and the Interaction with Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus at Quanzhou Bay Wetland

  29. 泉州湾工程地质条件及港口规划建设的探讨

    On the Engineering Geological Conditions and Harbor Planning and Construction of the Quanzhou Bay

  30. 福建泉州湾河口湿地潮间带贝类调查

    Primary Investigation on the Coastal Molluscous from Quanzhou Estuarine Wetland Nature Reserve , Fujian