
  • 网络Quanhe River;spring stream
  1. 阜阳泉河大桥V形墩及0号段施工技术

    Construction Technology of V-shaped Piers and No.0 Segment of Fuyang Quanhe Bridge

  2. 阜阳泉河大桥C60混凝土配合比设计与施工

    Mix Proportion Design and Construction Control of C60 Concrete in Fuyang Quanhe Bridge

  3. 万泉河外源输入较少,现场产生是河流中溶存CH4的主要源。

    The main source of CH4 in Wanquan River was in-situ production as there was little exogenous input .

  4. 如果考虑万泉河的淡水输入,则水交换的速度更快(不到1d)。

    Considering the influence of the freshwater discharge from the Wanquan River , the exchange time becomes very short ( of the order of 1 day ) .

  5. 敦煌大泉河径流量24小时变化规律分析

    Analysis of 24-hour Runoff Variation Rule of Daquan River in Dunhuang

  6. 万泉河是海南的母亲河。

    Wanquan River is the mother river of Hainan .

  7. 万泉河出海口风光更为迷人。

    River to the sea more attractive scenery .

  8. 我们游览“天边海角”,菀泉河还有别的许多好地方。

    We 're visiting Tianya Haijiao , Wanquan River and many other beautiful places .

  9. 狮泉河水电站工程混凝土冬季施工技术

    Winter concrete construction technique for Shiquanhe Hydropower Station

  10. 那条河现在就是相泉河。

    That river is now chung-cheon river .

  11. 大坝心墙防渗掺合料的生产质量是狮泉河水电站大坝质量控制的关键。

    Dam core impervious material quality is critical to dam quality of Shiquanhe hydropower station .

  12. 万泉河位于中国海南省海南岛东部。

    River is located in the eastern part of Hainan Island Hainan Province , China .

  13. 经过治理,万泉河的洪水及污染威胁得到了一定控制,但河流也随之丧失了自然风貌。

    After treatment , flood and pollution threats got control , but it lose the natural landscape .

  14. 大同万泉河河谷区玄武岩含水系统供水前景分析

    Analyses on Water Supply Prospect of Basalt Water-bearing System in Valley Area of Wanquan River , Datong

  15. 结果表明:改则和狮泉河两地的地表湍流通量都具有明显的季节变化和日变化,且其季节变化的相同点表现在感热通量均在5月份最大,1月份最小;

    The results show that the surface turbulent fluxes have characteristics of significant diurnal and annual variations .

  16. 确认班怒带的南支向北与狮泉河带斜接。

    The southern branch of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone is obliquely connected with the Shiquanhe zone in the north .

  17. 大泉河可用于莫高窟区灌溉的水资源量为85.51×10~4m~3/a。

    The water resources that can be used for irrigation in the Mogao Grottoes area is 85.51 xl04m3 / a.

  18. 雄隆食品工业有限公司位于风景秀丽的海南省琼海市加积镇万泉河畔,总占地面积50亩。

    Is located in the scenic Qionghai City , Hainan Province aggradation Wanquanhe Shores town , with a total area of50 acres .

  19. 万泉河的中下游,从石壁至椰子寨一带,河水温顺平缓。

    Middle and lower reaches of the River from the vicinity of Shek Pik to Walled coconut , gentle tame the river .

  20. 两水在琼海县合口嘴会合始称万泉河,经嘉积至博鳌入南海。

    Two water in Qionghai Hekou County River mouth to join before that , Kerry plot to Boao in the South China Sea .

  21. 狮泉河水电站坝体防渗心墙材料由粘土和砂砾料掺合组成;

    The anti-seepage material for the impervious core of the dam for Shiquanhe Hydropower Station consists of the admixture of both clay and gravel ;

  22. 以博鳌亚洲论坛为契机迅速发展的位于万泉河河口地区的海南博鳌旅游度假区,在海内外享有较高的知名度和旅游吸引力。

    Boao , the rapidly developing tourist resort with strong attraction , is now famous at home and abroad for the Boao Asian Forum .

  23. 万泉河是海南岛第三大河,发源于五指山,全长163公里,流域面积3693平方公里。

    Hainan Island is third Wanquanhe rivers , originated in Wuzhishan , a total length of163 km , the basin area of3693 square kilometers .

  24. 分析了昌化江水系、万泉河水系、南渡江水系的森林溪流淡水鱼类的分布特点;

    Analyzed the distribution characteristic of the forest stream fresh-water fish in the Changhuajiang water department , Wanquanhe water department and Nandujiang water department .

  25. 狮泉河水电站粘土心墙土石坝掺合料最大干密度及颗分关系试验

    Experiment on relationship between maximum dry density and grain size composition for mixing material of earth-rock fill dam with clay core of Shiquanhe Hydropower Station

  26. 冈底斯北带早白垩世火山作用究竟与狮泉河-嘉黎大洋俯冲有关,还是与班公湖-怒江洋壳俯冲有关,目前尚难定论。

    The problem whether the early Cretaceous volcanism resulted from Shiquanhe-Lhari ocean subduction or from Bangong Co-Nujiang ocean subduction requires further study for final conclusion .

  27. 用灰色聚类法对乐山市境内的岷江、大渡河、体泉河的水环境质量进行评价,并与水质距离评价法、综合污染指数法进行比较。

    Water environmental quality of the Minjiang River , the Daduhe River and the Tiquanhe River in Leshan city were evaluated by using grey clustering method .

  28. 本文通过综合水文分析,初步得出大泉河出山口年径流量为240.9×10~4m~3/a;

    Based on the synthetic hydrological analysis , this paper educes that the annual runoff of Daquan River at the mountain pass is 240.9xl04m3 / a ;

  29. 湖的源头(河水流入该湖之处)不远处,清清万泉河水流入浩瀚的太平洋。

    The head of the lake , ie where a river enters it Nearby , the clear Wanquan River empties itself into the boundless Pacific Ocean .

  30. 运用地球化学的原理与方法研究了卧龙泉河流域土壤重金属的的含量、存在形式及其空间分布特征,分析了土壤重金属污染的成因。

    The contents , specially geochemical characteristics and genetic analysis on heavy metals of soils in Wolongquan River area were studied with geochemical principle and methods .