
  • 网络Quangang;QuanGang district
  1. 根据污染的特点和原因,文章提出泉港区石化工业走绿色工业发展道路的对策。

    The article points out that petrochemical industry in the Quangang District should march on a " green " path .

  2. 在理论分析的基础上,对福建省泉港区石化工业基地大气环境质量风险评价问题进行研究。

    Furthermore , based on the theoretical statement , it studies the problem of regional environmental air quality risk assessment of Quangang District , Fujian Province .

  3. 在宏观层次上,要大力创建泉港区石化工业生态园区;

    Similarly , on the macro level , it is important to set up the petrochemical Eco-Industrial Park .

  4. 对泉港区石化工业大气、水和固体污染物的成分、排放量及排放方式进行了调查研究,并进一步分析了污染物产生的主要原因和环境污染的特点。

    Then it analyses the reason why the pollutants occur and studies the characteristic of the pollutants how they harm the district environmental quality .

  5. 第五章针对泉港区石化产业集群创新绩效梯度差异明显、整体未能最优的现状,提出了相应的对策措施。

    Because the innovational performance of different industry in the petrochemical industrial cluster was too evident , the whole cluster could not get an optimum output , some corresponding countermeasures were brought forward in the fifth chapter .