
  • 网络Quankou;spring vent
  1. 从气体成分、泉口出露地质特征、CO2动态变化规律等,对黄龙钙华的热成因论进行了讨论,认为黄龙地区不具备喷出幔源气体的地质结构。

    This paper discusses hydrothermal genesis of the Huanglong travertine based on gas competent , dynamic change in CO_2 and geological features of springs , and believes there is no geological structure related to the extrusion of mantle-derived gas .

  2. 岩溶含水层中地下水向泉口流动的解析模型

    Analytic models of groundwater flows to Karst Springs

  3. 另外,泉口村村民有很强的家族观念,依靠这种血缘关系和伦理道德,维系村民之间的人际关系。

    In addition , the villagers of chuen have a strong family concept , they maintain relationships between the villagers relying on this blood relationship and ethics .

  4. 此外,深层岩溶水开采量(包括采煤排水)及泉口取水量的增大也是引起1985年之后泉流量衰减的主要原因。

    In addition , the increasing extractions from karst aquifer and spring mouth also may be important factors which cause the serious declining of discharge after 1985 .

  5. 泉口村是第二次国内革命战争时期湘鄂赣边区根据地之一,因此该村曾经历过土地革命时期的土改。

    Chuen Village is the one of the bases of Hunan , Hubei , Jiangxi border area in the period of the Second Revolutionary Civil War , so it had experienced the Agrarian Revolutionary land reform .

  6. 被彻底排除在外的地主和富农阶层,在泉口村这个地方,也顺应时势,努力完成角色转换,去适应新的生活。

    Be completely excluded from the landlord and rich peasant class , the village-chuen also conform to the trend of the times and strive to complete the role of conversion and to adapt to a new life .

  7. 科学家们对间歇泉口附近的丰富的海洋生物感到奇怪。黄石国家公园以间歇泉、泉和其他地热景观闻名,并且是灰熊、和自由活动的野牛、鹿群的居住地。

    The scientists were surprised to find an abundance of marine life near the geyser vents . The park is famous for its various geysers , hot springs , and other geothermal features and is home to grizzly bears and wolves , and free-ranging herds of bison and elk .

  8. 数值模拟方法在岩溶大泉泉口集中供水评价中的应用研究

    Application of numerical simulation method to the evaluation of large karst spring discharge as water supply

  9. 从水下泉出来的水的含盐度和温度可以作为泉口准确位置的指示。

    The salinity and temperature of the water from submarine springs are indicators , which can be used for a detailed location of the spring mouth .