
  • 网络Port of Quanzhou;Quanzhou;qpct
  1. 泉州港后渚客货码头建设简介

    Brief Introduction to the Construction of Passenger and Cargo wharfs at Port of Quanzhou

  2. 宋元时期,凭借泉州港日益兴盛的海外贸易,德化瓷开始大量销往“海上丝绸之路”沿途各个国家和地区。

    With the development of Port of Quanzhou during Song and Yuan Dynasties , Te-hua porcelain started to be sold to the countries along the famous " Maritime Silk Road " .

  3. 砂垫层在泉州港建设中的应用

    Application of Sand Cushion in Construction of Quanzhou Port

  4. 结合福建泉州港肖厝港区码头工程实例,介绍应用半潜驳进行码头沉箱浮运安装的施工工艺。

    Taking Fujian Quanzhou Port Xiaocuo Port Area wharf engineering as a case , this paper introduces the construction technology of caisson floating transportation and installation using submerged barges .

  5. 泉州港在明清时期衰落的原因有三个方面:(1)明清时期实行的海禁政策是泉州港由繁荣走向衰落的关键原因;

    There are three reasons for Quanzhou Harbor 's declination during Ming Qing period : first , the key reason lies in the policy of banning on maritime trade ;

  6. 本文介绍古老泉州港的建设新成就及客货码头在建设中采取的工程措施。

    This paper gives brief introduction to the achievement of port construction at the old and famous Port of Quanzhou and the engineering measures taken in the construction of passenger and cargo wharfs .

  7. 从泉州华侨看泉州港在海上丝路的历史地位

    Observing Historical Position of Quanzhou Port at Sea Silk Road from Quanzhou 's Overseas Chinese

  8. 根据泉州湾水域自然条件,航道与锚地状况,通过海上交通的实态观测,得出了泉州湾的交通密度情况和进出泉州港的标准船舶状态。

    According to the natural conditions , channel and anchorage state of Quanzhou Wan , and based on the real observation of the traffic condition at sea , the situation of traffic density and standard ship state of Quanzhou Wan are obtained .