
  • 网络terrestrial animals;land animals
  1. 陆栖动物据信由海栖动物进化而来。

    Land animals are believed to have developed from sea animals .

  2. Landanimalsarebelievedto陆栖动物据信由海栖动物进化而来。

    have developed from sea animals .

  3. 例句与用法:北极熊虽然会游泳,但也是陆栖动物。

    Although they can swim , the polar bears are terrestrial animals .

  4. 广西陆栖兽类动物分布格局及区划探讨

    Geographic division and distribution pattern of land mammals in Guangxi Autonomous region , china

  5. 陆栖食肉动物;脚趾在根部分裂开:;狗;猫;熊;獾;浣熊。

    Terrestrial carnivores ; having toes separated to the base : dogs ; cats ; bears ; badgers ; raccoons .

  6. 一般对由多节相似的分段组成瘦长身体的陆栖节肢动物的叫法;如蜈蚣或千足虫。

    General term for any terrestrial arthropod having an elongated body composed of many similar segments : e.g. centipedes and millipedes .

  7. 各种陆栖的腹足动物,身体粘滑而细长,无外壳。

    Any of various terrestrial gastropods having an elongated slimy body and no external shell .

  8. 陆栖的等足动物,身体分节并呈卵形(形如猪)。

    Terrestrial isopod having an oval segmented body ( a shape like a sow ) .

  9. 雌雄同体的陆栖和水栖环节动物,只在沿身体部位有鬃毛。

    Hermaphroditic terrestrial and aquatic annelids having bristles borne singly along the length of the body .

  10. 各种小型陆栖类等足动物,身体分节、扁而呈椭圆形;聚集在潮湿的环境。

    Any of various small terrestrial isopods having a flat elliptical segmented body ; found in damp habitats .