
  • 网络Terrigenous clastic rock
  1. 华南泥盆纪陆源碎屑岩的沉积类型

    Sedimentary type of Devonian terrigenous clastic rocks of South China

  2. 陆源碎屑岩地球化学在盆地分析中的应用

    Application of sedimentary geochemistry of terrigenous clastic rock to basin analysis

  3. 在滑坡发育的温湿气候地区,水-岩化学作用(CWRI)普遍存在于陆源碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩及浅变质岩等构成的各类斜坡岩体中。

    In humid-tropical and landslide-prone regions , chemical water-rock interaction ( CWRI ) takes place in various slopes made up of different bedrocks .

  4. 西沙海域东部岛礁区前寒武纪基底之上地层全部是较纯净的礁相碳酸盐岩,厚度达1250m,未被陆源碎屑岩覆盖;

    All basement rocks in eastern reef island area is covered with pure reef facies carbonate rocks in the thickness of 1250m .

  5. 绘制陆源碎屑岩岩性框架的曲边函数的生成

    The formation of the curve function in drawing lithologic frames of terrigenous detrital rocks

  6. 陆源碎屑岩特征与板块构造性质有着密切关系。

    There is a close relation between the terrigenous clastic rock and the plate tectonics .

  7. 石炭纪火山岩广泛分布于西天山伊犁陆块周缘,其岩性复杂,并大多与陆源碎屑岩伴生或互层。

    Carboniferous volcanic rocks are widespread at peripheries of the Ili block of the West Tianshan .

  8. 藕塘底组属于上石炭统,是一套陆源碎屑岩与碳酸盐岩组成的混合沉积岩。

    Its Outangdi Formation of the Upper Carboniferous system occurs as mixed deposits of terrigenous clastics and carbonate .

  9. 前人主要集中研究陆源碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩条件的层序发育特点,而较少涉猎海相火山沉积盆地的层序地层探讨。

    These Devonian volcano sedimentary basins are occupied dominantly by the volcanic rocks in association with terrigenous and intrabasinal sediments .

  10. 研究区晚三叠系为陆相湖盆沉积,以发育陆源碎屑岩系为主。

    There was a terrestrial facies lake basin in study area and mainly developed clastic rock during the late Trias .

  11. 出露于内蒙古呼和浩特北部的二道洼群,为一套陆源碎屑岩碳酸盐岩夹中基性火山岩变质建造。

    The Palaeoproterozoic Erdaowa Group distributed in the north Hohhot , Nei Mongol is composed of metamorphic detrital sediment and carbonate with intermidiate basic volcanics .

  12. 该组可划分为三个岩性段,每个岩性段均由下部膏盐层、上部陆源碎屑岩组成,均属湖泊沉积。

    And every lithological member is composed of the lower gypsiferous salt bed and the upper terrigenous clastic rock , which belongs to the lacustrine sediment .

  13. 位于西秦岭北带的丹凤群是一套浅中等变质的绿片岩系,原岩为一套以基性中酸性火山岩为主夹正常陆源碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩的岩石组合。

    The Danfeng Group located on the northern belt of West Qinling area is a series of epizonal-middle metamorphic greenschist and has high geochemical abundance of gold .

  14. 新疆阿舍勒、冲乎尔地区泥盆纪地层以火山岩为主,伴有陆源碎屑岩和内源沉积岩。

    The volcanic rocks associated with the terrigenous elastic rocks and intrabasinal sedimentary rocks predominate in the Devonian strata in the Ashele and Chonghur regions , Xinjiang .

  15. 到晚奥陶世时,碳酸盐岩沉积被浅水陆棚沉积所取代,以陆源碎屑岩为主,夹少量的碳酸盐岩。

    But during Late Ordovician , these carbonate deposits were replaced by shallow water shelf deposits , in which terrigenous clastic deposits with minor carbonate intercalations predominate .

  16. 母岩的风化剥蚀作用始终是盆内沉积源源不断的物质来源,因而根据盆地陆源碎屑岩来自母岩的陆源碎屑组合可以推断源区的母岩类型。

    The weathering and erosion of parent rocks constitute the sources of sedimentation in the basin . An analysis of continental clastic composition of the clastic rocks may reveal the type of parent rocks in sources .

  17. 根据其沉积特征及陆源碎屑岩化学成分的判别分析结果,泥盆纪时该区沉积盆地的大地构造性质属早期的被动大陆边缘或裂陷带边缘。

    According to the sedimentary feature and the discriminant scores of chemical composition of the sandstones , the property of the depositional basin during Devonian in Baoshan-Shidian district is of passive continental margin or aulacogen edge environment .

  18. 皖南地区在晚震旦世早期早时发生海侵,沉积了含碳、含硅的陆源碎屑岩,为浅海盆地相沉积;

    In the beginning of the early period of late Sinian marine transgression took place in South Anhui , and carbon - and silicon - bearing terrestrial clastic rock deposited there , i. e. shallow sea basin facies .

  19. 关于杂基在陆源碎屑沉积岩中的命名问题

    On the nomenclature of matrix in the terrigenous clastic sedimentary rock

  20. 根据野外观察,结合岩相学和地球化学的分析结果,指出这些浅变质岩的原岩均为陆源碎屑沉积岩。

    The combination of petrographic and geochemical analysis results show that these low metamorphic rocks ' protolith are terrigenous clastic sedimentary rocks .

  21. 海西运动晚期,大量的火山碎屑随同陆源碎屑沉积成岩,使其形成的这套富含火山物质的碎屑岩具有特殊的物化性质;

    In late Hercynian , a series of volcanics-rich clastic rocks were formed by sedimentation of volcanic clasts and continental clasts .

  22. 区内的陆源粗碎屑沉积岩为铀的富集创造了有利条件,扇三角洲和冲积扇的主河道和分流河道是最有利于铀聚集的部位。

    The terrigenous coarse-grained clastic deposits in the study area provide favorable condition for the concentration of uranium and especially the main channels and distributary channels on the fan delta and alluvial fan are the most favorable sites for uranium concentration .

  23. 浊积砂岩中含有大量陆源石英碎屑,硅岩具较高的Al2O3Fe2O3比值和较低的MnOTiO2比值,不具有明显的Ce负异常。

    The sandstones contain lots of continental quartz clasts , and the cherts have high Al 2O 3 / Fe 2O 3 , low MnO / TiO 2 ratios and very small Ce negative anomaly .

  24. 作者认为碳酸盐滑塌角砾岩是近源海底断裂陡崖下形成的碎屑裙的产物,而陆源碎屑-浊积岩是基岩古风化壳剥蚀而形成的一系列碎屑流-浊流沉积物。

    Carbonate slump breccias were formed in clastic-skirt , which located under proximal sea - bottom near to fault steep cliff , and terrigenous turbidite were originated from paleo - weathered crust by turbidity current .

  25. 广义的碳酸盐与陆源碎屑的混合沉积是指碳酸盐岩与陆源碎屑岩高频率交互沉积及岩石中碳酸盐组分与陆源碎屑组分的混合产出。本文综述了混合沉积体系的研究意义;

    Mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sedimentation is interbeds of siliciclastic and carbonate rock with high-frequency or Mixed rock with both siliciclastic and carbonate components .

  26. 浙江江山藕塘底组是晚石炭世威宁期陆源碎屑与碳酸盐的混合沉积,包括两种组分在同一岩层内相互混杂形成混积岩和陆源碎屑岩与碳酸盐岩互层形成混积层系。

    The mixing deposits include the interbedding which constitutes a series of interbedded clastic beds and carbonate beds and the mixing within in the same bed which forms the " Hunji rock " .