
lù shàng
  • land;on land
陆上 [lù shàng]
  • [on land] 生长在陆地上或生活、活动在陆地上

  • 陆上动物

  • 陆上鸟类

  • 陆上旅行

陆上[lù shàng]
  1. 他们在海上和陆上都打过仗。

    They fought both at sea and on land .

  2. 水上运动比陆上运动容易。

    Aquatic exercise feels easier than exercising on land .

  3. 这次航行包括几天陆上行程。

    The cruise included several days ashore .

  4. 民兵首领已拦阻了该地区经由陆上运送食品的车队。

    Militia leaders had halted overland food convoys in the region .

  5. 这条陆上路线要跨越一些非常险峻的大山。

    The overland route is across some really tough mountains

  6. 鱼类的鳃与陆上动物的肺类似。

    The gills of fishes are analogous to the lungs in terrestrial animals .

  7. 但要实现所有这些概念花销巨大,需要陆上和空中的安全认证标准,需要双重控制,需要复杂的折叠机翼和螺旋桨,还得从飞机跑道起飞。

    But all these concepts are massively expensive , require safety certification standards for road and air , need dual controls , involve complex folding wings and propellers , and have to be flown from air-strips .

  8. 水上运动其实和陆上运动都一样,只不过是在游泳池里完成的。

    Aquatic exercise is like exercise on land , but you do it in a swimming pool .

  9. 数字陆上广播和数字卫星广播

    digital terrestrial and digital satellite broadcasting

  10. 绥中36&1陆上终端工程DCS系统与PLC之间的数据通讯设计和调试

    Design and Commissioning for the Data Communication Between DCS and PLC in SZ 36 - Onshore Terminal

  11. 这位亿滋国际(MondelezInternational)掌门人几乎参加过你能想象出的所有体育项目——排球、陆上曲棍球、垒球和篮球。不过,她最热爱的当属篮球。事实上,她曾计划在康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)打篮球。

    While growing up , the Mondelez International head played almost any sport imaginable , including volleyball , field hockey , softball and basketball .

  12. 一个直接回到陆上运输管理局(LTA)。

    One has to go straight to the Land Transport Authority ( LTA ) .

  13. 提出了一种用以克服等信道间距划分、波分复用(WDM)+掺饵光纤放大器(EDFA)陆上光纤通信系统中光纤色散和四波混频(FWM)效应的新方案。

    A new method for equally-spaced channel WDM + EDFA terrestrial systems to combat with fiber dispersion and FWM effects is proposed .

  14. 各频谱委员现被邀请对陆上使用CB合法化及以上的建议给予意见。

    Members are invited to give their comments on OFTA proposal on legalizing the use of CB radio on land and the proposed regulatory procedure .

  15. 但是,现有的大有效面积光纤(LEAF)存在着零色散斜率高、对弯曲敏感等问题,对于陆上应用并不理想,最适于海缆应用。

    But present large effective area fibers ( LEAF ) still have some problems with higher zero dispersion slope and bending sensitivity , it is not ideal for terrestrial application and it is best for submarine cables .

  16. 美国初创公司维珍与阿联酋物流公司DPWorld正在合作,探索在陆上货物运输中使用超快胶囊高铁来改变货运行业。

    A collaboration between Virgin Hyperloop One , the US-based startup , and Emirati supply chain firm DP World , is looking to shake up the freight industry by using super-fast capsules for land cargo transportation .

  17. 然后,重点阐述了中国船级社陆上业务开展情况,其中包括CCS所采用的ISO9000质量管理体系、工程及机电监理、公估、公正等检验。

    Secondly , we set forward situation of CCS continental business , including ISO9000 Quality Management System , engineering and machinery supervisor , notarial survey and so on .

  18. 结果表明:(1)LTC在陆上长久维持过程中,其低层正涡度衰减缓慢并保持一定强度。STC登陆后正涡度减弱较快。

    The results have shown that ( 1 ) LTC would keep its positive vorticity a stronger value in lower level and decay slowly while STC would decrease quickly after landfall .

  19. 知情人士表示,空中客车(Airbus)正考虑对日本防卫省采取法律行动,原因是该公司在向日本陆上自卫队供应直升机的竞标中败北,丢掉了价值数十亿美元的订单。

    Airbus is eyeing legal action against Japan 's ministry of defence after losing out on a multibillion-dollar deal to supply helicopters to the country 's ground self-defence forces , said people familiar with the situation .

  20. 采用UBF和接触氧化及接触沉淀相结合的工艺进行船舶生活污水处理的陆上小试,并针对船舶特点进行了特殊工况的运行试验。

    In lab UBF + COR + CS was adopted to treat sewage from ships . According to ship 's characteristics , experiment was taken under different special conditions .

  21. 这些在陆上作战中心(TOCs)被安装了在营和旅团水平和和武器平台和战斗用车辆上。

    These were installed in tactical operations centres ( TOCs ) at battalion and brigade levels , and on weapons platforms and combat vehicles .

  22. 青海气区是我国陆上的大气区之一,现已累计探明天然气地质储量3046.57×108m3,可采储量1619.31×108m3。

    Qinghai gas region , whose total identified natural gas reserve is 3046.57 × 108m3 with 1619.31 × 108m3 recoverable , is one of the primary gas regions inland China .

  23. 鉴于新发现的陆上石油资源多数位于政局动荡的国家,国际能源机构(IEA)预测,未来20年内,非欧佩克国家新增的石油产量中,大部分将来自海上,其中很大部分位于深水水域。

    With most new onshore resources in politically unstable countries , the International Energy Agency predicts that over the next two decades the lion 's share of new non-Opec production will occur offshore , much of it in deep water .

  24. 舰载型模拟训练系统不是将陆上型(或岸基型)训练模拟器移植到舰上,而是舰艇综合平台管理系统IPMS的结构嵌入和功能拓展。

    The on-board training system is not simply replanted from the land / shore based training system , but embedded in the integrated platform management system ( IPMS ) and its extended function .

  25. 贝尔直升机驻日本董事总经理理查德∠楽利(RichardThornley)表示,贝尔-富士的方案会为日本陆上自卫队现有的日益老化的贝尔-富士UH-1J(Bell-FujiUH-1J)直升机群,提供成本低廉、功能适用而又可靠的替换品。

    Richard Thornley , managing director for Bell Helicopter in Japan , said the Bell-Fuji proposal would deliver a cost-effective , capable and reliable replacement for the ground self-defence forces " current fleet of ageing Bell-Fuji UH-1J aircraft .

  26. 我国陆上最深的钻井&塔参1井,井深7200m,其底部钻遇的是一分布有闪长岩捕虏体的花岗闪长岩体。

    Tacan 1 (" TC1 " for short ) located at the central part of Tarim Basin is 7200m in depth , the deepest well in China . It revealed granite and diorite at the bottom .

  27. 游泳的呼吸异于其他运动项目,不是陆上惯用的呼吸方式。

    The breathing in swimming is different from that in land .

  28. 中国陆上天然气资源的特征及发展策略

    Characteristics and development strategy of onshore natural gas resources in China

  29. 陆上和海域的三叠纪地层主要由灰岩组成。

    Triassic strata mainly consist of limestone discovered onshore and offshore .

  30. 陆上石油企业领导体制存在的弊端及对策

    Abuses and Countermeasures to the Leadership System of Onshore Petroleum Enterprise