
  • Army Staff 缩写为 ARSTAF
  1. 最近在瓜达尔召开的一次会议上,巴基斯坦陆军参谋长拉希勒•谢里夫上将(RaheelSharif)指责印度企图破坏该项目。

    At a recent conference in Gwadar , Pakistan 's Army Chief , General Raheel Sharif , accused India of deliberately attempting to undermine the project .

  2. 马歇尔在二战结束时从五角大楼陆军参谋长的职位上退役,而后于1947年初被哈利·杜鲁门总统(HarryS.Truman)任命出任国务卿。

    Marshall had been recalled to become secretary of state by President Harry S Truman at the beginning of1947 , after retiring from the Pentagon at the end of the war as Army chief of staff .

  3. 但是陆军参谋长雷蒙德·奥迪耶诺抵制这个想法。

    But army chief of staff Raymond T. Odierno resisted that idea .

  4. 周五,陆军参谋长弗朗西斯?哈维突然辞职。

    Army Secretary Francis Harvey abruptly stepped down friday .

  5. 陆军参谋长够格嘛?

    Will the army chief of staff do ?

  6. 陪同他的是新任陆军参谋长。

    With his new chief of staff .

  7. 陆军参谋长周二称,部队里的性侵行为就像是癌症一样,将会侵蚀整支队伍。

    Military leaders said Tuesday that sexual assault in the ranks is like a cancer that could destroy the force .

  8. 他们只是在任务结束后,向陆军参谋长基亚尼将军和扎尔达里总统通报了这次行动。

    They had only announced their mission to the army chief of staff , General Ashfaq Kayani , and President Zardari after the event .

  9. 关于战术行动中心之间共享信息的几项实验在辛塞基将军当选第34任陆军参谋总长之前就已经开始着手了。

    Several experiments directed toward sharing information between tactical operations centers ( TOC ) were initiated prior to General Shinseki 's selection to serve as the34th Chief of Staff of the Army .

  10. 曾经担任以色列陆军参谋长的巴拉克说,他已经打了许多战争,所以在派遣军人前去作战之前,尽一切努力争取和平是他神圣的职责。

    Barak , a former army chief , said he has fought in many wars , so before sending soldiers to battle it is a sacred duty to exhaust every effort for peace .

  11. 巴基斯坦陆军参谋长基亚尼曾经表示,不允许任何外国部队在巴基斯坦境内展开行动,巴基斯坦会“不惜一切代价”捍卫国家主权。

    Pakistan 's Chief of Army Staff Ashfaq Kayani has said no foreign forces are allowed to conduct operations inside Pakistan and the country 's sovereignty will be defended " at all costs . "

  12. 利比亚政府上周日表示,他们曾与反对派武装的全国过渡委员会成员接触是由于反对派武装试图推翻他们的陆军参谋长神秘死亡的传言。

    The Libyan government said on Sunday it was in contact with members of the rebel National Transitional Council as the rebels tried to quash rumors about the mysterious death of their army chief .

  13. 不得人心的穆沙拉夫总统在1999年的一次军事政变中夺取了政权。迫于压力,穆沙拉夫于去年11月放弃了掌握实权的陆军参谋长职务。

    The unpopular president , who came to power in a 1999 military coup , appeared in civilian clothing after yielding to pressure last November to give up the powerful post as Army chief .

  14. 反对派选民表示与其支持哈姆丁·萨巴希倒不如投票给执掌国家大权近一年的埃及前陆军参谋长阿卜杜拉·法塔赫·艾尔西西。

    Opposition voters said they were not so much supporting Hamdeen Sabahi as not voting for Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi , Egypt 's former army chief who has been running the country for nearly a year .

  15. 这位巴基斯坦前总理说,穆沙拉夫在过去8年里所作的决定,是为了扩大这位前陆军参谋长的私利。现在,国家政策将由议会来决定。

    The former prime minister says Musharraf 's decisions of the past eight years were meant to promote the former army chief 's personal interests and national policy will now be formulated by the parliament .

  16. 巴基斯坦陆军总参谋长基亚尼承诺,不会让军方干预政治。

    Army chief General Ashfaq Kayani has promised to keep the army out of politics .

  17. 泰国皇家陆军总参谋助理马来先生说,这次训练体现了中泰两国军队实质性的合作。

    Malai Keewtiang , assistant Chief of Staff of the Royal Thailand Army , said the training showcased .

  18. 他被任命为陆军副参谋长,在不到4年的时间里他青云直上,从上校跃升到四星将军的高位。

    He was made Vice Chief of Staff of Army , a four-star rank culminating a spectacularly rapid rise from colonel within four years .

  19. 陆军部参谋的主要职责为拟定作战计划,以供对德日之作战。

    A principal duty of War Department planners was to recommend a scheme of operations for the Army in the waging of war against Germany and Japan .

  20. 陆军高级专科参谋官专门科学术语专门科学术语

    Army Senior Specialist Staff Officers technical scientific term

  21. 陆军高级专科参谋官

    Army Senior Specialist Staff Officers

  22. 该报告的主要作者、学者弗雷德里克·卡根和陆军前代理参谋长杰克·基恩赞同“稳步扩大美军规模以捍卫和保护巴格达的关键区域”。

    The report 's main authors , Frederick Kagan , an academic , and Jack Keane , a former acting army chief of staff , favour a " sustained surge of US forces to secure and protect critical areas of Baghdad " .

  23. 另一名参加过伊拉克战争的将领,陆军上将罗伊·奥迪耶诺将从现任美国联合部队司令部司令的职位上离任,转任陆军参谋长一职。

    Another Iraq water veteran , U.S. Army General Ray Odierno , moves from his current position as head of the U.S. Joint Forces Command , to become Army chief .