
lán běn
  • writing upon which later work is based;chief source;original version of a work;chief source of writing
蓝本 [lán běn]
  • [original version of a work; chief source of writing] 编修书籍或绘画时所根据的底本

蓝本[lán běn]
  1. 而教材是教与学的蓝本,关系着教育效果的优劣。

    The mathematical textbook is the chief source of teaching and studying , and relates to the quality of the mathematical education .

  2. 以“赣州模式”为蓝本,江西省开始全面推动新农村建设。

    Taking Ganzhou pattern as chief source , new rural construction has been driven all around in Jiangxi province .

  3. 这是未来的学校建筑的蓝本。

    This is the prototype for future school buildings .

  4. 她的职责可以作为“SOA治理”新准则的蓝本。

    Her job description serves as blueprint for the new discipline " SOA Governance " .

  5. 新编写的序列会作为制作人工DNA的蓝本,插入酵母细胞中进行操控。

    The new edited sequence is then used as a blueprint to build artificial DNA that is inserted into yeast cells for monitoring .

  6. J2EE规范描述了当前开发应用服务器和分布式多层应用所遵循的技术蓝本。

    J2EE specifications provide the technique blue-prints of the current development of application servers and distributed multi-layer applications .

  7. 该值是网络设计的前提,也是测试验收的依据,该项工作成果为IPTV承载网设计者提供了很好的参考蓝本。

    The result is a good blueprint for designer of IPTV Load-carrying Net .

  8. Show和Family.Show据推测将会迁移到微软新的名为软件+服务蓝本(Software+ServicesBlueprints)倡议项目里。

    Video . Show , and presumably Family . Show , will migrated into Microsoft 's new initiative called Software + Services Blueprints .

  9. SOA就是总的应用程序和IT蓝本,将日常业务应用程序分解成独立的业务功能和过程称为服务。

    An SOA is an overall application and IT blueprint that takes everyday business applications and breaks them down into individual business functions and processes , called services .

  10. 各个S+S蓝本项目关注于媒体/社区、电子商务、Office商务应用程序(OfficeBusinessApplications,OBA)、移动设备或其他未来S+S应用程序领域。

    Each S + S Blueprint is focused on media / community , eCommerce , Office Business Applications ( OBA ), mobility or other future S + S application areas .

  11. 该系统是以单引擎的Shark工作流系统为蓝本构建的一个分布式工作流管理系统(DWFMS)架构,称之为D-shark(distributedshark)工作流管理系统。

    The distributed workflow management system is designed ( called D-shark ) based on Shark .

  12. 由专业导演、编舞带领,以百老汇音乐剧FAME《我要高飞》为蓝本,锻鍊你的声、色、艺。

    Using FAME the Broadway musical as the framework , our professional directors and choreographers will lead you to the next level of performing art skills .

  13. 全球最大移动运营商中国移动(ChinaMobile)提供的十多款智能手机都采用了移动自行研发的以Android为蓝本的操作系统,这些手机提供的搜索引擎包括谷歌。

    China Mobile , the world 's largest mobile operator , offers more than a dozen smartphones running on its own platform which is based on Android and which feature Google as one search engine among others .

  14. CRM的特点是它的规范化的生产管理技术和设计方法,这种特点使它十分适于作为软件生产自动化过程的基础蓝本。

    SEI presented the CRM ( Cleanroom Reference Model ), whose character is the normalized management and method which make it a very suitable base for software producing automation .

  15. 本文以我们设计的一个分布式UNIX为蓝本,阐述对单机上的UNIX进行分布式改造和扩充的技术。

    Based on a distributed UNIX designed by our research group , this paper presents the technology of remodeling and extending an uniprocessor 's UNIX into the distributed one .

  16. 像福特翼虎(Escape)和雪佛兰英帕拉(Impala)等车型,它们的设计蓝本还是基于十多年前的设计。

    Indeed , some models like the Ford Escape and Chevrolet Impala are based on designs that are more than a decade old .

  17. iasb本次的提案可以为正在考虑修订自身规则的美国同行提供一个蓝本。

    The IASB rule proposal could provide a blueprint for its US counterpart which is considering amending its own rules .

  18. 介绍了航电综合化发展阶段及当前阶段的主要任务,以F-22CIP为蓝本分析了航空综合信息处理机的硬件、软件结构和组成,以及处理机数据通信机理。

    The development of the integrated avionics system and current task is introduced . Based on F 22 CIP , an analysis is given to the hardware architecture and instantiations , the software structure and modulars , and the data communications .

  19. 以OPC数据存取自动化接口规范(20)为蓝本,给出了利用Excel的VBA实现一个趋势图的应用程序的详细步骤和具体程序。

    On the basis of OPC data access automation interface standard ( 2.0 ), the detailed procedures and demo programs to realize a trend OPC application program based on Excel ′ s VBA are presented in the end .

  20. 为了得到这些衡量指标,必须对读者展开相应的调查。2004年3月开始,清华大学图书馆以美国研究型图书馆协会(ARL)开展的LibQUAL+TM项目为蓝本,在读者中开展广泛的服务质量调查活动。

    From March 2004 , Tsinghua University Library started a project based on LibQUAL + ~ TM of the Association of Research Libraries ( ARL ) .

  21. 在科特迪瓦(IvoryCoast)的亚穆苏克罗市(Yamoussoukro),道路宽得可以降落大型喷气式客机,还有一个巨大的总统府和以罗马圣彼得大教堂为蓝本的长方形基督教堂。

    Yamoussoukro in Ivory Coast is a city with roads wide enough for jumbo jets to land on , a vast presidential palace and a basilica modelled on St Peter 's in Rome .

  22. 本章先对中国银行业进行概述,之后选择商业银行作为编制银行业SPPI的蓝本,论述了商业银行金融中介服务SPPI的编制过程。

    This chapter first on Chinese banking carding select commercial banks as a blueprint ; discusses financial intermediary service of commercial banks .

  23. 本文以这套系统的转速、流量采集模块为蓝本,结合图表及源代码介绍PCI接口设计,Windows2000WDM驱动程序设计和源代码实现,上层总控软件设计和源代码实现等主要内容。

    In this thesis , according to the rotational speed and flux data acquisition model , we mainly introduce the design of PCI interface , design and program WDM driver on Windows 2000 and the total control application software of high layer used by graph and source code .

  24. 从整个WTO法制的大背景来看,GATS的结构和具体条款是以GATT1947为蓝本的。相应地,WTO争端解决机构对GATS规范的解释也深受GATT专家组相关解释的影响。

    In view of the background of the WTO legal system , the architecture and provisions of GATS are drafted by an analogy to GATT 1947 , and consequently the interpretation of its norms by the DSB has been deeply influenced by that of the GATT panels .

  25. 纳丁是新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)科学家们的智慧结晶,其运行机制类似苹果Siri或微软小娜,她的外貌完全是按照其创造者纳迪娅·塔尔曼教授的样子为蓝本。

    Powered by intelligent software similar to Apple 's Siri or Microsoft 's Cortana , she is the brainchild of scientists at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and is based on her creator Prof Nadia Thalmann .

  26. 本编组站仿真平台的作业模式、岗位设置以及人机交互界面的表现方式均以CIPS环境下成都北编组站为蓝本进行设计。

    In this study , the performance of the marshalling yard mode of operation , job settings , and man-machine interface design are based on the mode of CIPS environment under the North Marshalling Station in Chengdu .

  27. 论文主要研究了工作流管理联盟(WFMC)提出的工作流参考模型,在此基础上,以WFMC工作流参考模型为蓝本,采用轻量级工作流引擎的设计思想,研究并设计了一个嵌入式工作流引擎。

    On basis of the reference model proposed by workflow management commission ( WFMC ) through research , the abstract takes the design philosophy of light engine , developed and designed an embedding workflow engine .

  28. 要将一个主要适用于企业管理并以发达国家企业管理经验为蓝本的ISO质量管理体系引入具有社会主义特色的中国教育领域,有必要针对某些难度因素根据具体应用环境作些权变。

    If we want to carry out the ISO9000 Quality Management System , which is usually applied in enterprise and bases on the enterprise management experience of developed country , in the socialism educational field with Chinese characteristics , some contingency devices should be made to overcome the relevant difficulty .

  29. 一个人工智能算法自动编写程序以JK罗琳的小说《哈利·波特》为蓝本写了一个新故事,它已经成为了互联网上最搞笑的笑料,幸好JK罗琳还有她的《侦探科莫兰》系列小说,为此她真要感谢邓布利多。

    JK Rowling must be thanking Dumbledore that she has her Cormoran Strike series to fall back on , after a predictive keyboard wrote a new Harry Potter story using her books and it became the funniest thing on the internet .

  30. 日本首相鸠山由纪夫(YukioHatoyama)上台前夕,曾呼吁以欧元为蓝本创建一种泛亚洲货币,称自己的灵感来自那些很早就信奉欧洲统一的人士。

    Shortly before he took office , Yukio Hatoyama , the Japanese prime minister , called for the establishment of a pan-Asian currency modelled on the euro and cited the early believers in European unity as a personal inspiration .