
  • Blue Mountain Coffee
  1. 皮特咖啡(Peet’sCoffee)正在以45美元的价格,出售半磅装的牙买加蓝山咖啡(JamaicaBlueMountain),第一批是上周三烘烤的,第二批定于这周烘烤。

    Peet 's Coffee is selling a half-pound bag of scarce Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee , one batch roasted on Wednesday and the second scheduled for roasting next week , for $ 45 .

  2. 事实是,他们没有得到许可,也没有加工过蓝山咖啡。

    The fact is they have not gotten any permission to market and they have not been processing Blue Mountain coffee .

  3. 一杯加奶加糖的蓝山咖啡。

    One Blue Mountain with cream and sugar .

  4. 我们从街底的凯蒂咖啡店带了一点东西给你——牙买加蓝山咖啡豆!

    We 've brought you a little something from the place down the street , Kitty Cafe-Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans !

  5. 浓郁香醇的蓝山咖啡,经典口味是您午后时光的好选择。

    The classical taste of strong , fragrant , and mellow blue mountain coffee is your best choice of afternoon tea .

  6. 有当地种植者声称有机蓝山咖啡可以获得更高的价格,高达95美元一公斤。

    Organic Blue Mountain attracts the highest prices local growers say , with the roasted selling this year for up to US $ 95 per kilogramme .

  7. 彼得琼斯百货公司马利欧·撒迦利亚:麝香猫咖啡豆本身就综合了蓝山咖啡以及某种与麝香猫有关的东南亚咖啡豆。

    MARIO ZACHARIA , PETER JONES STORE : The beans themselves are a Blue Mountain blend and a blend from Southeast Asia that 's linked to a civet cat .

  8. 由于金融危机的影响,在全世界相对富裕的、商品异常丰富的拉丁美洲,商品经济和贸易的影响非常之大,导致购买者的对蓝山咖啡进口的不确定。

    The withdrawals come amid a global financial crisis that has driven down prices of raw material exports and slashed income at exporting companies across Latin America , a commodity-rich region .

  9. 现磨蓝山咖啡,英国红茶,可乐,雪碧,橙汁,桃汁,英式奶茶,进口红酒,英国威士忌,啤酒。

    Grinding Blue Mountain Coffee , English Tea , Coke , Sprite , Orange Juice , Peach Juice , English Milk Tea , Import Red Wine , English Whisky , Beer .

  10. 在过去的一两年内,蓝山咖啡的产量由于飓风的影响而呈下降趋势,没有保险的农场主没有能力筹措资金恢复生产也是产量下降的因素之一。

    Supply of Blue Mountain coffee has fallen short in the past year or two due to the decimation of farms by past storms , and the inability of uninsured farmers to recapitalise their operations .

  11. 值得注意的是著名的蓝山一号咖啡是不能售给未获该项资格的公司。

    Note that their blue mountain grade a coffee could not be sold to any company without their prior approval .