
  1. 而且,阿拉比卡咖啡树的特殊的生长条件将决定其是否能成为极品咖啡。

    Rather , the specific growing conditions of Arabica coffee plants will determine whether they are gourmet or not .

  2. 这种咖啡豆采自生长在海拔1500米处(约5000英尺)的阿拉比卡咖啡树,然后喂给大象。

    Thai Arabica beans are picked from an altitude of 1500 meters ( about 5000 feet ) and fed to the elephants .

  3. 三年之后,咖啡树即可结出鲜红的咖啡樱桃。阿拉比卡咖啡树是全世界种植最普遍的一种咖啡树。

    This species of coffee plant known as Arabica coffee is the most commonly grown species of coffee grown throughout the world .

  4. 因此,高海拔地区的阿拉比卡咖啡树更容易出产极品咖啡。

    As a result , gourmet coffee usually encompasses coffee beans grown from Arabica coffee plants that are situated at a high altitude .

  5. 阿拉比卡咖啡树长得越高,其出产极品咖啡豆的几率就越高。

    The higher the Arabica coffee plant is , the higher the chance is that it will produce coffee beans that can be classified as gourmet .

  6. 这种真菌阻滞了阿拉比卡豆咖啡树果实的生长。

    The fungus stunts the growth of the fruit of arabica coffee plants .