
  1. 1946年,威廉·杰斐逊·克林顿出生于阿肯色州的霍普,就在他出生的三个月后,他的父亲在一次车祸中去世。

    William Jefferson " Bill " Clinton was born in 1946 in Hope , Arkansas three months after his father died in a traffic accident .

  2. 但是《米纳里》也是一部关于上世纪80年代在阿肯色州一家小农场劳作的美国家庭的故事,因此一些评论人士表示,将其称为“外语片”不仅过时而且具有侮辱性。

    But Minari is also the tale of a US family working on a small farm in Arkansas in the 1980s , so some commentators9 have argued that calling its language " foreign " is outdated10 and insulting .

  3. 然而,来自美国阿肯色大学的一组古生物学家可能发现了有关这种可怕动物的一个新理论。霸王龙是群居动物的理论最早是在20年前提出的。

    The theory that tyrannosaurs were social animals was first suggested 20 years ago .

  4. 来自美国阿肯色大学的一组古生物学家在分析了骨骼和化石后说,这表明这些霸王龙曾聚集在一起捕食其它动物,至少在生存艰难、资源日益减少的日子里是这样的。

    Analysing the bones and rocks , a team of palaeontologists from the University of Arkansas say it suggests the tyrannosaurs came together to prey1 on other animals , at least when times got tougher and resources were dwindling2 .

  5. 位于南部的阿肯色州别名是机会之乡(LandofOpportunity)。

    The southern state of Arkansas is the Land of Opportunity .

  6. JeffersonThomas是1957年进入阿肯色州小岩城CentralHigh高中读书的9名黑人学生之一。

    Jefferson Thomas was one of the nine students who d Central High in Little Rock , Arkansas , in 1957 .

  7. 马克•托马斯(MarkThomas)有两家公司,在阿肯色州运营着100口低产井,总产量为每日300桶。

    Mark Thomas has two companies that operate 100 stripper wells in Arkansas state with total production of 300 b / d.

  8. 威尔森2010年毕业于中阿肯色大学(UniversityofCentralArkansas),然后到得克萨斯大学学起了法律。他总是避免给自己贴上政治标签。

    Mr. Wilson , who graduated from the University of Central Arkansas in 2010 and then started law school here , shuns political labels .

  9. 总部位于美国阿肯色州的SuttleEquipment公司成立于1970年,业务范围是销售和维护伐木设备。

    Arkansas-based Suttle Equipment was founded in 1970 to sell and service timber harvesting equipment .

  10. CynthiaSagers是阿肯色大学一名生物学教授。

    Cynthia Sagers is a professor at the University of Arkansas .

  11. 在阿肯色州,民主党参议员布兰奇·林肯(BlancheLincoln)以轻微优势获得了第三任期的提名。

    In Arkansas , Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln won nomination to a third term .

  12. 阿肯色州赢得了NCAA男子篮球冠军。

    And Arkansas won the NCAA men 's basketball championship .

  13. 据美国地质调查局(UnitedStatesGeologicalSurvey)的研究,密西西比河泛滥平原冲刷的肥沃土壤,其砷含量可高达路易斯安那、密西西比和阿肯色州其他地区的五倍。

    The fertile soils fanning out across the Mississippi River floodplain are up to five times as high in arsenic as other parts of Louisiana , Mississippi and Arkansas , according to studies done by the United States Geological Survey .

  14. 保罗・巴比特(PaulBabbitt),南阿肯色大学(SouthernArkansasUniversity)副教授:在将互联网用作政治和社会控制工具方面,政府的效率将大大提高。

    Paul Babbitt , an associate professor at Southern Arkansas University : ' Governments will become much more effective in using the Internet as an instrument of political and social control .

  15. 一个名叫“Jacktavious”的新生儿出生在阿肯色州,同时一个名叫“McKenlee”的新生儿出生在缅因州,“Dior”出生在康涅狄格州。

    A Jacktavious was among the first babies born in Arkansas along with McKenlee in Maine and Dior in Connecticut .

  16. 所有美国尼伯科阀门都在我们位于美国阿肯色州的、符合ISO9002质量认证的制造厂内按照MSS要求进行测试。

    All NIBCO Ductile Iron Valves are tested to MSS requirements in our ISO9002 quality certified manufacturing plant in Blytheville , Arkansas .

  17. 必和必拓(BHPBilliton)近期从ChesapeakeEnergy公司购得阿肯色州Fayetteville页岩气资产,计划使该页岩气项目的产量比目前水平提高两倍,此举证实了上述观点。

    Supporting this , BHP Billiton plans to triple output from current levels in the Fayetteville shale in Arkansas , the assets that it recently acquired from Chesapeake energy .

  18. 马克托马斯(MarkThomas)有两家公司,在阿肯色州运营着100口低产井,总产量为每日300桶。他上周表示:一些油井可能会在90天内被关闭。

    Mark Thomas has two companies that operate 100 stripper wells in Arkansas state with total production of 300 b / d. Some of those will be shut in , probably within 90 days , he said last week .

  19. BradyCox是阿肯色州立大学一位土木工程助理教授,同时也是极端地址灾害勘察组织(GeotechnicalExtremeEventsReconnaissance,orGEER)的地震专家。

    Brady Cox is an assistant professor of civil engineering at the University of Arkansas . He is also an earthquake expert with an organization called Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance , or GEER .

  20. 左翼过去常把乐园定位在未来:想想比尔•克林顿(BillClinton)的“来自(阿肯色州)霍普的男孩”,或是英国工党在2005年极其缺乏想象力的口号——“前进,别后退”。

    The left used to locate paradise in the future : think of Bill Clinton 's " the boy from Hope , " or the British Labour party 's fabulously unimaginative " Forward , not back " of 2005 .

  21. 官方已经把一些濒临死亡的鱼送到位于PineBluf的阿肯色大学鱼类疾病实验室。检测结果要几个星期之后才能出来。

    State officials have sent samples of dying , but not yet dead , fish to the fish disease lab at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff , which could take a couple of weeks to reach conclusions .

  22. 1970年,在阿肯色州的Bentonville开设了自己的内务处理办公室和第一个物流配送中心。

    In 1970 , it opened its home office and first distribution center in Bentonville , Arkansas .

  23. 阿肯色州瑟西(Searcy)的汉娜•卡彭特(HannahCarpenter)说,在二月份开始使用“家政怪兽”应用之前,她一直没能很好地给她那四个年龄从一岁到10岁的孩子分配家务。

    Hannah Carpenter of Searcy , Ark . , says she had trouble structuring a housework system for her four children , ages 1 through 10 , until she started using ChoreMonster in February .

  24. 当这只流浪猫被女儿切尔西收养时,这位前总统还是阿肯色州的州长,2001年克林顿一家离开白宫后,Socks一直和这位前总统的秘书生活在一起。

    Well the former president was governor of Arkansas when the street cat was adopted by his daughter Chelsea . Socks has been living with the former president 's secretary since the Clintons left Washington back in 2001 .

  25. 全球最大零售商沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)的首席执行官李•斯科特(LeeScott)正在重新拾起他所谓的细节。最近,这表现为他在沃尔玛位于阿肯色州本顿维尔低调的公司总部里坐下来尝派。

    Lee Scott , chief executive of Wal-Mart , is returning to what he calls the details . Recently , that meant sitting down to sample pies at the unassuming corporate headquarters of the world 's largest retailer in Bentonville , Arkansas .

  26. 如今,这家总部位于阿肯色州斯普林代尔(Springdale)的公司在中国的养鸡场数量已经从三年前的零增加到20个。

    Today the Springdale , Ark . , company has 20 farms in China . Three years ago , none .

  27. 美国阿肯色大学小石城分校的婚姻家庭治疗师贝基·惠茨通(BeckyWhetstone)说,你不可能知道别人的感受或想法,所以,这句话还是不要说出口为好。

    There 's no way of knowing what someone is feeling or thinking , so keep the assumptions to yourself , said Becky Whetstone , a marriage and family therapist in Little Rock , Arkansas .

  28. 它直接与沙士达山下的阿加莎城(Agartha)相连,并通往众多的位于加利福尼亚、内华达、亚利桑那、阿肯色和俄怀明之下的地底裂缝。

    It is directly connected to the Agartha City of Mt Shasta and to the vast underground chasms below California , Nevada , Arizona , Arkansas and Wyoming .

  29. 尽管沃尔玛已经习惯了各种苛刻的批评,如薪资吝啬、欺压供应商、排挤社区小店,但对于沃尔玛创始人山姆•沃尔顿(SamWalton)在阿肯色州(Arkansas)贫穷落后地区建立起的福音式商业文化,上述指控仍然有可能构成巨大的挑战。

    But even for a company used to the barbs of critics who say it pays stingy wages , bullies suppliers and steamrollers mom-and-pop stores , the allegations are a potent challenge to an evangelical business culture forged in the poverty of backwoods Arkansas by its founder Sam Walton .

  30. 总部位于美国阿肯色州本顿维尔(Bentonville,Ark.)的沃尔玛还推出了一项新的环保举措,要求其全球供应商按照沃尔玛的企业环保规定提高能源效率,减少废弃物。

    The Bentonville , Ark . , company is also launching a new environmental initiative , requiring its global suppliers to improve energy efficiency and waste reduction based on its own corporate environmental regulations .