
  • 网络ASPEN;Aspern
  1. 美国很多城市现在都有直达阿斯彭的航班。

    Many US cities now have non-stop flights to Aspen .

  2. 不得不说,阿斯彭的丽兹·卡尔顿饭店是我所住过的最气派的酒店之一。

    The Ritz-Carlton in Aspen has to rank as one of the most extraordinary hotels I have ever been to

  3. 作为一名滑雪爱好者,我父亲每年都会在滑雪季节(每年的11月到来年的四月)搬到科罗拉多州的阿斯彭居住,如今在这里已经居住了20多年。

    My father has lived Aspen , Colorado for over 20 years during the ski season , November to April , as he is an avid1 skier2 .

  4. 这把风琴看上去并不是很惹人喜爱,据我了解母亲就拒绝把它放到自己的房间,因此父亲只好把它带到了位于阿斯彭的房子,因为在他眼里这把风琴可是价值不菲。

    It 's not very attractive and I was told that my mother refused to have it in her house so my father put it in his Aspen home as he thought the organ was great .

  5. 他的这座房子,我只是在1990年到1991年间住了一年半,其时我正在阿斯彭的一家展览馆工作,在此期间除了对这座房子的楼下部分感到极其不舒服外,也没有什么特别的感受。

    I lived in my father 's house for a year and a half in 1990 / 91 when I was working at a gallery in Aspen , but had no experiences except for being extremely uncomfortable in the downstairs area .

  6. 我趁其在科罗拉多阿斯彭思想节(AspenIdeasFestival)发言之际,通过电话联系了舒尔茨。

    I caught up with Schultz by phone as he was in Colorado speaking at the Aspen ideas Festival .

  7. 上周四,在阿斯彭举行的《财富》科技头脑风暴(FortuneBrainstormTech)大会上,贝茨透露了这一往事。

    One of them was Skype , Bates said today during fortune brainstorm Tech in Aspen .

  8. 本文作者是阿斯彭研究所(AspenInstitute)首席执行官、《创新者》(TheInnovators)一书作�

    The writer is chief executive of the Aspen Institute and author of ' The Innovators "

  9. 下个月,我将前往西部的科罗拉多州,参加一年一度的时事会议阿斯彭理念节(AspenIdeasfestival)。

    Next month , I will head west to Colorado to take part in the Aspen Ideas Festival , an annual current affairs conference .

  10. 前一阵子,他消失在世人的视野之外,引发坊间各种传言,称他躲进了自己位于美国科罗拉多州阿斯彭(aspen)宫殿般的宅第里。

    He dropped out of sight weeks before , sparking rumours he had taken refuge in his palatial home in Aspen , Colorado .

  11. 阿斯彭研究所(AspenInstitute)所长沃尔特·艾萨克森(WalterIsaacson)和可口可乐公司(Coca-ColaCompany)总裁兼首席执行官穆赫塔尔·肯特(MuhtarKent)将担任副主管。

    Its vice chairs will be Walter Isaacson , the president of the Aspen Institute , and Muhtar Kent , the chairman and CEO of Coca-Cola Company .

  12. 阿斯彭思想节(AspenIdeasFestival)是每年夏季举行的论坛活动,与会者会探讨各类有趣的观点,有些不太可能实现,有些则非常重要。今年的活动有一个大主题,那就是就业。

    At the Aspen Ideas Festival - an annual summer gabfest that presents all sorts of interesting ideas , from the improbable to the important - one of the big themes this year was jobs .

  13. 《乔布斯自传》(SteveJobs)的作者艾萨克森是阿斯彭研究所(AspenInstitute)CEO,曾任CNN主席、《时代周刊》(Time)编辑,也是基辛格、富兰克林和爱因斯坦的传记作者。

    Isaacson , authorof Steve Jobs , is the CEO of the Aspen Institute , a former head of CNN and editor oftime , and also the author of biographies of Kissinger , Franklin , and Einstein .

  14. 40岁的汤恩是麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院(SloanSchoolofManagementatM.I.T.)客座副教授,她为本届阿斯彭思想节带来了最为激进但也最合乎情理的观点之一。

    A 40-year-old adjunct associate professor at the Sloan School of Management at M.I.T. , Ton brought one of the most radical , and yet one of the most sensible , ideas to Aspen this year .

  15. 精明的施瓦布(更不必说阿斯彭、米尔肯、TED等会议的那些心怀良好意愿的主办者)将非常乐意通过网络来创造意外之得。

    The canny Schwab ( not to mention the good folks at Aspen , Milken , TED and so on ) would dearly love to deliver serendipity in cyber bytes .

  16. 委托书并未说明这是在哪次行业会议上,但我敢打包票,那就是阿斯彭举办的“《财富》头脑风暴技术大会”(theFortuneBrainstormTechconference)(当时迈克尔?戴尔和银湖资本的埃贡?德班都做了发言)。

    The proxy does not say which industry conference , but I 'm 99.9 % certain it was Fortune Brainstorm Tech in Aspen ( where Michael Dell and Silver Lake 's Egon Durban both spoke ) .

  17. 在科罗拉多州阿斯彭召开的《财富》科技头脑风暴大会(FortuneBrainstormTech)上,BuzzFeed创始人兼首席执行官乔纳o柏瑞迪表示,虽然即使BuzzFeed打算继续保持私营身份,但是迪斯尼依然是一家值得款待的公司。

    At the Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen , Colo. today , BuzzFeed 's founder and chief executive Jonah Peretti said Disney was worth entertaining , even if BuzzFeed plans to stay private .

  18. 在一次采访中,艾萨克森说,他尝试对乔布斯采取不偏不倚的态度,不为这位苹果创始人的缺点制作糖衣。艾萨克森是阿斯彭研究所(AspenInstitute)的首席执行官,也是《时代》的前执行主编。

    In an interview , Mr. Isaacson , chief executive of the Aspen Institute and a former managing editor of Time , said he had tried to take a balanced view of Mr. Jobs that did not sugarcoat the Apple co-founder 's flaws .

  19. 如今,专家、政治人士、学者、高管和像我这样的记者会花费相当多的时间参加会议——阿斯彭理念节、达沃斯的世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)、洛杉矶的米尔肯研究院(MilkenInstitute)全球会议以及数不胜数的其他会议。

    These days , pundits , politicians , academics , executives and journalists like me spend a considerable amount of time attending conferences - whether the Aspen event , the World Economic Forum 's meeting in Davos , the Milken Institute 's global conference in Los Angeles or countless others .

  20. 随后,在科罗拉多州阿斯彭召开的《财富》科技头脑风暴大会(Fortune’sBrainstormTech)上,纳德拉同样令人难以捉摸。他着重强调这家公司的巨大潜力,但问题是,这位微软掌门人并没有勾勒他打算如何实现这种潜能。

    He followed it up with an equally elusive appearance at Fortune 's Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen , Colo. during which he emphasized the huge potential of his company . One problem : Nadella did not outline how he planned to achieve it .

  21. 格雷格Bretz高扬,星期五在Superpipe总决赛,在第14届冬季极限运动会在阿斯彭。

    Greg Bretz flies high , Friday , during the Superpipe Finals at the14th annual Winter X Games in Aspen .

  22. 周一,吉米o李在阿斯彭举行的财富头脑风暴技术会议(BrainstormTechConference)上登台发言。他提出了科技行业出现并购热潮的另一条佐证,那就是最近几年,就并购事项发布公告后上市科技公司的股价没有下跌,反而节节攀升。

    Speaking on stage at Fortune 's Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen on Monday , Lee pointed to another sign of a tech M & A boom : Shares of publicly traded tech companies going up , not down when they announced acquisitions in recent years .

  23. 汤姆Wallisch打在滑雪铁路星期四在第十四届冬季极限运动会在阿斯彭消除Slopestyle男子。

    Tom Wallisch hits the rail Thursday during Skiing Slopestyle mens elimination at the14th annual Winter X Games in Aspen .

  24. 去大西门杜蒙在滑雪Superpipe男子总决赛,周日,在第14届冬季极限运动会在阿斯彭。

    Simon Dumont goes big during the Skiing Superpipe Men 's Finals , Sunday , at the14th annual Winter X Games in Aspen .

  25. 在阿斯彭理念节(AspenIdeasfestival)上,我听到了来自麻省理工学院(MIT)媒体实验室主管伊藤穰一(JoiIto)的精彩演讲:源于建筑系的这项倡议,旨在力推不同类型的研究人员和创业者相互切磋。

    At the Aspen Ideas festival , I listened to fascinating presentations from Joi Ito , head of the MIT Media Lab : this initiative , which grew out of the architecture department , aims to force different types of researchers and entrepreneurs to collide with each other .

  26. 阿斯彭历史协会也表示将帮助栏目负责人整理时间胶囊的目录清单,不过关于《Diggers》栏目组成员有没有打开时间胶囊中为发现管子的人准备的宝汀顿啤酒,目前暂无消息。

    The Aspen Historical Society is going to help the show creators catalogue the tube 's contents - but no word yet whether or not the Diggers cracked open one of the six bottles of Boddington 's Ale that was left inside for the people who found the tube .

  27. 在阿斯彭为他的情妇买了一套爱的小屋。

    On a love shack for his mistress in aspen .

  28. 我是说,还记得我们那次去阿斯彭

    I mean , don 't you remember when we went to Aspen

  29. 阿斯彭气凝胶公司是美国航空航天管理局下属的一家公司,该公司一直致力于把气凝胶推向市场。

    Aspen Aerogels is a NASA spin-off dedicated to bringing aerogel to the market .

  30. 那次去阿斯彭我唯一记得的

    The only thing that I remember from Aspen