
  • 网络Illinois River
  1. 但是据NPR新闻的大卫·沙佩尔报道,最大的问题来自皮奥里亚附近的伊利诺伊河沿岸。

    But as NPR 's David Schaper tells us some of the biggest problems are along the Illinois River near Peoria .

  2. 芝加哥WGN(注:全称为World'sGreastestNewspaper,即“世界最伟大报纸”)新闻的两位早间主播罗宾-鲍姆加滕和拉里-波塔什就伊利诺伊河上的塞内卡桥即将被炸的消息播报了三分钟。

    Morning hosts Robin Baumgarten and Larry Potash from WGN ( World 's Greatest Newspaper ) news spoke for three minutes about the impending explosion of the Seneca bridge over the IIllinois River .

  3. 周二,皮奥里亚伊利诺伊河的水位达到了历史最高值,仅略低于30英尺。

    Illinois River crested Tuesday in Peoria at a record high flood level of just under 30 feet .