
  • 网络Iranian religion;Religion in Iran
  1. 古代伊朗宗教文化特征初探

    On Characteristics of Religions and Culture of Ancient Iran

  2. 摘要古代伊朗宗教文化复杂多样,影响深刻而广泛。

    The religions and culture in Ancient Iran are complicated and multiform , and the influences are profound and extensive .

  3. 他是6月份有争议的总统选举过后被指控密谋推翻伊朗宗教政府的100人之一。

    He is one of about 100 people accused of plotting to Iran 's clerical leaders after then disputed presidential elections back there in June .

  4. 但伊朗最高宗教领袖阿亚图拉·艾哈迈德·贾纳提(AyatollahAhmadJannati)在德黑兰大学一次祈祷活动上对祷告者表示,处死这两人并无必要。

    But a top Iranian religious leader told a prayer service at Tehran University that execution was needless .

  5. 考虑到伊朗政权的宗教论调,这种可能性不能被完全排除。

    Given the religious rhetoric of the Iranian regime , this possibility cannot be entirely dismissed .

  6. 但是伊朗一名高级宗教领袖告诉德黑兰大学的祈祷者,执行死刑是没有必要的。

    But a top Iranian religious leader told a prayer service at Tehran University that was .