
  • 网络ipswich
  1. 人群中有来自伊普斯威奇的一个人数众多的代表团。

    The crowd included a big contingent from Ipswich .

  2. 我们走到伊普斯威奇,然后坐火车到科尔切斯特。

    We walked to Ipswich and got the train to colchester .

  3. 3年前,华为收购了位于伊普斯威奇(Ipswich)的集成光子中心(CIP),该中心研究、设计、开发、生产和检测光子设备。

    Three years ago , Huawei acquired the Ipswich-based Centre for Integrated Photonics ( CIP ) , which conducts research , design , development , manufacture and testing of photonic devices .

  4. 我们的皮子是从伊普斯威奇的一家皮革厂买来的。

    Our leather was bought from a tannery in ipswich .

  5. 我们一伙人都来自伊普斯威奇。

    Our crowd all comes from ipswich .

  6. 伊普斯威奇镇的艾玛•哈钦森告诉《伊普斯威奇星报》说:消息传得很快。

    Emma Hutchinson , from Ipswich , told the Ipswich Star : Word got around pretty quickly .

  7. 例如,他发现富兰克林在伊普斯威奇市的一家工厂里做装饰弧光灯的工作,一星期只赚几个先令。

    He found Franklin , for instance , trimming arc lamps in an Ipswich factory for a few shilling a week .

  8. 这台提款机属于伊普斯威奇小镇的劳埃德信托储蓄银行,该银行支行周三晚关门后,提款机就开始向储户送钱。

    The Lloyds TSB cash machine in the town of Ipswich began dispensing free money to customers on Wednesday after the bank branch had closed for the evening .

  9. 这台提款机属于伊普斯威奇小镇的劳埃德信托储蓄银行,该银行支行周三晚关门后,提款机就开始向储户“送钱”。

    The Lloyds TSB cash machine in the town of Ipswich began dispensing " free money " to customers on Wednesday after the bank branch had closed for the evening .

  10. 伊普斯威奇镇的艾玛•哈钦森告诉《伊普斯威奇星报》说:“消息传得很快。我朋友要取40镑,取款机就给了80镑。”

    Emma Hutchinson , from Ipswich , told the Ipswich Star : " Word got around pretty quickly . My friend asked for 40 pounds and the machine gave out 80 pounds . "