
  • 网络bougainvillea;bougainvillea glabra;Bougainvillea spectabilis;Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd
  1. 叶子花的组织培养与微繁技术研究

    Studies on tissue culture and micropropogation of Bougainvillea glabra

  2. 叶子花辐照诱发突变育种的研究

    The study of radiation induced breeding in Bougainvillea

  3. 叶子花的组织培养

    Tissue Culture of Bougainvillea Spectabilis

  4. 叶子花是应用较多的盆栽观花和园林绿化植物,在中国南北方都有广泛应用。

    As a kind of potted and landscape plant , Bougainvillea glabra is used widely all over the country .

  5. 用生长健壮的一年生叶子花硬枝和当年生半木质化绿枝为插条。

    In the experiment one-year healthily-growing hardwood branches of bougainvillea and one-year semi-lignified softwood twigs with leaves were selected as cuttings .