
shuǐ shànɡ lè yuán
  • aquatic paradise;water paradise
  1. 水上乐园管道设计简介

    Pipeline System Design for Water Paradise

  2. 巴厘岛水上乐园被选为亚洲第一水上乐园。

    Waterbom Bali was voted number one water park in Asia .

  3. 它是亚洲最大的水上乐园。

    It is one of the largest water parks in Asia .

  4. 迪士尼暴风雪海滩水上乐园——佛罗里达奥兰多

    Disney 's Blizzard Beach Water Park - Orlando , Florida

  5. 疯狂河道水上乐园——阿联酋迪拜

    Wild Wadi Water Park - Dubai , United Arab Emirates

  6. 水上乐园可能由于季节或天气原因而关闭。

    Water Parks subject to seasonal or weather closures .

  7. 天堂岛亚特兰蒂斯水上乐园拥有独一无二的占地141英亩的海景。

    Atlantis Paradise Island 's water park is a one-of-a-kind 141-acre waterscape . 9 .

  8. 我去水上乐园。

    I went to a water park .

  9. 若水上乐园安装了电子钱包系统,你在园内的消费额变更为多少?

    If the E-wallet system is installed , how would it change your spending habit ?

  10. 湖里水上乐园地下汽车库通风排烟设计

    Design of ventilating and smoke extraction system in underground garage of Huli water amusement park

  11. 巴厘岛水上乐园—印度尼西亚库塔

    Waterbom Bali - Kuta , Indonesia

  12. 同时,高科技的长隆水上乐园还拥有许多业界最新的水上设施。

    With its advanced technology , it also debuts many new aquatic facilities in the industry .

  13. 温泉公园值得夸耀的地方在于它是唯一有温水的南美水上乐园。

    Hot Park boasts of being the only water park in South America with hot water .

  14. 暹罗公园连续三年被评为世界最佳水上乐园。

    Siam Park is the world 's top water park for the third year in a row .

  15. 尽管一个普通的游泳池能令你爽到透,但相比之下这些水上乐园则更有一番情趣。

    While a simple swimming pool could cool you off , these parks make it a lot more fun !

  16. 顺便说一句,威斯康星山谷中共拥有18个室内水上乐园,可谓水上运动爱好者的福地。

    Plus , with 18 indoor water parks , Wisconsin Dells gives water lovers a chance to try out more fun .

  17. 项目二期工程包括第二主题公园、水上乐园和另外五座度假酒店。

    Another theme park , a water park and five other resort hotels are planned to be built in the second stage .

  18. 疯狂河道水上乐园位于超美的阿拉伯塔酒店前面,有30个水上项目,适合全家人游玩。

    Situated in front of the stunning Burj Al Arab , Wild Wadi offers 30 rides and attractions for all the family .

  19. 此外,7千名工人被派往加勒比地区建造酒店、高尔夫球场、赌场、水上乐园以及其他相关设施。

    Moreover , 7,000 workers were sent to the Caribbean to build the hotels , golf course , casino , water park and accommodation .

  20. 迪士尼台风湖水上乐园是迪士尼世界度假区的两个水上乐园之一,适合全家人游玩。

    Disney 's Typhoon Lagoon Water Park is one of two Water Parks in Walt Disney World Resort and features attractions for the whole family .

  21. 海滩公园是巴西最大的水上乐园,里面有一个14层楼高的水上滑梯——胆小勿入哟~

    Beach Park , Brazil 's largest water park , includes a water slide the height of 14 floors - not for the faint-hearted . 6 .

  22. 我曾带着这款手机到国外度假,参加婚礼,去水上乐园游玩,万节拍摄孩子们“不给糖就捣乱”的画面,还参加了几个派对。

    I 've taken it on an international vacation , to a wedding , to a water park , trick-or-treating and to a couple of parties .

  23. “热带岛屿”水上乐园是世界上占地面积最大的室内水上乐园(65961㎡),它的室内游泳池可以同时容纳6000人。

    It offers the largest indoor water park in the world ( 65961 square meters ) , and its indoor pool can accommodate 6000 visitors at a time .

  24. 她还说,孩子们的薄饼和水上乐园之旅都来自他们的父亲,他的家庭比较倾向于鼓励自我探索的行为。

    Still , she said , her children got pancakes and trips to water parks because of their father , the son of parents more inclined to encourage self-discovery .

  25. 这个震撼的水上乐园的自由下落水上滑梯是世界最高、最快之一,还有适合全家人一起玩的滑梯和水上项目。

    This action packed water wonderland features one of the world 's tallest and fastest free-falling waterslides , as well as slides and rides for the whole family . 8 .

  26. 商场人满为患,游泳池和水上乐园也挤满了人,出租车很难叫到,因为即便只隔两个街区,人们也宁愿打车不愿走路。

    Malls are full , swimming pools and water parks are packed , taxis are hard to find because residents take taxis rather than walk even if it 's just two blocks .

  27. 虽然“时光隧道”被称为“世界上最大的圆形过山车”,拥有21米的下降高度,但是诺亚方舟水上乐园的“蝎尾”会通过活板门将你直接送入几近九十度的回环滑道。

    The Time Warp , the " world 's largest bowl ride , " features a 21-meter descent , while the Scorpion 's Tail drops riders down a trap door into an almost inverted loop .

  28. 长春和全国的其他大中型城市一样,现代化娱乐项目众多,而且设施齐全,有酒吧、咖啡馆、我国传统的茶道和茶艺、夜总会、游乐宫、水上乐园、保龄球馆等。

    The same as other big cities , there are a lot of entertainment items and complete establishment in Changchun , such as bar , cafe , caff , club , casino , aquatic park , bowling alley and so on .

  29. 诺亚方舟水上乐园拥有诸多水滑梯,而其中以“黑色水蟒”最为著名:它全长超过400米,是美国最为惊心动魄的水上过山车,其螺旋而下,时速可达48千米/小时;

    Noah 's Ark offers many water slides . The most notable ride is the Black Anaconda . At more than 400 meters in length , it is the US " most thrilling water coaster and sends riders spiraling down at speeds of up to 48 kilometers per hour .

  30. 经过多方努力,最后我在一家非常著名的当地企业——华纳村主题公园找到一份食品和饮料服务员的兼职工作。这家主题公园包括电影世界、海洋世界、狂野水上乐园和天堂农庄。

    After putting a lot of efforts on it , I finally got a part-time job as a food and beverage attendant in a very famous local enterprises - Warner Village Theme Parks , which includes Movie World , Sea World , Wet and Wild Water World and Paradise Country .