
  • 网络water impingement
  1. 邯郸热电厂循环水冲击加入杀菌剂后pH下降的原因分析

    Why pH of Circulating Water in Handan Co generating Power Plant Drops After Sudden Adding Bactericide

  2. 通过接枝率、接触角、透水时间、拉伸应力应变、ESCA的测定以及水冲击实验研究了在DCP和BP等存在下电晕放电引发含氢硅油接枝PET织物及其拒水性能。

    The grafting copolymerization of hydrogen silicone fluid onto PET fabric initiated with corona discharge in presence of DCP ( dicumyl peroxide ) and sensitizer was studied by ESCA , contact angle measurement , mechanical properties and water repellency test .

  3. 热力管系水冲击的分析处理及防范措施

    Treatment and measure against water hammer in thermal power pipeline system

  4. 二维弹性结构入水冲击过程中的流固耦合效应

    Coupled analysis of nonlinear interaction between fluid and structure during impact

  5. 空投鱼雷斜入水冲击动力建模及仿真分析

    Modeling and Simulation Analysis of Oblique Water-entry Impact Dynamics of Air-dropped Torpedo

  6. 供热管系设备水冲击的现象及处理

    Appearance of Water Hammer in Heating Pipe Equipment and Disposition

  7. 不可压缩撞水冲击力波浪撞击着港口的墙基。

    Incompressible water impact Waves dashed against the harbour wall .

  8. 水冲击在岩石上溅起了泡沫。

    The water frothed as it tumbled down the rocks .

  9. 针对空投鱼雷入水冲击问题,研究了环向加筋圆柱壳在侧向不均匀冲击载荷作用下的动力响应。

    The dynamic response of ring-stiffened cylindrical shells under non-uniform lateral impact is investigated .

  10. 汽轮机水冲击经常发生于运行的汽轮机中。水冲击后,原来的蒸汽通道变成了水通道。

    The entrained-water in steam turbines is often developed in the process of operation .

  11. 入水冲击问题变分原理及其它

    Variational Principles for Hydrodynamic Impact Problems

  12. 无水锤作用:流体从阀杆下方流入时,水锤(水冲击力)被吸收。

    No water hammer : when fluid flows from under the steam , water hammer will be absorbed .

  13. 对不起,“^0”是压缩文件,请解压缩之后再使用。不可压缩撞水冲击力

    Sorry , " ^ 0 " is compressed , and must be uncompressed to be used . incompressible water impact

  14. 她在隔壁的浴室里冲洗头发,我醒来听到水冲击瓷砖的声音。

    She went to wash her hair in the bathroom next door and I awoke to hear water crashing on tiles .

  15. 在空投或舰载鱼雷的设计和分析中需要考虑入水冲击载荷因素。

    The design and analysis of aircraft torpedo or ship-borne torpedo need to take into account the factor of the load caused by water impact .

  16. 从而为求取较为精确的入水冲击问题基本方程的变分有限元及边界元方法奠定了严密的理论基础。

    Then we provide a rigorous and sound theoretical basis of variational finite element method and boundary element method for calculating the accurately fundamental equations .

  17. 根据对叶片材质及叶轮&叶片系统振动特性的试验结论,通过对叶片断口及扭曲特征及事故时机组的运行工况分析判断,这三次事故均为水冲击造成。

    According to the test conclusion of the blade material and wheel-blade system , the blade breakpoint , distortion character and operation conditions during these accidents were analyzed .

  18. 并通过对算法中可能影响计算结果的各参数的讨论和分析,确定了相关参数,经过模拟计算成功地得到了包括舱体入水冲击最大加速度在内的一系列数据。

    After analyzing on the parameters in the algorithms which may influence the results , the appropriate values were selected , and a series of data including water impact maximum acceleration of capsule was obtained in simulation calculation .

  19. 结构物入水冲击问题广泛存在于船舶工业及海洋工程中,入水冲击的研究对于结构设计的重要性已经有70多年的历史。

    The problem of water entry impact of the marine structure is widely existed in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering , and the research of water entry impact for structure design has been important for more than 70 years .

  20. 其中,水冲击载荷以及飞机的耐撞性是本文主要研究内容。飞机撞水过程,水与飞机之间的流-固作用是典型的固、液学科交叉问题,涉及高度非线性的水动力行为。

    Among them , water impact load and crash worthiness are main contents presented in the paper . Actually , interaction between water and aircraft is a classical interdisciplinary problem of fluid mechanics and solid mechanics , and fluid-solid interaction refers to non-linear behavlor of fluid .

  21. 基于Matlab的水射流冲击靶体声音信号提取与分析研究

    Extraction and Analysis of Noise Signal Generated by High-pressure Water Jets Impacting Target Based on Matlab

  22. CPLD在水下冲击波记录仪中的应用

    Application of CPLD in recorder of underwater shock wave

  23. 研究发现:冲击压力p低于19.0GPa时,石墨与水混合物冲击压缩特性明显不同于金刚石与水混合物的冲击压缩特性;

    It is found that the behaviour in the mixture of graphite and water is different to the mixture of diamond and water below shock loading pressure of 19GPa ;

  24. 溃坝洪水涌波和水下冲击波,在数学上分别表现为浅水方程和Euler方程的广义解(也称为物理解)。

    Dam-break flood wave and underwater shock wave are the physical solution of shallow water equations and Euler equations respectively .

  25. 这样就可以借助空气动力学中研究冲击波的一系列方法,来研究ESWL中的水下冲击波传播、反射和聚焦。

    So by the help of the methods of shock wave of gas dynamics , we could investigate the propagating , reflecting and focusing of the underwater shock waves in ESWL .

  26. 目的探讨水下冲击伤的量效关系。

    Objective To study the dose-effects relationship of underwater blast injury .

  27. 返回舱水上冲击特性的试验研究与理论计算

    Tests and calculations of water impact characteristics of a recovery module

  28. 水下冲击波聚焦声场的非线性现象研究

    Research on nonlinear phenomenon in the underwater Shockwave focusing sound field

  29. 水下冲击伤个人防护的实验研究

    An experimental study of individual defence against underwater blast injury

  30. 超高压水射流冲击岩石的流固耦合分析

    Fluid-structure interaction of high pressure water jets impinging on rock