
  • 网络Fracking;hydraulic fracturing;hydrofracturing method;hydraulic fracking
  1. 一项研究表明,被一些人指责在美国诱发地震的水力压裂法(fracking,又称Hydraulicfracturing)或将使全球石油供应量增加近1400亿桶,相当于俄罗斯已知石油储量。

    Fracking , which is blamed by some for causing earthquakes in the US , could unlock nearly 140bn barrels of global oil supplies - equivalent to Russia 's known reserves , says a study .

  2. 法国禁止使用水力压裂法,于1996年被废弃的巴黎郊区SaintMartindeBossenay油田已经采用水平钻探技术重新开采,采油速度从40%上升至44%,石油储量增加了100万桶,相当于扩大了约10%。

    In France , where fracking is not allowed , the Saint Martin de Bossenay field near Paris , abandoned in 1996 , has been redeveloped with horizontal drilling , boosting its rate of oil recovery from 40 to 44 per cent and swelling its reserves by 1m barrels , or about 10 per cent .

  3. 即使是助推美国就业市场复苏的水力压裂法(hydraulicfracking)背后的技术,也来自于上世纪70年代石油短缺之后的公共投资。

    Even the technology behind hydraulic fracking , which has helped power the US job market recovery , comes from public investment in the aftermath of the 1970s oil shortages .

  4. IHS称,北美洲以外的已知油田还可以开采多达1410亿桶原油,其中1350亿桶可能需要用水力压裂法开采。

    IHS says as much as 141bn barrels could be unlocked from known fields outside North America , with 135bn of these in plays likely to require fracking .

  5. 最后通过对影响岩石视在断裂韧度因素的讨论,论证了水力压裂法确定的岩石视在K(1c)值大大地大于标准3点弯曲实验值的必然性。

    The discussion on the factors affecting apparent toughness indicates the inevitability that the apparent fracture toughness of rock measured by hydraulic fracture experimental data is significantly higher than that measured by the standard three-point bending method .

  6. 水力压裂法(hydraulicfracturing,简称fracking)以及水平钻井(horizontaldrilling)等新型采掘技术的问世,使得此前认为无法开采的美国国内碳氢化合物资源变得可以开发。这提高了各方的期望,认为美国对中东石油的依赖度将逐渐下降。

    New extraction techniques - most notably hydraulic fracturing , or fracking , and horizontal drilling - have unlocked huge hydrocarbon resources in the US previously thought unrecoverable , raising expectations that over time US dependence on Middle East oil will drop .

  7. “水力压裂法”(hydrofracking)这类新技术使得人们可以生产更多的汽油,与此同时,天然气供应量也在不断增长,使压缩天然气对车队用户来说更富吸引力。

    New technologies like hydrofracking are expanding the availability of oil , while supplies of natural gas keep growing , making compressed natural gas more attractive to fleet users .

  8. 回顾了应用水力压裂法测量地应力的基本原理。

    The fundamental principle of hydrofracturing method for measuring geostress is reviewed .

  9. 水力压裂法地应力测量中的几个问题

    Discussion on application of hydraulic fracturing method to geostress measurement

  10. 水力压裂法测定华北地下深部应力

    Stress measurements at depth in North China by hydraulic fracturing

  11. 虽然存在多种时髦的说法,但水力压裂法并非重头戏。

    Despite much fashionable chatter , this is not mainly about fracking .

  12. 随着能源公司利用水力压裂法从巨大的页岩层中提取天然气,天然气价格大幅下跌。

    Natural-gas prices have plummeted as energy companies used hydraulic fracturing to extract gas from vast shale formations .

  13. 室内水力压裂法测试岩体临界破裂压力及阻水系数

    Indoor hydraulic pressure cracking method to test and measure critical breaking pressure and water resistance coefficient of rock mass

  14. 简要地分析了对水力压裂法地应力测量结果的可靠性影响较大的几个参数。

    Several parameters which have important effects on the reliability of results obtained from This method , are briefly investigated .

  15. 奥朗德拒绝允许采用有争议的采掘技术“水力压裂法”来开采页岩气。

    Mr Hollande has refused to allow development of shale gas using the controversial extraction technology of " fracking " .

  16. 介绍了对某水力压裂法处置中放废液工程进行的深层地下地应力测量的有关情况。

    The in situ measurement of the crustal stress at great depth was conducted in the medium level waste disposal field .

  17. 水力压裂法采盐对环境影响的环境地球化学研究江苏盐田深井绳索取心钻探技术

    Geochemical Effect of Hydraulic Mining on Environment in Yingcheng Salt Mine Wireline Core Drilling for Deep Well in Jiangsu Rock Salt Mine

  18. 除了水供应(对水力压裂法非常关键)稀缺和页岩气管道网络不健全之外,中国还缺乏专门技术。

    In addition to a poor water supply ( essential for fracking ) and a weak gas network , China lacks knowhow .

  19. 北德州城市的市民将获得其在十一月投票决定,他们将允许在他们的社区采用水力压裂法攫取天然气。

    Citizens of a North Texas city will get its vote in November to decide they will allow fracking in their community .

  20. 在北美自贸区协定中,一些公司如陶氏化学和埃克森美孚,曾试图否决关于水力压裂法、石油钻探和药品专利的管理条例。

    Under NAFTA several companies including Dow Chemicals and Exxon Mobil have sought to overrule regulations on fracking , oil drilling and drug patents .

  21. 东京方面开始瞄准水力压裂法在20世纪90年代所面临的挑战,并随即声称,类似的技术进步将使得从甲烷水合物中获取能源成为可能。

    Tokyo points to the challenges of fracking in the 1990s and says similar technological advances will make energy from methane hydrate a possibility .

  22. 一些国家正在寻求新的方式恢复本国天然气的开采,包括颇受争议的水力压裂法。这种方法利用液体化学剂来破碎岩石。

    Some nations are looking at new ways to recover natural gas at home , these methods include a disputed process known as hydraulic fracturing or fracking .

  23. 即便中国和东欧开始大规模地使用“水力压裂法”开采页岩气,全球二氧化碳实际排放量也不会下降降下来的仅仅是排放量的增速。

    Even if China and Eastern Europe started fracking in a big way , the world would not reduce actual emissions just the rate of emissions growth .

  24. 此外还有页岩气产量增大的威胁&开采页岩气时采用的水平钻井和水力压裂法技术,大大提升了美国的产量。

    There is also the threat of growing production of shale gas , extracted using horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing that have created a production boom in the US .

  25. 这些废水可能含有沙、盐、微量放射性物质以及水力压裂法所用到的化学物质,通常会排放到市政污水处理系统或蓄水池中。

    The waste water , which can contain sand , salt , and trace amounts of radioactivity and fracking chemicals , typically gets dumped into municipal wastewater systems or into storage pits .

  26. 中国也拥有充沛的天然气资源,但中国目前并不具备开采这种燃料的技术&应用水力压裂法很可能是若干年之后的事情了。

    China has natural gas supplies that can be tapped by fracking , but the country needs to develop the technology and know-how to tap into this fuel & and that is years off .

  27. 爱德曼指出,人们对非政府组织在中国内地不能推动变革、在英国不能解决“水力压裂法”等能源问题十分不满。

    Mr Edelman pointed to unhappiness with NGOs " ability to pushing change in China and in tackling energy issues , such as hydraulic fracturing , or " fracking , " in the UK .

  28. 不断增加的新能源和水力压裂法生产的石油意味着油价将会维持在每桶50-60美元,比今年年初下降一半多。

    An increased supply of alternative energy and additional oil supplies from fracking mean oil prices will stay at $ 50 - $ 60 a barrel , down by more than half from earlier this year .

  29. 反对水力压裂法的环保人士经常抱怨的一个问题是这些油气井所需要的用水量尤其是在美国遭受旱灾的地区(比如德克萨斯州西部)以及石油与天然气行业处置废液的方式。

    A common complaint environmentalists have against fracking is the amount of water these wells use especially in drought-stricken regions of the country such as West Texas and they way the oil and gas industry disposes of the waste fluid .

  30. 水力压裂法的原理是通过高压将掺入沙和化学物质的水注入地底深处的岩层,打开细小的裂缝,使石油和天然气能够更自由地流到钻井口。

    Hydraulic fracturing , or fracking , involves pumping a mixture of water , sand and chemicals at high pressure into rocks deep underground to open up tiny fissures , allowing oil and gas to flow more freely to the wellhead .