
  • 网络Volcker Rule
  1. 英国和日本两国政府都表达了对沃克尔规则(VolckerRule)的担忧。

    Both our governments have expressed concerns about the Volcker rule .

  2. 银行对所谓沃克尔规则(VolckerRule)的担心会略轻一些。

    The so-called Volcker rule would be slightly less feared .

  3. 美国正在讨论的“沃克尔规则”(volckerrule)将把自营交易和代客交易分开,向着重建部分篱障迈出了一步。

    The " Volcker rule " on the table in the US , which would split proprietary trading from trading for customers , is a step towards rebuilding some barriers .

  4. 即将实施的沃克尔规则(VolckerRule)将禁止自营交易。摩根大通周四披露的亏损消息,可能会让监管机构坚定更广泛施行这一禁令的决心。

    Proprietary trading is set to be banned in the US by the forthcoming Volcker rule and the losses revealed on Thursday are likely to stiffen regulators ' resolve to enforce that ban broadly .

  5. 作为多德-弗兰克(dodd-frank)改革方案的一部分而获得通过的沃克尔规则,从2012年7月开始将禁止美国所有银行从事自营交易。

    The Volcker rules , passed as part of the Dodd-Frank reform package , will ban proprietary trading by all US banks starting in July 2012 .

  6. 沃克尔规则是最好的例子。

    The Volcker rule is a prime example .

  7. 迄今为止,监管机构仍不相信有必要修改沃克尔规则。

    Regulators are so far not convinced that the rules need to be modified .

  8. 它可能没有违反沃克尔规则,但它违反了‘戴蒙原则’。

    This trading may not violate the Volcker rule but it violates the Dimon principle .

  9. 对于处于这样一个脆弱时期的国债市场来说,“沃克尔规则”可能是个错误的药方。

    At such a vulnerable time in the sovereign debt markets , it would be the wrong prescription .

  10. 但美欧业内人士都担心,沃克尔规则草案将严重冲击总体需求。

    But industry participants on both sides of the Atlantic fear the Volcker rules as drafted will hit hard at overall demand .

  11. 自上月沃克尔规则草案公布以来,银行家们一直在警告,从股票到企业债券,市场流动性都会受到冲击。

    Since the draft regulations came out last month , bankers have been warning that it would hit liquidity from equities to corporate bonds .

  12. 它们还表示,美国各银行可以继续购买和持有主权债券作为长期投资,同时对于欧洲各银行来说,只要其交易活动不是发生在美国,就不受沃克尔规则的影响。

    They also say that US banks can continue to buy and hold sovereigns as long-term investments and that European banks are unaffected by the rules as long as they keep their trading outside of the US .