
  • 网络Volvo Cars;Volvo Car Corporation;volvo car corp
  1. 沃尔沃汽车公司(VolvoCarCorp.)周三在成都展示了其新工厂,这是让中国成为该品牌生存关键要素的部分计划。

    On Wednesday , Volvo Car Corp. showcased its new plant here as part of a plan to make China key to the brand 's survival .

  2. 想必大家最近都听说了这个重大新闻:沃尔沃汽车公司(Volvo)重金聘请了名声大噪的华裔NBA球星林书豪,替自己在中国的高端汽车市场上代言。

    It became huge news recently when Volvo cars signed an endorsement deal with Knicks basketball sensation Jeremy Lin to cash in on the booming market for upscale cars in China .

  3. 私营汽车制造商吉利(Geely)在今年第一季度的自有品牌销售同比下降40%。该公司最出名的是从福特(Ford)手中收购了沃尔沃汽车公司(VolvoCars)。

    In the first quarter , Geely , the private sector carmaker most famous for its purchase of Volvo Cars from Ford , saw sales of its own-brand vehicles fall by as much as 40 per cent over the same period a year earlier .

  4. 由中国吉利控股的沃尔沃汽车公司,去年在美国开始少量出售在成都生产的S60型号汽车。

    Volvo Car Corp. , owned by China 's Zhejiang GeelyHolding Group , last year began shipping small numbers of a version of its S60sedan to the U.S. from a plant in Chengdu .

  5. 当涉及到机箱的选择,沃尔沃汽车公司开发了两种不同的选择-与最高舒适和一个真正的驾驶乐趣的灵魂动态宠爱的感觉之一。

    When it comes to chassis choice , Volvo Cars has developed two distinct alternatives-one with the cosseting feeling of supreme comfort and one truly dynamic for the driving pleasure soul .

  6. 我希望我的努力可以激励更多的年轻人去追求自己的体育和学习目标,就像沃尔沃汽车公司,也是围绕着人们对生活的追求设计汽车。

    I hope that my efforts will inspire more young people to follow their ambitions in sports and education , just like Volvo Car Corp. is designing cars around people 's ambitions in life .

  7. 外国汽车制造商在其发展初期就欲在中国扩大其销售量,但雄心勃勃的本土汽车品牌,如沃尔沃买主吉利汽车公司也想提升其品牌形象。

    Foreign automakers are pushing to expand sales in China while young but ambitious local brands such as Volvo buyer Geely want to raise their profile .