
  • 网络electronic-controlled engine;electronic controlled engine
  1. 电控发动机ECU故障自诊断简析

    Brief Analysis of Self-Diagnosis for ECU Software Trouble in Electronic-Controlled Engine

  2. 用波形分析法诊断电控发动机起动故障

    Diagnosing Starting Failures of Electronic-controlled Engine by Waveform Analysis

  3. 电控发动机喷油控制MAP的建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of Fuel-injection MAP of Electronically Controlled Engine

  4. 电控发动机的map算法

    The Map Algorithm Study of Electrically Controled Motor

  5. 电控发动机怠速RBF神经网络控制

    Idle Speed Control of the Electronic Control Engine Based on RBF Neural Network

  6. 电控发动机ECU故障诊断仪的开发

    Development of ECU Malfunction Diagnosis Instrument for Electronic Control Engine

  7. 基于CCP协议的电控发动机标定系统CAN通信模块的研发

    Research of CAN Communication Module Based on CCP for Calibration System of Electronically Controlled Engine

  8. 此外,以MATLAB应用软件为主要的数值计算和分析手段,重点研究了应用神经网络对电控发动机典型故障&怠速不稳定原因的识别问题。

    MATLAB programs are used for the neural network 's training and to recognize the reasons of the unstable the unstable idle speed on the electrical control engine .

  9. O2传感器与带有TWC电控发动机的故障诊断

    Oxygen Sensor and Fault Diagnosis of Electronic Control Engine with TWC

  10. 42V电控发动机冷却系统的研究

    Research of 42V Electronic Control Cooling System in Engine

  11. 基于CCP协议通信模块的成功开发为电控发动机标定系统的研发提供了实时、准确的通信保障。

    The success in development of communication module based on CCP provides the real and accurate data transmission for the electronically controlled engine calibration system .

  12. AJR发动机;电控发动机;故障;

    AJR engine ; electronic controlled engine ; fault ;

  13. 现场诊断时,诊断仪能够现场监测电控发动机的运转状况及ECU内部的工作参数;能够对ECU参数进行调整和设定;

    In local diagnosis , the diagnosis instrument can monitor the condition of the engine , modify the ECU parameters , and optimize the engine management system under the idle condition .

  14. 本文完成了以VOLVOB230F发动机改造而成的电控发动机故障模拟试验台的设计和开发。

    This paper has completed the design and development of the experimental rig of failure simulation for electronic controlled engine , based on the engine of VOLVO B230F .

  15. 介绍了基于16位单片机MC9S12DP256的电控发动机ECU故障诊断仪的开发,阐述了其硬件设计及软件开发。

    The paper introduces the development of ECU malfunction diagnosis instrument for electronic control engine based on the16 bit MCU MC9S12DP256 , the hardware construction and software design is given .

  16. 利用非线性规划理论,采用LaGrangeSUMT方法建立了电控发动机全工况范围内多变量、多目标的优化模型,并在全电控柴油引燃天然气发动机上进行了应用。

    By using the nonlinear theory and the LaGrange-SUMT method the optimum model for multi-variables multi-goals for the whole operating conditions was developed and was applied in a lean burn , sequential port injection and electronically controlled CNG / Diesel dual fuel engine .

  17. 利用研制的电控发动机开发系统在燃用LPG的170F发动机进行了初步的匹配试验,经验证所设计的电控开发系统能够实现预定的功能,能有效地实现电控单元与发动机的优化匹配。

    The matching test is done by applying the system in the 170F engine . The results of test indicate that the electronic control development system can attain expected function and fulfill the optimization and matching test of the ECU and the engine effectively .

  18. 对于电控发动机故障知识分布广又复杂的问题,将电控发动机故障分解定义了故障现象、故障原因、故障源、故障修理四个模块,利用本体工具Protege对获取的知识构建了语义映射关系网。

    For the widely distributed and complex problem of the electronic control engine fault knowledge , this paper breaks down and defines electronic control engine fault into four modules , that is fault phenomena , fault cause , fault source and fault repair .

  19. 柴油天然气双燃料电控发动机的研究

    A Study on Dual - Fuel and Electrical Control of Motor

  20. 基于公用电话网的电控发动机远程诊断系统

    Remote Diagnostic System for Electronically Controlled Engine Based on the PSTN

  21. 电控发动机故障检测与诊断

    The Detection and Diagnosis to the Malfunction of the Electronics-controlling Engines

  22. 电控发动机换档异常熄火的原因分析

    Cause Analysis of Abnormal Misfire While Electric Control Engine Transmission Shifting

  23. 康明斯柴油电控发动机故障诊断探讨

    Discussion to Diagnosis to the Malfunction of Cummins Diesel Electro-Controlled Engine

  24. 电控发动机故障诊断的步骤与方法

    Steps and Methods of the Trouble Diagnosing of the Electrical Engine

  25. 电控发动机自动标定系统研究与实现

    Research and Realization of the Auto-calibrating System of the Electronic Controlled Engine

  26. 桑塔纳2000型轿车电控发动机的故障诊断与排除

    The Fault Diagnosis and Trouble-shooting of SANTANA 2000 Electric Motor

  27. 电控发动机微机控制故障模拟系统的研制

    Trouble Simulate System of Computer Controlled for Electronic Controlled Engine

  28. 液化气单一燃料电控发动机的起动控制策略

    Start control strategy in electronically controlled LPG port injection spark ignition engine

  29. 电控发动机怠速控制模糊算法研究

    Research on Idle Speed Fuzzy Control Algorithm for an Electronically Controlled Engine

  30. 电控发动机故障诊断实验台的设计与研究

    Design and study for faulty diagnosis test-bed of the electronic control engine