
  • 网络Climate Action Plan
  1. 2008年,芝加哥成立了芝加哥气候行动计划,开始处理这些问题。

    In2008 , Chicago developed the Chicago Climate Action Plan ( CCAP ) to begin to address these issues .

  2. 比尔•贝克说,总统气候行动计划详述了“八国集团加五”计划,在这个计划中,来自发展中国家的污染者要先作承诺,不过不需立即行动。

    Bill Becker says the Presidential Climate Action Plan details a'G-8 plus Five'scheme in which polluters from developing countries make early commitments , but defer immediate action .

  3. 纽约的PlaNYC与芝加哥气候行动计划相比更多的关注于湿地和海岸,因为纽约比芝加哥有更长的海岸线和更多的水路航道。

    New York 's PlaNYC pays more attention to wetlands and coastal issues than CCAP does , because New York has more coastline and waterways than Chicago .

  4. 很多州拟定了气候行动计划,其中包括具体的温室气体减排目标。

    Many states have developed climate action plans that include specific greenhouse gas reduction targets .

  5. 对于芝加哥气候行动计划处理的问题,以及他们打算怎样执行,此书以芝加哥环线地区为重点进行了审查和探究。

    This book is an examination and exploration of the issues that the CCAP deals with and how they may be implemented , focusing on the Chicago Loop area .

  6. 奥巴马总统的气候行动计划表明了清洁、可再生的风能在包括减少温室气体排放、能源经济多样化以及将革新技术提上日程在内的能源策略中所占的重要地位。

    President Obama 's Climate Action Plan makes clear that the growth of clean , renewable wind energy remains a critical part of an all-of-the-above energy strategy that reduces harmful greenhouse gas emissions , diversifies our energy economy and brings innovative technologies on line .

  7. 此次研讨会进行了广泛和深入的探讨和分析:着重介绍了作为中美气候行动伙伴计划(PCA)项目重要子项目能效融资试点捆绑组合项目;

    The workshop introduced the pilot energy efficiency financing bundling project which is an initiative of the US-China Partnership for Climate Action ( PCA ) program .

  8. 本月早些时候,国家林业局发布了《应对气候变化林业行动计划》。计划中提到,2010年中国的森林覆盖率要达到20%。

    Earlier this month , the State Forest Administration of China published its plan to adapt to climate change , proposing that China 's forest coverage should increase to20 per cent by2010 .