
qì dǎo
  • conductance
气导[qì dǎo]
  1. 乳突根治术组38例患者中术后复发或再手术20例,复发率52.6%,术后气导PTA保存和提高者占23.7%。

    The recurrence rate of mastoidectomy was 52.6 % , the rate of hearing restoration and improvement was 23.7 % .

  2. 气导和骨导ABR在先天性外耳道闭锁小儿听力评估中的应用

    Air - and bone-conduction auditory brain stem responses for hearing assessment in children with congenital external auditory canal atresia

  3. 感音神经性耳聋是一类较为常见的疾病,其临床特征基本为气导(AC)、骨导(BC)听力同时下降。

    SND is a more common disease . The clinical characteristics of the basic air conduction ( AC ), bone conduction ( BC ) hearing at the same time decreased .

  4. 二组的年龄、术前气导(AC)和术前气骨导差(ABG)相似,统计分析差异无显著意义。

    The two groups were comparable in the air conduction ( AC ) and air bone gap ( ABG ) values , and had no difference statistically .

  5. 结果:34例术后3个月平均气导听力提高15~30dBHL。

    Result : Three months after operation , the average of 34 patients ' air conduct audition increased 22.4 + 7.3 dB HL .

  6. 传导性聋患者进行骨、气导MASSR测试及纯音测听。

    30 conductive hearing loss participants were measured with MASSR and pure-tone audiometry ( PTA ) .

  7. 方法对6例听骨链中断的病人进行手术重建听骨链,并进行术后随访。结果术后随访6个月至1年,气导听力提高20dB的3例;

    Methods 6 cases with ossicular chain disruption were operated on and the ossicular chain was reconstructed .

  8. 单纯型CSOM在1~8kHz范围内,两组气导检查结果呈现听力损失一致(P0.05)。

    Hearing loss was coincidence that air conduction thresholds in children and adults with simple type CSOM showed during 1 ~ 8 kHz ( P0.05 ) .

  9. 语言频率气导听力(听力级,下同)增进15dB以上或者达到应用听力水平为手术成功标准。结果本组患者术前气导听力平均(50.7±12.1)dB,听力损失主要以低频为主。

    Results The average of hearing threshold ( hearing level ) of air conduction was ( 50.7 ± 12.1 ) dB before operation , and the hearing loss was mostly on low frequency .

  10. 结果:双耳纯音气导听阈下降40dB以上。

    The Qi ( vital energy ) Result : The patient 's hearing was improved more than 40 dB in both ears .

  11. 术后随访0.5~18年语言频率气导平均听阈,数据以听力阈值30dB为标准,经Ridit分析,5年内无明显下降(P0.05);

    The average of hearing threshold of air conduction was steadily within the first five-years following-up ( Ridit analysis , P0.05 ), but obviously increased more than 5 years after operation ( Ridit analysis , P0.05 ) .

  12. 气导听觉剥夺造成了耳蜗核神经元数量和密度的下降,PVCN章鱼样细胞体积缩小,数量减少,密度下降。

    Auditory deprivation of air-conduction resulted in the loss of neuron and its density . In the AD group , the PVCN octopus like cells was smaller , less number and density .

  13. 在热区部队现场采用TypeTA152型电听力计测定被检者0.25、0.5、1、2、4、6、8kHz的气导听阈。

    Type TA 152 electro-acoumeter was used to determine the auditory threshold of air conduction at 0.25 , 0.5 , 1,2,4,6 and 8 kHz levels .

  14. 比较地塞米松鼓室内注射前后4个频率(500、1000、2000、4000Hz)气导纯音听阈均值(PTA),下降10dB以上为有效。

    Pure-tone averages ( PTA ) calculated using air conduction thresholds at 4-frequencies ( 500 ,( 1 000 ), 2 000,4 000 Hz ) at pre-injection and post-injection were compared . The change in PTA greater than 10 dB HL was considered to be effective .

  15. 结果:结果:刺激法修补,225例耳中96%愈合,纯音听力测试,显示语音频率气导阈,在原来的基础上提高10~15db,无一例听力下降者。

    Results : 96 % ( in 225 ears ) were cured by stimulation . Audiometric tests showed that the air conduction threshold in speech frequency was increased 10 ~ 15dB from base . There was no one decreased .

  16. 另2例术前气导听力语言频率平均为66.6及60dBHL,应用振动器后达31.6及25dBHL,手术操作简单安全。

    The preoperative average air-conduction speech frequencies of the other two cases were 66.6 and 60 dB HL prospectively . After wearing the stimulators , the frequencies reached 31.6 and 25 dB HL . The operation is simple and holds a relatively small risk to the patient .

  17. 结果(1)计算听力图上500、1000、2000、3000Hz的平均气导听阈,320例的结果为左耳平均13dBHL,右耳平均12dBHL。

    Results ( 1 ) It was calculated that the mean of air conduction hearing threshold of 500 、 1000 、 2000 、 3000 Hz on audiogram . The mean of the left is 13 dBHL and the mean of the right ear is 12 dBHL .

  18. 不同测试手法对纯音气导听阈的影响

    The effect of different on pure tone air conductive hearing threshold

  19. 扩展高频气导听阈和耳鸣的关系

    Relationship between high frequency hearing threshold and tinnitus

  20. 声纳学员纯音气导听力的调查分析

    Survey and Analysis of the Pure tone Threshold of Hearing by Air Conduction for Sonar Trainees

  21. 慢性中耳炎听骨链病损部位对气导听力损失的影响

    The effect of lesion site of ossicular chain on air conductive hearing loss in chronic otitis media patients

  22. 我念给您听:通过仔细的检查和测验,GB/T7583-1987声学纯音气导听阈测定听力保护用

    As a result of careful checking and testing , Acoustics Pure tone air conduction threshold audiometry For hearing conservation purposes

  23. 总病例的平均术前、术后气导听阈和骨-气导差在语言频率差异无显著性。

    Whole patients ' average preoperative and postoperative air conduction hearing threshold and air-bone conduction gap were not significantly different in speech frequency .

  24. 结果:听骨链中断患者的气导阈值和骨气导差值明显增加;

    Result : The air-conduction threshold and air-bone gap in patients with ossicular discontinuity are higher than that in patients with ossicular continuity .

  25. GB/T7583-1987声学纯音气导听阈测定听力保护用阈值应变的数值是靠对涂层进行标定测出来的。

    Acoustics Pure tone air conduction threshold audiometry For hearing conservation purposes The value of the threshold strain is determined by calibrating the coating .

  26. 感音神经性聋病例的纯音测听气导听力阈值取0.5,1,2和4kHz4个频率的均值。

    The average value of air-conduction auditory thresholds of pure-tone audiometry at the frequencies of 0.5 , 1 , 2 and 4 kHz was calculated .

  27. 熟悉北太平洋温带气旋的天气气候特征,对理解并灵活运用气导公司推荐的航线也有很大帮助。

    Being familiar with the characteristics of North Pacific extratropical cyclone weather and climate is helpful to understand and properly apply the recommended routes by weather routing companies .

  28. 目的探讨慢性中耳炎听骨链病损部位与气导听力损失在语言区的相关性。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between the diseased site of ossicular chain in chronic otitis media and the degree of air conductive hearing loss in speech interval .

  29. 鼓膜造孔同时置通气管81耳,术后跟踪随访3个月以上,纯音气导听力语频区较术前平均提高18.4dBHL。

    For 81 ears , laser - assisted tympanostomy with pressure - equalizing tube insertion was performed , the air conduction raised 18.4 dBHL in 3 month follow up .

  30. 一系列改变说明,发育关键期对动物进行气导听觉剥夺,对于整个听觉传导通路的发育都产生了明显的影响乃至于发生了功能的改变。

    All of these indicated that the auditory deprivation of air-conduction in the crucial time might cause the great effect on the development of auditory neural pathway and its function . 5 .