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  • 网络qi-stagnation syndrome;qi stagnation
  1. 中虚气滞证、肝胃不和证患者胃镜、萎缩、肠化、异型增生积分治疗后与治疗前比较均有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Virtual Qi stagnation , disharmony of liver and gastroscopy syndrome , atrophy , intestinal metaplasia , dysplasia points before and after treatment were significantly different ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 兼气滞证10例,兼胃热证12例,兼血瘀证18例。采用原位分子杂交的方法检测胃粘膜活检标本bcl-2癌基因和p53抑癌基因mRNA表达。

    Of the 40 cases , 10 were complicated with Qi stagnation , 12 with stomach-heat , and 18 with blood stasis , mRNA expression of bcl - 2 oncogene and p53 suppression gene were detected in situ by molecular hybridization method .

  3. [结论]①DU活动期以热证、虚寒证和气滞证为多,三者可否作为DU活动期基本证型有待进一步研究。

    [ Conclusion ] Syndromes of active DU are mostly heat syndrome , asthenic cold syndrome and qi stagnation syndrome .

  4. 血浆GAS、SS水平下降的顺序是:瘀血证>郁热证>气滞证>对照组>阴虚证>虚寒证;

    The levels of GAS and SS from the highest to the lowest were : blood stagnation syndrome > stasis heat syndrome > qi stagnation syndrome > control group > yin deficiency syndrome > asthenic cold syndrome ;

  5. [结论]健脾消胀颗粒治疗FD脾虚气滞证痞满患者临床疗效与多潘立酮作用相近。

    [ Conclusion ] The therapeutic effect of JXG is similar with that of motilium in treating FD or fullness of the spleen deficiency and qi stagnation syndrome .

  6. 结果:(1)对判别是否符合冠心病诊断进行二元logistic回归分析:结果显示血瘀证系数B为1.108,其相对危险度为3.029;而气滞证系数B为-1.157,其相对危险度为0.315。

    Results : ( 1 ) determine whether coronary artery disease by binary logistic regression analysis : The results showed that blood stasis syndrome stasis syndrome coefficient B is 1.108 , the relative risk was 3.029 ; and Qi stagnation coefficient B is-1.157 , The relative risk of 0.315 .

  7. 结果:(1)中医小肠病证220例患者中,小肠气滞证44例,占20%;

    Qi stagnation in the small intestine has 44 cases , account for 20 % ;

  8. 脾虚气滞证胃病是癌前疾病,Ⅱb型肠化生是癌前病变。

    Spleen deficiency with Qi stagnation is precancerous disease and ⅱ b metaplasia is precancerosis .

  9. 临床上应高度重视脾虚气滞证胃病的癌变倾向。

    Much attention must be paid in clinic to the cancerization trend of gastric disease with Spleen deficiency syndrome .

  10. 女性患者气滞证较男性多见,男性患者痰湿证较女性多见。

    Female patients with Qi stagnation are more common than men , but men patients with phlegm are more common than women .

  11. 同时,作为气滞证的特征性标志,中枢神经单胺类递质可能也会受到本事琥珀散的调控。

    At the same time , as the characteristic sign of qi stagnation , central monoamine neurotransmitters may also be regulated by BSHPS .

  12. 单一证型中,小肠气滞证、小肠寒热失调证、小肠虚寒证、小肠湿热证较常见。

    Among the single syndrome type , stagnation of qi , imbalance of cold and heat and damp - heat syndrome were most common .

  13. 标实证包括:血瘀兼气滞证、血瘀兼痰浊证、血瘀兼寒凝证。虚实夹杂证之本虚证包括:血瘀兼气虚证、血瘀兼阴虚证、血瘀兼阳虚证。

    The secondary excess syndrome involved blood stasis and qi stagnation syndrome , blood stasis and phlegm turbid syndrome , blood stasis and cold condensation syndrome .

  14. 热结证的病程最短,其次为气滞证,痰湿和血瘀证的病程相当,均偏长。

    Heat junction permits the shortest course of disease , followed by the course of Qi stagnation . Phlegm and blood stasis syndrome have a longer length .

  15. 北方分为阴虚夹脾气虚证、肺脾气虚证、脾肾阳虚夹气滞证,尚有部分近似健康儿童。

    Types in the north : Yin-deficiency with spleen Qi deficiency , Qi deficiency of spleen and lung , spleen and kidney Yang deficiency with Qi stagnation , and unsymptomatic children .

  16. 标实证中,高频耳鸣以热毒证出现频率最高;低频耳鸣以气滞证和湿浊证出现频率最高。

    In the empirical symptom , the highest frequency of High-frequency tinnitus appears in heat toxin syndrome ; The highest frequency of low-frequency tinnitus appears in syndrome of Qi stagnation and damp-turbidity .

  17. 结果:围绝经期综合征证型分布频数依次为阴虚阳亢证、肝郁气滞证、阴阳两虚证(P<0.01);

    The results showed that the frequency of syndromes distribution in perimenopausal syndrome were Yin deficiency and Yang excess , liver Qi depression , Yin-yang deficiency in order ( P < 0.01 ) .

  18. 结果:①4组心绞痛与血瘀气滞证证候疗效依次为血府逐瘀组,精制血府逐瘀组,药对组,安慰剂组(P<0.01);

    Result : The array of angina effect and blood stasis and qi stagnation of syndrome effect was XF group , JZ group , YD group , placebo group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  19. 胃宁合剂治疗虚寒证、气滞证、湿热证、血瘀证四种证型之间的有效率相近(P>005)。

    The effective rates in four patterns of cold deficient syndrome , qi stagnation syndrome , damp heat syndrome and blood stasis syndrome treated with " Stomach Peace Mixture " were similar ( P > 0.05 ) .

  20. 随访12个月时冠心病患者中医证候分布由多到少排列为:血瘀证痰浊证气虚证阴虚证阳虚证气滞证寒凝证。

    The TCM syndrome distribution extent of 12-month follow-up group is as follow : Blood stasis syndrome phlegm syndrome Qi Deficiency syndrome Yin deficiency syndrome Yang Deficiency syndrome Qi stagnation syndrome Cold Coagulation card syndrome . 3 .

  21. 结果抑郁症5类证候共1731例,各证的舌象、脉象具有一定的特征,例如肝郁气滞证的舌象表现以舌质淡红、舌苔白或黄为主,脉象表现以脉弦为主。

    Results As seen among the 1731 cases with depression , various patterns held certain character of tongue and pulse For example , that of Liver depression and Qi stagnation was reddish tongue , white or yellow fur and stringlike pulse .

  22. 结果从病例频次统计,证候依次是肝阳上亢证、痰浊上扰证、瘀阻脑络证、肝郁气滞证、肝肾阴虚证等;

    Results The pattern sequence related to case frequency was : ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang , phlegm turbidity harassing the upper body , stasis obstructing the network vessels of the brain , liver depression qi stagnation and liver-kidney yin defficiency ;

  23. 结果显示:胃痛散可显著改善急症胃痛气滞证患者的临床症状,其止痛疗效总有效率为914%,与对照组806%相比较有非常显著性差别(P<001)。

    Results : Weitong powder improved remarkably clinical symptoms of syndrome of stagnation of qi emergency stomach ache . Its total analgesis effective rate was 91 4 per cent . The total analgesis effective rate of control group was 80 6 per cent .

  24. 目的旨在观察健脾理气活血方治疗功能性消化不良脾虚气滞证的临床疗效,并与传统方药枳术丸进行对照。

    The objective of this study is to observe the clinical treatment effect of the prescription of invigorating spleen with regulating QI and promoting blood circulation ( PIGP ) on FD of spleen-deficiency and qi-stagnation , controling with traditional medicine of the pill of ZhiZhu .

  25. 各因子治疗前后实热证、气滞血瘀证与其他证型比较,差异都有显著性(P0.05)。

    The sthenic heat syndrome and stagnancy of Blood and Qi syndrome both have difference compared with other kinds of model of each factor ( P0.05 ) .

  26. 气滞血瘀证是OEC最常见的证型。

    Blood stasis based Qi stagnation is the most common syndromes . 3 .

  27. 最大尿流率大于15ml/s者,以气滞血瘀证居多;

    When Max urine rate of flow is larger than 15ml / s , the most syndrome is air sluggish and blood stasis .

  28. 结果:1.180例UC患者中医证型分布情况依次为:湿热内蕴证脾胃虚弱证肝郁脾虚证气滞血瘀证脾肾阳虚证阴血亏虚证,其中以湿热内蕴证为主,占全部患者的28%。

    Results : 1.180 cases of UC patients the distribution of TCM were : damp card weak stomach card Liver Spleen deficiency qi stagnation card spleen deficiency syndrome Yin and Blood deficiency syndrome , which damp cards , accounting for 28 % of all patients . 2 .

  29. 中医辨证属于肝肾亏虚,气滞血瘀证型。

    They were QI stagnation blood stasis , Liver and kidney deficiency type in TCM .

  30. 行气活血法治疗2型糖尿病气滞血瘀证的临床研究

    Clinical study on diabetes type 2 of qi stagnation and blood stasis treated with promoting flow of Qi and blood circulation method