
chánɡ wù dǒnɡ shì
  • managing director;standing member of the board of trustees
  1. 罗致恒富英国高级常务董事菲尔·谢里丹在一份声明中解释道:“35岁以上的员工都有宝贵的经验,整个团队都能从中受益。重视他们的幸福感是很重要的,因此企业需要花时间在各级员工身上进行投资。”

    Employees that are aged over 35 have valuable experience that the whole organisation can learn and benefit from , explained Robert Half UK Senior Managing Director Phil Sheridan in a statement . It 's important that their happiness is not neglected , so businesses need to take the time to invest in their staff at all levels .

  2. 公司执行委员会(CorporateExecutiveBoard)常务董事布莱恩•克鲁普认为,在许多行业中,与经验相比,企业更注重个人品性。

    Brian Kropp , a managing director at corporate executive board , says that companies value personality over experience in a range of industries .

  3. 本文作者是芝加哥全球事务委员会(TheChicagoCouncilonGlobalAffairs)研究常务董事

    The writer is executive director of studies at The Chicago Council on Global Affairs

  4. 直接向CEO、常务董事、董事会或企业所有者报告;

    Report directly to the CEO , Managing Director , Board of Directors or owner of the business ;

  5. 在亚洲当了20多年记者之后,马克·祈福德(MarkClifford)于2007年出任总部在香港的亚洲企业领袖协会(AsiaBusinessCouncil)常务董事。

    After 20 years in Asia as a journalist , Mark Clifford took over as executive director of the Hong Kong-based Asia Business Council in 2007 .

  6. 红木神经科学中心常务董事兼主席、PalmComputing公司联合创始人、人工智能公司Numenta联合创始人。

    Executive director and chairman of cognitive theory research organization Redwood Neuroscience Institute , co-founder of Palm Computing , and co-founder of machine intelligence company Numenta

  7. IMF委员会称,他们将计划在六月底完成选拔过程,并且指派新的常务董事。

    The IMF board said it would aim to complete the selection process and appoint a new managing director by the end of June .

  8. 译注)&艾米•班西,康卡斯特公司(Comcast)常务董事,基金部负责人

    Amy banse , managing director and head of funds , Comcast

  9. 拜耳美国常务董事RebeccaLucore表示,他们的研究得出了与美国大学妇女联合会类似的结果。

    Bayer USA Executive Director Rebecca Lucore says its study produced results similar to the AAUW research .

  10. 澳大利亚工业矿物有限公司(industrialmetalscompanyofaustralia)常务董事达德利金司诺司(dudleykingsnorth)表示,贸易商当中有传言称,中方已实施了非正式禁令。

    Dudley Kingsnorth , executive director of the industrial metals company of Australia , said there was talk among traders that an informal ban had been implemented .

  11. 我很惊奇地发现,半数以上的美国成年人都是单身,单人假日公司的常务董事安德鲁·威廉姆斯(AndrewWilliams)说。

    I was amazed to find that over half of American adults are single , said Andrew Williams , the managing director of Solos Holidays .

  12. 常务董事负责遵照本程序要求,对质量保证经理(QA)的注册审查员资质和认证进行评审。

    The Managing Director is responsible for reviewing qualification and certification of the QA Manager as a registered auditor in accordance with this procedure .

  13. •苹果聘请一家名为FarncombeInternational的英国公司及其常务董事格雷厄姆•罗宾逊,充当自己的秘密代理。

    • Apple hired a British firm called farncombe international and its managing director , Graham Robinson , to be its secret agent .

  14. 不过,正如马萨诸塞大学(UniversityofMassachusetts)贝尔蒂奥姆企业中心(BerthiaumeCenterforEntrepreneurship)的常务董事比尔伍尔德里奇(BillWooldridge)教授所指出的那样,中层经理头衔是一个总称。

    Yet the middle manager title is a catch-all , as Bill Wooldridge , professor and managing director of the Berthiaume Center for Entrepreneurship , University of Massachusetts , notes .

  15. 为飞机乘客代言的非盈利组织“航空消费者行动计划”(AviationConsumerActionProject)的常务董事保罗•哈德森(PaulHudson)说:“乘客本来就没有多少权利,而已成文的规定中有很多实际上并没有得到真正的贯彻。”

    Passengers have very few rights and many of the ones on paper are not really enforced , ' says Paul Hudson , executive director of the nonprofit Aviation Consumer Action Project , which advocates for airline passengers .

  16. 猎头公司SwannGlobal的亚洲常务董事彼得阿科尔认为,可口可乐提供的补贴表明这家公司在招募和留住在华工作员工时遇到了麻烦。

    Peter Arkell , managing director Asia for recruitment firm Swann Global , said the Coca-Cola allowance showed the company was having trouble retaining and attracting staff to China .

  17. 波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)常务董事泽维尔‧莫斯奎特(XavierMosquet)表示,该公司的研究显示,中国将在15年内成为最大的自动驾驶车辆市场。

    Research done by the Boston Consulting Group suggests that within 15 years China will be the largest market for autonomous vehicles , said Xavier Mosquet , a managing director at the firm .

  18. 该能力应由质量保证经理(QA)以书面形式证实,如果质量保证经理(QA)作为主审查员时,则其能力应由常务董事负责证实。

    These skills shall be attested to in writing by the QA Manager or by the Managing Director if the QA Manager is qualified as a Lead Auditor .

  19. 美国官员、公司总裁以及世界银行常务董事穆里亚尼宣星期六布了食品安全伙伴关系基金的成立,用以帮助APEC成员和其它国家和地区获得食品安全的保证。

    American officials , corporate executives and World Bank managing director Sri Mulyani Indrawati announced a partnership Saturday to help APEC members and others ensure the safety of their food .

  20. 整改工作开始之前,整改方案由质量保证经理(QA)核准,对质量保证部(QA)的整改方案,由英伦管架有限公司(BPS)常务董事核准。

    The corrective action measures shall be approved by the QA Manager or by BPS Managing Director in case of audit findings in the QA Department , prior to implementation .

  21. EndemolShineChina的常务董事WilliamTan谈到:“该剧意味着我们首次与中国合作伙伴签署剧本合作协议,英国和中国的编剧都有参与创作,这是一次真正的合作。

    William Tan , Managing Director of Endemol Shine China , says , " Humans marks our first scripted formats partnership deal with a local partner in China and having enlisted both UK and Chinese writers it 's truly a collaborative venture .

  22. K.C.McAlpin是全国非营利组织Pro-English的常务董事。

    K.C. McAlpin is executive director of a national nonprofit group called Pro-English .

  23. 壳牌由常务董事组成的一个委员会负责运营,委员会的成员由荷兰皇家石油公司(RoyalDutchPetroleum)和壳牌运输贸易有限公司(ShellTransportandTrading)的代表组成。

    Instead it was run by a committee of managing directors comprised of representatives from the two companies that came together , loosely , in 1907 , to form the company we know as shell : Royal Dutch Petroleum and shell transport and trading .

  24. 专家指出,在如此短的时间里各国领导人能够同意举行这次峰会,这一点就颇不寻常。查尔斯.达拉腊(CharlesDallara)是国际金融研究所的常务董事。

    Charles Dallara , who heads an association of global financial institutions , says it is extraordinary that leaders have agreed to meet on such short notice .

  25. 对于英伦管架有限公司(BPS)常务董事或质量保证经理(QA),如果其具有其他未在上述说明的,但适用于审查工作的能力证明,则最高可以给两(2)分。

    The BPS Managing Director or the QA Manager may grant up to two ( 2 ) credits for other performance factors applicable to auditing which may not be explicitly specified above .

  26. “由于创建美国磁悬浮系统的计划仅处于初步阶段,目前还没有达成任何具体的成本估算,”负责该项目融资事务的日本国际协力银行高级常务董事忠志前田告诉《财富》杂志(Fortune)。

    " As plans are just preliminary for the American maglev system , there is nothing concrete agreed as regards a cost estimate , " Tadashi Maeda , senior managing director of JBIC in charge of the financing to the project told fortune .

  27. 管道支架集团(PSG)常务董事或销售经理将根据客户要求提交正式报价,并对客户接受报价文件的情况进行跟踪。

    The PSG Managing Director or Sales Manager will submit the formal quotation in accordance with client 's requirements and will monitor the acceptance of the quotation documentation by the client .

  28. 惠誉评级(FitchRatings)常务董事鲍勃•库兰指出,相比2007年的最高位,市场上新的未售出住宅数量减少了71%,已建成未售住宅的供给也萎缩了32%。

    The number of new unsold homes on the market is down 71 % from its 2007 peak while the supply of existing unsold homes has shrunk 32 % , says Fitch Ratings managing director Bob Curran .

  29. 负责别克、庞蒂克和GMC营销的常务董事拉斯克拉克(Clark)表示:目标客户对别克的典型反应是,在人们的认知中,这款车适合年纪较大的人,不适合我。'

    The typical focus-group response to Buick is that it 's perceived as a car for older people , and not for me , says Russ Clark , executive director of marketing for Buick , Pontiac and GMC .

  30. 这位“三位一体合恩管理咨询公司”(trinityhorne)的常务董事把家里的顶楼作为办公室,这样一来他当然得不到来自秘书的帮助。

    By basing himself in an office on the top floor of his family home , the executive director at management consultancy Trinity Horne has , of course , deprived himself of secretarial help .