
  • 网络realistic novel;realist novel;Realistic Fiction
  1. 30年代的左翼现实主义小说;

    The second the left wing realistic fiction of the thirties ;

  2. 悲剧的隐匿&新现实主义小说的美学管窥

    The Hidden Tragedy & An Aesthetic View on New Realistic Fiction

  3. 丹尼尔·笛福(DanielDefoe,1660-1731)是英国现实主义小说的奠基人,被誉为英国和欧洲小说之父。

    Daniel Defoe ( 1660-1731 ) is the founding father of British realistic novel and is called " Father of Novel in Britain and Europe " .

  4. 新现实主义小说人文精神的审美向度

    Aesthetic orientation of the humanistic spirit in the novels of neo-realism

  5. 立足民间&新现实主义小说论

    Focus on Civilian & on the New Realism of Fiction Writing

  6. 英国19世纪中期现实主义小说叙事理论综述

    Survey of English Realist Narrative Theory in the Mid-19th Century

  7. 美国非虚构小说与现实主义小说叙事语法对比分析

    Contrastive Analysis of the Narrative Grammar of Nonfiction Novels and Realist Novels

  8. 奥斯丁也是英国现实主义小说的先驱者。

    Austen is the pioneer of the British realistic novels .

  9. 20世纪90年代中国农村题材新现实主义小说论

    On the Neo-realistic Novels about the Rural Subjects of China in 1990s

  10. 拉伯雷的怪诞现实主义小说和民间诙谐文化

    Rabelais ' Grotesque Realist Fictions and Culture of Folk Humor

  11. 20世纪美国现实主义小说的发展与复兴

    The development and revival of 20th century American realistic fiction

  12. 论西方十九世纪现实主义小说的诗意性与哲理性

    On the Poetry and Philosophy of Western Realist Novel of 19th Century

  13. 论传统现实主义小说创作的二元对立叙事模式

    Dual-antagonistic Narrative Model of the Chinese Traditional Realistic Novels

  14. 他被誉为英国现实主义小说的先驱者。

    He is known as " the pioneer of British realistic novel " .

  15. 刘醒龙是新现实主义小说的代表作家。

    LIU Xing-long is one of the representative author of new realism stories .

  16. 鲜明独特多姿多彩&论新现实主义小说的人物塑造

    Striking , Unique and Colourful & On the Characterization of the Neo-Realistic Novels

  17. 他的现实主义小说遭到了一些人的批判。

    His realistic novel was criticized by some people .

  18. 在超现实主义小说《追忆逝水年华》中,普鲁斯特突出介绍了这幅画。

    Proust featured the painting in his surrealist novel Remembrance of Things Past .

  19. 19世纪英国现实主义小说与伦理道德

    The 19th Century British Realistic Novels and Morality

  20. 九十年代现实主义小说创作概观

    The Realism Novel Creations Conspectus of 90 's

  21. 新时期以来,新现实主义小说在全国引起强烈反响。

    In the new period the new realistic novels arouses strong reponses around the country .

  22. 论文学研究会的心理现实主义小说

    On Psycho-realistic Novels of Literary Research Institute

  23. 《艰难时世》是一部现实主义小说吗?

    Is Hard Times a realistic novel ?

  24. 用新的审美范式构建艺术世界&论新现实主义小说的表现方法

    Construct Art World with New Taste Modes & On the Representing Methods of New Realistic Stories

  25. 十七年现实主义小说发展轨迹及其时代局限

    The Course of Development and Epoch Limitations of Realistic Novels in the Seventeen Years from 1949-1966

  26. 现实主义小说创作的三次高潮&20世纪中国文学视界

    THREE HIGH TIDES OF LITERARY CREATION OF REALISTIC NOVELS & Chinese Literature of the Twentieth Century

  27. 荒漠里的哀歌&评莫里亚克的心理现实主义小说《爱的荒漠》

    Elegy in the Wildness & On Mauriac s Psychological Realistic Novel The Wildness of Love ;

  28. 强烈的抒情性,具有明丽乐观的审美情调,这是周立波现实主义小说艺术的现代性的重要特征。

    This is an important characteristic of modernity settling up wave realistic novel art of Zhou Libo .

  29. 情节描写一直是现实主义小说的一个典型特点。

    The plot description is a typical feature of realistic novel and so it is in this novel .

  30. 他的文化的科学的民族志作品中明显带有现实主义小说的痕迹。

    His ethnological works on " science of culture " are characterized with the trace of realist stories .