
lù jūn shànɡ wèi
  • Army Captain;captain of the army
  1. .军旅里有很多不寻常的故事,但陆军上尉ScottySmiley故事更是与众不同。

    Well , there are so many amazing stories within the ranks of our military , but none quite like Army Captain Scotty Smiley .

  2. 在英国,一个军衔位于陆军上尉之下的委任陆军军官。

    A British commissioned army officer below the rank of captain .

  3. 迈克兰塞姆被提升为陆军上尉并成为营长。

    Mike ransom was promoted to captain and then became a battalion chief .

  4. 他曾是一名陆军上尉。

    He served as a captain in the army .

  5. 退休的陆军上尉安吉拉打碎汽车挡风玻璃,拯救了车里的婴儿。

    Retired army captain Angela Radtke smashed a car windshield to rescue a baby who was inside .

  6. 美国陆军上尉或海军上校有由总统签名的委任状。

    A captain in the United States army or navy has a commission signed by the President .

  7. 不是斯卡德尔先生,他回答说,英国陆军上尉西奥费乐司·迪格比。

    ' Not Mr Scudder , 'he answered . ' Captain Theophilus Digby of the British Army .

  8. 这是一位法国陆军上尉发明的供战时发送信息用的符号。

    This was a code that a French Army captain had made up for sending messages on the battlefield .

  9. 他们将这个陆军上尉提升到少校。在陆军,上校(军衔)在少将之下。

    The preferred the captain to the rank of major . In the army colonels are subordinate to major generals .

  10. 影片塑造的英雄是一位英勇无敌、深受爱戴的国王(扮演者是一名陆军上尉),他赶走了入侵的缅甸军队,重新树立了民族自豪感。

    Its hero is a revered warrior-king played by an army captain who repels the occupying Burmese army and restores national pride .

  11. 前陆军上尉威廉·斯温森因为他09年在阿富汗的表现获得了荣誉勋章,他觉得这事件意义重大。

    In what he described as monumental event , former Army Captain William Swenson received the Medal of Honor yesterday for his actions during a battle in Afghanistan in 2009 .

  12. 电影发生在一战的第三年。主演柯克·道格拉斯,他饰演陆军上尉达克斯,法国的指挥官拒绝继续这场自杀式的突袭。

    It is set during the third year of World War I. The film stars Kirk Douglas as Colonel Dax , the commanding officer of French soldiers who refused to continue a suicidal attack .

  13. 他被提升为陆军中尉/海军上尉。

    He was promoted to lieutenant .