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lù lí
  • weirdly colourful;weirdly colorful;weirdly beautiful
陆离 [lù lí]
  • [weirdly colorful; weirdly beautiful] 形容色彩绚丽繁杂

  • 光怪陆离

  • 带长铗之陆离兮。--《楚辞.屈原.涉江》

陆离[lù lí]
  1. 通过倾斜或者侧景拍摄,这张图片很好的捕捉到了漂浮在因阳光反射而光亮陆离海面上的细长的带状黑色原油。

    Taken obliquely , or from a side view , the shot captures fine ribbons of dark oil amid lighter-hued waters gleaming with reflected sunlight .

  2. 此陆离非参差之意,而是屈原留下来的夏言史和汉语史上的第一个外来语&琉璃的音译。

    The word liuli does not mean irregular , but was the first loan word in the history of Chinese - a transliteration of liuli , coloured glaze .