
lù jūn shào xiào
  • major of the army
  1. 他是美国陆军少校。

    He 's a major in the US army .

  2. 你知道,战争期间我是一名陆军少校。

    I was a major in the war , you know .

  3. 陆军少校的军阶在上尉与中校之间。

    An army major ranks between a captain and a colonel .

  4. 一位加拿大的陆军少校Peuchen就自称对划船经验丰富,自告奋勇地要求去划船。之后,他的这一做法也遭到了指责。

    Major Peuchen , a Canadian passenger who volunteered himself to man a boat because he was an experienced yachtsman , was afterwards maligned .

  5. 他们指派了一位陆军少校亦步亦趋地跟着我的父母。

    An army major was assigned to my parents and followed them everywhere .

  6. 担任心理健康医师的美国陆军少校尼达尔•哈桑在德克萨斯军事基地开枪射击。

    US army psychologist , Major Nidal Hasan opens fire at a Texas military base .

  7. 陆军少校尼达尔·哈桑案正在得克萨斯州进行第二天的庭审。

    The second day of sentencing is under way in Texas in the trial of Army Major Nidal Hassan .

  8. 迪肯的父母分别是陆军少校和女牧师,家中姊妹三人,迪肯排行第三。

    Deacon , the youngest of three sisters , is the daughter of a female vicar and an army major .

  9. 一位陆军少校探望生病的士兵,走到一位士兵跟前问道:“这位战士,你哪里不舒服?”

    An army Major visits the sick soldiers , goes up to one private and asks ," What 's your problem , Soldier ?"

  10. 陆军少校彼特戈德弗兰戴着一个臂章,臂章上印着一位2004年在伊拉克牺牲的年轻警官的名字。

    Army Major Peter Godfrin wears a bracelet bearing the name of a young sergeant he served with who was killed by a landmine in Iraq in2004 .

  11. 非盟维和部队发言人、乌干达陆军少校巴里吉耶.巴胡库驳斥了青年党的威胁,他说青年党想让索马里人丧失结束暴乱、实现稳定的机会。

    AMISOM spokesman , Ugandan army Major Barigye Ba-Hoku dismissed the threat , saying al-Shabab is trying to spoil an opportunity for Somalis to end the insurgency and achieve stability .

  12. 周四,一名美国军官在得克萨斯一大型空军基地开火,造成至少12人死亡,30多人受伤。该军官可能还有两名同伙。当地官员辨认枪手可能是陆军少校马里克·纳达尔·哈桑。

    A U.S. Army officer , and possibly two accomplices , opened fire on a large base in Texas Thursday , killing at least 12 people and wounding more than 30 .

  13. 这是2009年得州胡德堡案件之后发生过最恶劣的美国军事大楼暴力事件。在那起事件中,美国陆军少校奈达·哈桑向没有配备武器的士兵开火,导致13人死亡31人受伤。

    It was the worst attack at a U.S. military installation since U.S. Army Major Nidal Hasan opened fire on unarmed soldiers at Fort Hood , Texas , in 2009 , killing 13 people and wounding 31 others .

  14. 陪审团一直犹豫是否判处陆军哈桑少校罕见的军事死刑,周一,陪审团听取了受害者以及他们亲属的证词。

    Jurors deciding whether to impose a rare military death sentence on Army Major Nidal Hasan , heard testimony Monday from victims and their families .

  15. 陆军中校比少校级别高。

    A lieutenant colonel ranks above a major .

  16. 他们将这个陆军上尉提升到少校。在陆军,上校(军衔)在少将之下。

    The preferred the captain to the rank of major . In the army colonels are subordinate to major generals .

  17. 在得克萨斯州胡德堡军事基地,陆军心理医生尼达尔·哈桑少校在2009年11月枪击案中的谋杀罪名成立。

    At Fort Hood , Texas , army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan has been convicted of murder in a November 2009 shooting rampage .