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yǎo tiǎo
  • Get lean;gentle and graceful ; secluded
窈窕 [yǎo tiǎo]
  • (1) [(of a woman)gentle and graceful]∶[女子]文静而美好的

  • 窈窕淑女。--《诗.周南.关雎》

  • 窈窕世无双。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • 窈窕艳城郭。

  • 入则乱发坏形,出则窈窕作态。--后汉书.曹世叔妻传》

  • (2) [(of a palace,landscape, etc.) secluded]∶[宫室、山水]幽深的

  • 窈窕以寻壑。--晋. 陶渊明《归去来兮辞》

窈窕[yǎo tiǎo]
  1. 这些手套都是缝制于东萨西克斯一个农场里经改造过的牛棚,领头的是身形窈窕的吉纳维芙·詹姆斯(GenevieveJames)。

    Each of these gloves was sewn in a converted cowshed on a farm in East Sussex , under the direction of the willowy Genevieve James .

  2. 1982年,杰西卡·兰格(JessicaLange)在《窈窕淑男》(Tootsie)中饰演的迷人单身职业母亲朱莉(Julie)成了我的偶像,她性感地对达斯汀·霍夫曼(DustinHoffman)饰演的角色说,自己“天生就只用解冻食物就行了”。

    In 1982 , Jessica Lange as Julie , the glamorous single working mother in " Tootsie , " became my ego-ideal when she sexily told Dustin Hoffman 's character that she was a " born defroster .

  3. 爱奥尼柱式模仿了女子的窈窕。

    Ionic order imitated the gentle and graceful temperament of female .

  4. 臀部的圆翘,自然会带动身材曲线的窈窕。

    Round and springy butt usually highlights your sylphlike figure .

  5. 他的遐想和那窈窕的仙女溜掉。

    His dream-life and the slim fairy girl had fled .

  6. 每天跑步让我保持窈窕的身材。

    My daily run keeps me in good shape .

  7. 纯棉质地柔软舒适,修身剪裁让窈窕身姿完全展现出来。

    Soft and comfortable cotton , Slim Fit cut to posture completely unfolded .

  8. 我想找一位与美丽窈窕的女孩与我共谱人生。

    I would like a nice slim asian girl to fill my world !

  9. 世上就没有窈窕少女。

    There is no fairy lady in the world .

  10. 但在哈尔眼中,罗斯•玛丽却是窈窕又美丽。

    In Hal 's eyes , though , Rosemary is lithe and gorgeous .

  11. 汽车制造商因为址身材窈窕的模特儿来作广告而受到批评。

    Car manufacturers have been criticized for using shapely models to advertise their cars .

  12. 这些孩子当中,有的白晰,有的黑而窈窕。

    Some of those children were fair and rounded , others dark and elf-like .

  13. 孩子们有的白晰而丰腴,有的黝深而窈窕;

    Some of these children were fair and rounded , others dark and elf-like ;

  14. 经过岁月的沉淀,中国古代四大美女的窈窕身影仍留在我们的记忆中。

    With time , the Four Beautiful Women in ancient China still remain in our memories .

  15. 你可以点击“这里”来得到属于你的“窈窕妈咪生活秘方”!

    You can pick up your copy of the FIT YUMMMY MUMMY LIFESTYLE by clicking HERE !

  16. 别忘了,心理与情绪方面的健康,比起窈窕身材更重要。

    Do not forget , psychological and emotional health is more important than the Get Fit .

  17. 什么样的衣裳使她窈窕的身材更显得更为动人和最使艾希礼倾倒呢?

    What dress would best set off her charms and make her most irresistible to ashley ?

  18. “窈窕”作为审美范畴在《诗经》中指高大健壮的视觉美感。

    Yaotiao as an aesthetic category stressed greatly stature and healthy and strong aesthetic feeling of vision .

  19. 我常常被朋友或在访问中被问到我们是如何保持这麽窈窕。

    I have been asked so frequently by friends or during interviews on how we stay so slim .

  20. 你想参加一项活动,会比较容易,如果你窈窕健康?

    Do you want to participate in an activity that would be easier if you were slim and healthy ?

  21. 增加排汗及促进皮下脂肪的排除;减少淋巴毒素和沉积物,窈窕瘦身。

    Promote sweating and reducing subcutaneous fat , reduce lymphotoxin and deposit , and gift you a slim figure .

  22. 简洁的线条衬托出她的窈窕身材,而刺绣和复古的胸针则与她的古典发型搭配。

    The clean lines accentuate her shapely figure , while panels of needlework and period-style brooches complement her vintage hairdo .

  23. 一天,大业正在房内读书,只见几个婢女拥着一个窈窕少女进屋。

    One day shile Daye was reading , a graceful young lady walked into his room accompanied by several maids .

  24. 你是淑女,而且窈窕,而我一向以正人君子自居,理当求之。

    You are a fair lady , and engaging , but I always with gentleman from reside , should be beg it .

  25. 她有窈窕的身子,胸部和臀部十分明显,一身的曲线,在这两个部位得以淋漓尽致的体现。

    Her slim body , chest and hips is very obvious , a curve , in this embodiment of the two sites can be vividly .

  26. 当脱下臃肿的羽绒服以及装有冰爪的登山鞋后,陈晨是位留着娃娃头的窈窕少女。

    When she removes her puffy down jacket and climbing boots fitted with crampons , Chen Chen is a slim woman with a pageboy haircut .

  27. 你现在25岁,在未来的5年里,你仍可以保持窈窕的身段,俏丽的容貌,虽然每年略有退步。

    You are now25 , in the next five years , you can still maintain the posture slim , pretty appearance , although a slight decline each year .

  28. 喜欢束腰设计的女生可以选择一条宽皮腰带代替传统的针织腰带,让身材更显窈窕的同时也提升了隆重感。

    Like waist design that girls can choose a wide leather belt instead of the traditional knitting belt , so that even more slim figure while also raising a grand feeling .

  29. 在第一次遇见她的时候,我们可能是被她的外表所吸引住了。她有着美丽的脸蛋,窈窕的身材,时尚的着装,雪白细嫩的肌肤等。

    We are attracted by her first impression during meeting , because her face is beautiful and skin is white , but has a good figure and dressing in fashionable clothes .

  30. 带着紧密清脆节奏的鼓点在周三敲响于约旦皇家酒店,十二个窈窕的中国女孩以她们的表演倾倒了他们的阿拉伯观众。

    Drumbeats with inspiringly fast and clear rhythm on Wednesday evening rocked the Royal Hotel of Jordan where the performers , a dozen slender Chinese girls , stunned their Arab audience .