
  • 网络imitability;inimitable;Imperfectly Imitable
  1. 对于组织而言,成员拥有的社会关系具有价值性、稀缺性和不可模仿性,是竞争优势转化的源泉(Tsang,1998)。

    For an organization , the social relationship of members is valuable , scarce and inimitable . It is the source of competitive advantages transformation ( Tsang , 1998 ) .

  2. 从资源、能力、学习角度分析了高存量人力资本在企业战略中的地位,高存量人力资本具有稀缺性、不可模仿性和替代性特征而成为企业的核心竞争力。

    Due to the characteristic of human capital scarcity , non-imitation , non-replacement , it becomes the core competence of enterprises .

  3. 本文遵循着企业核心能力考察到绩效研究这一基本范式,在理论研究的同时,也试图进行了部分的创新工作,例如运用博弈论来验证客户资本能力的不可模仿性。

    Researching , we initiate some innovative work , for example , using Games Theory to validate the none - imitation charter about client 's capital ability .

  4. 并针对勘察设计企业获得持续竞争优势的问题提出了人力资源以差异性、不可模仿性、不可替代性为主要特征从而是第一核心竞争力。

    Design enterprise for sustainable competitive advantage in human resources issues in different , non-imitative , non-substitutability as the main features of which is the first core competitiveness .

  5. 同时,从人类情感体验的共性和语言所体现的情感风格的直观性、可模仿性说明情感是可以复制的。

    On the other hand , emotion can be reproduced , based on common features of human emotional experience and the possibility of intuiting and copying the emotional styles of language .

  6. 另一个挑选诗人的标准是:这些入选诗人的诗歌都具有一定的可模仿性,注重练字炼句,可以让后人照此方法学习写诗。

    Another criteria for the selection of the poet : the poetry of these poets are selected with a certain degree of replicability , pay attention to practice calligraphy refining sentence , so that future generations can learn from writing the basis of this method .

  7. 南北框架下有关知识产权保护的文献或多或少的包含了隐含假设,知识资本不存在非竞争性(可模仿性)的差异。

    However , under the North-South framework , the literature about intellectual property protection includes more or less implicit assumption that non-competitive differences of intellectual capital do not exist , which is that the dependence of all types of new technologies on intellectual property protection is the same .

  8. 人的独特性、不可替代性和不可模仿性决定了人力资源是构成企业核心竞争力的关键性战略资源。

    The unique , irreplaceable and uninitiated qualities of the people decide that the human resources constitute the core competitiveness of enterprises in key strategic resource .