
kǒnɡ bù zhǔ yì xínɡ wéi
  • terrorist act;act of terrorism
  1. 甚至被视为恐怖主义行为。

    It can be considered an act of terrorism .

  2. 他试图在纽约地铁站台实施恐怖主义行为

    In an attempt to commit an act of terrorism on a New York subway platform .

  3. pointto暗示,指向他们指向了以宗教名义实施的恐怖主义行为。

    They point to terrorist acts committed in the name of the religion .

  4. 他们被指控犯有令人痛恨的恐怖主义行为。

    They have been accused of committing abhorrent acts of terrorism .

  5. 电子故意破坏公私财物和恐怖主义行为;

    Intentionally destroy public or private properties by electronic means and terrorism ;

  6. 这可以说是极端恐怖主义行为。

    I 'd call that an act of domestic terrorism .

  7. 9·11事件等恐怖主义行为是典型的恐怖主义犯罪。

    Terrorist actions like the 9.11 are typical terrorist crimes .

  8. 制止核恐怖主义行为公约

    Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism

  9. 美洲国家组织关于防止和惩治恐怖主义行为的公

    Organization of American States : Convention to Prevent and Punish Acts of Terrorism

  10. 法国总统奥朗德称,毫无疑问那是一次恐怖主义行为。

    President Francois Hollande said there was little doubt it was a terrorist act .

  11. 但是,我们仍然谴责打击的个人或团体的个人的与国家的恐怖主义行为。

    But we also condemn the acts of individual and state terrorism conducted against individuals or groups .

  12. 除了国外发起的恐怖主义行为外,美国内部恐怖主义活动也是屡见不鲜。

    In addition to foreign-sponsored terrorism , the United States has an ample history of domestic terrorism .

  13. 每个计划包括的范围为紧急医疗后送,校际体育,恐怖主义行为和更多!

    Each plan includes coverage for Emergency Medical Evacuation , Intercollegiate Sports , Acts of Terrorism and more !

  14. 近几年,监管部门推出了大量额外规定,主要是为了应对有组织犯罪和恐怖主义行为。

    Regulators have piled on extra requirements in recent years , largely to tackle organised crime and terrorism .

  15. 李-汤普森,梯勒家里的律师和朋友,称这个谋杀案是国内恐怖主义行为。

    Lee Thompson , the Tiller family 's attorney and friend , called the murder an act of domestic terrorism .

  16. 你在书中探讨了当代社会的定义缺失,这怎样在实际上助长恐怖主义行为并且突出他们的影响。

    In the book you discuss the absence of meaning in contemporary society , and how this can actually encourage acts of terrorism and accentuate their impact .

  17. 11年来,9.11留下的遗产有能力自信地说,任何敌人和任何恐怖主义行为都无法改变我们的本色。

    Eleven years later , thats the legacy of 9 / 11 the ability to say with confidence that no adversary and no act of terrorism can change who we are .

  18. 卜拉希米表示,和谈议题包括四点,分别为打击暴力和恐怖主义行为、组建过渡管理机构、保留国家机构以及民族和解与对话。

    The four-point agenda included fighting violence and terrorism , the transitional governing body , national institutions , and as well as national reconciliation and national debate , according to Brahimi .

  19. 恐怖主义行为滋生于20世纪初叶,一些组织或个人基于各种各样的动机或目的不断实施危害人类的行为,如劫持航空器、劫持人质等。

    Terrorism emerged in the early 1900s when some organizations or individuals , for various motives or purposes , threatened the human being with such actions as aircrafts and hostages hijacking , etc.

  20. 一个德国的礼仪团体呼吁全面禁止办公室里同事间互相亲吻,他们声称亲脸蛋是一种恐怖主义行为。

    A German etiquette group has called for a total ban on work colleagues kissing one another in the office , claiming a peck on the cheek is a form of ' terrorism ' .

  21. 虽然马萨诸塞州没有死刑,但如果他因在4月15日制造爆炸案、杀害3人并致多人伤残,由此犯下恐怖主义行为的联邦罪行,他可能面临处决。

    While Massachusetts does not have the death penalty , he could face execution if found guilty of federal terrorism charges for the April 15 bombings that killed three people and maimed many others .

  22. “在支持以色列安全方面,美国将毫不动摇,我们将坚决打击这种恐怖主义行为。”奥巴马总统说。

    " The United States is going to be unwavering in its support of Israel 's security , and we are going to push back against these kinds of terrorist activities ," said President Obama .

  23. 前国家安全局官员及告密者威廉·贝尼表示国安局间的谍行为违反了美国宪法,他表示怀疑亚历山大声称的庞大国内数据收集是需要防止恐怖主义行为。

    Former NSA official and whistleblower William Binney says the NSA spying violates the U.S. Constitution , and he disputes Alexander 's claim that massive domestic data collection is needed to prevent acts of terrorism .

  24. 非法干扰行为,特别是恐怖主义行为往往导致大规模第三方损害,比如2001年发生在美国的9/11事件。

    Unlawful interference action , especially the terroristic action is seriously possible to cause third parties ' damage with large scale . 9 / 11 event happened in United States in 2001 was a good example .

  25. 然而,安德鲁-柯里在美国最新一期《发现》杂志中发表《恐怖数学》一文说,恐怖主义行为根本不是随意的,至少从数学角度来说不是。

    But according to " The Mathematics of Terror ," an article by Andrew Curry in the latest issue of Discover magazine , acts of terrorism aren 't random at all & not mathematically speaking , anyway .

  26. 在古巴关塔那摩湾的检察官已经洗清了三名被指控被拘留者疑似恐怖主义的行为。

    Prosecutors at Guantanamo Bay Cuba have dropped charges against three suspected terrorism detainees .

  27. 恐怖主义相关行为要素研究

    Research of Relative Factors of Terrorism

  28. 我的心与那些曾受到恐怖主义者行为直接影响的人们同在,与那些丧失挚爱的人们同在。

    My thoughts have been with those of you who were directly affected by the terrorist actions , and those who have lost someone you loved .

  29. 参数,如债券,具体的隔离,残余应力,蠕变,收缩,和类型的负荷也有一个作用,对打击资助恐怖主义的行为。

    Parameters such as bond , concrete confinement , residual stresses , creep , shrinkage , and type of loading also have an effect on the CFT 's behavior .

  30. 然而印度官员表示,他们所称的越境恐怖主义和渗透行为将在计划的会谈中提上议事日程。

    However officials said the issue of what India calls cross border terrorism and infiltration will come up in the scheduled talks .